Twenty Eight

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Before I start, I want to apologise for not updating like I used to. I still love both of my books but I feel like I have no time for writing at the moment. At school, I try to write as I'm often left by myself but when I come home it's always homework and then in the evenings I just want to relax and not worry about having to write. I'm kind of stressed and all and I'm finding it hard to write so please bare with me whilst I give you updates. They'll come about once a week and I still want to write: I love writing for gods sake but I'm struggling to find time. So here's an update- enjoy 💕

Later that day, the two blondes stand inside Taylor's closet, both of them only clothed by designer underwear. Karlie is clothed by Calvin Kleins and her girlfriend is wearing Victoria's Secret. "I don't know what to wear," Taylor moans, trying to keep her eyes locked with Karlie's.

"You should..." Her eyes slide down and she pauses, starting again, "you should wear... Err, just like something simple I guess."

"What're you wearing?" The model asks.

"Black," she replies simply. So both girls get dressed, Karlie wearing a leather skirt in the middle of December paired with a shirt and Taylor puts on a black top with leather pants, finding a bright pair of heels to liven up the simple outfit. Karlie finds ankle boots in black: pairing them with drop earrings. Then they're both ready.

"Where to today Miss Swift?" The driver asks. The younger girl rolls her eyes whilst sliding in,

"How many time have I told you to call me Taylor? And Tree should've given you the directions but it's The 1975 concert in case she didn't."

"Okay... Taylor," he adds as an afterthought. The singer smiles at him, lacing her hand into Karlie's in the privacy of the car.

The VIP section of the arena is crowded with a lot of people, none of whom are nearly as famous as the two blondes that have bagged a section leaning on the rail so they have a perfect view of the stage: not too close, not too far. All around them people are drinking, sloshing liquid out of the cheap, plastic cups and onto the floor and each other. "God, this is so tasteless," she mutters, no one luckily hearing over the bass that's thumping around the room. Imagine, Taylor Swift, the nicest person in showbiz, calling a fellow musician tasteless, she thinks bitterly, imagining the headlines that would adorn the magazines. "Babe, are you okay?" Karlie questions, taking her shoulder gently. Already paranoid about headlines, she jumps but then relaxes as she sees it's he model.

"Yeah... Yeah I am," she says, trying to be resolute.

"Relax love, it's going to be fine... And afterwards you can go and meet your," she swallows, "love interest." Taylor can sense the swallow, finding it's her time to comfort her partner.

"He isn't my love interest, you're my love interest." To prove this, she discreetly slides her hand up Karlie's leather skirt, pinching her bundle of nerves and eliciting a gasp from the younger girl.

"Taylor," she gasps, although not bothering to remove the older girls hand.

Grinning evilly, Taylor asks, "is something bothering you?" A small smirk lines her lips.

All the model can do is stutter, "I'm all good."

"Perfect." Taylor pinches her clit and then removes her hand. Lately she's being more dominating and Karlie has to admit, she's loves it. There's just something so hot about a controlling Taylor. You should hear her on the phone to her management when she's angry, the model sometimes has to leave the room to stop herself from kissing the old girl. "How about a drink," the singer then asks the flushed girl, taking her waist and dragging her to the bar. "What d'you want sunshine?"

"Err," the model pauses, completely taken off guard as she didn't think the singer drinks in public. "What're you having?"

"White wine," the older girl replies.

"I'll have a beer."

Turning to the bar, the shorter girl orders. The man behind the bar oggles both of them, Taylor crossing her arms and instructing him to hurry up as he's making them wait. Mumbling an apology, he wanders off to fetch the drinks. "You're so feisty," Karlie whispers, breathing purposely on the songwriters ear as she knows she likes it.

"I can't have him looking at you in that way," the short haired girl replies simply, grabbing the drinks and heading back to their space. "He has to know that you aren't available."

Giggling lightly, Karlie replies, "I love it when you're possessive," before taking a sip of the fresh orange coloured liquid.

"You're mine Kloss."

"And you're mine," the model snaps back easily. They both turn to face the stage then, a rumbling of drums grabbing their attention. The show is about to start.

Karlie was on her third drink, the blonde with her hesitantly starting her second drink. They're a few songs in but neither of them are particularly enamoured by the performance, the only thing keeping this going is the atmosphere. "I can't believe I'm wasting an evening alone with you on this," Taylor mutters into the models ear, getting closer than necessary as the band are taking a break.

"It'll be worth it though," Karlie reassures her.

The singer sighs- "I guess." They then both turn back to the stage, touching fingers secretively and watching with a bored interest as the band start to play again. As they start the next song, the shorter girl downs the rest of the cheap beer Karlie got her and leans forward, the liquid relaxing her system slightly. They're both slightly tipsy now though neither of them would admit it.

The second to last song. Karlie is now on her fourth drink, not being stopped by the older girl whilst Taylor is halfway through a third. No one seems to have noticed its them as they stand, now dancing against eachother, so they've loosened up, dancing with their hips in contact, Taylor's hand then accidentally grazing Karlie's breast. The contact sucks air from both of them but no one seems to have noticed.

What happens next only takes a few seconds, the happiness of this song and the drink coursing around their bodies stopping them for being rational. One second they're dancing normally, the next both of their lips have met and they're tongues are mixing.

"Taylor, I love you," the younger girl smiles into the kiss, then pulling away breathlessly.

"I've always loved you Karls," the singer then admits, lacing their hands together and giggling shyly back. Not much more is said that night, the rest of the evening passes quickly. They then head home, collapsing into the same bed and tangling up their limbs.

So there's your update my lovely readers. I now have to decide who Tay should beard with because I'm torn between choosing Calvin and portraying him as a monster whilst running the risk of being 'mainstream' or choosing someone else but not knowing much.
Shoutout to @bluewolfsky who has some amazing one shots. Keep reading to be chosen, just let me know if you'd like to be chosen.

I've written some one shots however it's a bit much I think for a lot of you- I don't know, WHAT DO YOU THINK??

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