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Hey Ed, it's Taylor- ring me back when you get a minute.

The singer had left multiple messages for Ed after the red headed publicist exit her apartment, now sitting nursing a small Pumpkin Spice Latte and binge watching Greys Anatomy like she was renowned for. Her girlfriend was making a quick call in another room and then after that, they're planning on relaxing with their lanky bodies entwined around eachother. The younger girl has a shoot tomorrow so this will be their last relaxing day for a while. "All sorted?" The singer asks as the taller girl walks back in, her eyes bright.

"Sorted." The model pauses, "we should go out for dinner tonight."

Curious, Taylor asks, "why?"

"To celebrate," the green eyed girl answers smartly, still not giving anything away and then kissing the shorter girl lightly on the lips.

"Of course love," she smiles, although not entirely sure why they're celebrating. Turning the TV back up, she pulls the younger girl on top of her, the mood suddenly changing from playful to alluring and tense. "Although, why go out tonight when I could just eat you." Taylor is definitely the more prude out of the two: the model must really be changing her to get her to say these things.

"Tay," the younger girl gasps, even if she isn't entirely opposed to the idea- her core throbbing at the thought of what they could do right now.

"You want me sunshine," is all the songwriter replies, kissing the taller girls neck lovingly and sending shivers down her spine. Karlie moans in reply. Just as the singers hands reach the top of the younger girls jeans, the phone rings, a harsh ringing that makes the duo jump apart like they've been caught making out by their parents. Taylor hops up to get it, her long limbs only just reaching the phone as she sprints across her huge living room. It is huge- too huge if you're going to do things like leaving a short ringing object on the other side. "Hello," she says breathlessly down the machine while Karlie giggles lightly at the whole scenario. She's cold now though, missing the short haired girls body warmth.

"Hey Tay, it's Ed," a British voice says from somewhere across the world: England, if the gingers friend remembers correctly where he is at the precise moment.

"Oh hey Ed. How are you?" Always polite, is the singer.

"Good, now tell me Swifty, what do you need to talk about?" Their's a pregnant pause from the blue eyed girl who takes in a breath and then let's her words flow out in a jumble,

"Ineedyoutobeardwithmebecauseoftheconcertlastnight," she mumbles. All the Brit can do is laugh at how nervous his friend is. Normally, she's the opposite. That is, when she's doing her thing. Believe it or not, the singer found it extremely hard to meet Ed's parents, just in case they didn't like her.

"What?" He asks.

"Errr. I don't know if you saw the pictures from last night," pausing once more, Taylor scratches the back of her neck and glances towards the taller girl for some reassurance. "But the media is like 90 percent certain me and Karls are dating but we aren't ready to come out etc etc... So..." She's cut off.

"You want me to beard with you?" He questions.

"Err, I mean, yeah, if that's okay with you like," she stumbles once more. The line goes silence apart from her friends breathing which is eerie as both girls wait for a reply with baited breath. Taylor desperately wants to avoid that Calvin bloke who, after research, has turned out to be a racist, islamophobic dickhead with no more sense than a flea.

"I guess." Across the pond, the Englishman scratches his ginger hair and contemplates the situation. Not too much bad can come from this, right? "So I'll come see you when I'm next in America." Another pause, "babe." He's being sly now, biting his tongue to see what her reply is. Instead it's another voice.

"Fuck off Sheeran, she's mine," a lanky model yells down the phone.

"Okay...okay," he laughs, knowing it's only banter. "So I'll get my publicist to talk to yours babe!"

Still giggling, the singer replies, "that would be great Ed. You're a gift from God."

"Hahaha I know." He hangs up then, leaving the two girls by themselves again. They cuddle contently, confusing limbs and kissing gently from time to time while the blue eyed girl tries desperately to watch Greys. Karlie finds this hilarious, attempting to get the singers attention as desperately as the shorter girl is trying to focus on the glowing screen. She resorts to Taylor's weak spot. Fingers creeping up the other girls legs, she pressures the older girls clît, electing a moan from her mouth which delights the model. "You like that," she questions suggestively, pressing down through Taylor's pants again.

"God yes Karls, I..." She cuts off once more as the younger girl whips her pants down, leaving just a pair of lacy pants, ones the model often requests to see. Red and lacy, they happen to be the green eyed girls favourite pair. Leaving the singer wide eyed, she slides them down, flipping them both so she's on top, perching lightly on Taylor's thighs and still massaging, this time on her bundle of nerves. "Please Karlie," is all the singer can whimper, a small smile forming on her beautiful features.

"I'm hungry," the model then says, getting up and pulling her girlfriends pants up, "afterwards yeah?"

"S-sure," the shorter girl mumbles. Slightly annoyed but knowing she'll get some later, Taylor pulls out a directory of take away leaflets she's compiled from her time living in New York. "You choose," she then instructs.

"Icescream," the model insists almost immediately. It's a regular haunt for pretty much anyone living around this area and the singer has treated her favourite blonde to an Icecream there many time.

"I thought we were having dinner," the shorter girl giggles.

"Icescream for dinner." They lock eyes for a minute but Karlie finally wins with her smouldering stare, causally melting the songwriter until she obliges with ringing up and ordering their favourites: Cookies and Cream, Pop Tart sundae, to share. It's more unusual than most orders but the small parlour doesn't mind- it just means more money for them.

Half an hour later (what that half an hour was filled with shouldn't be mentioned), both of the blondes sit in front of a huge sundae, perched precariously in a huge glass Sundae glass. Both of them are observing each other, silently daring one another to go first but not wanting to be the first to take a bite of the beautifully decorated cream. "So what did you want to celebrate?" The singer asks her girlfriend, finally digging in.

"Well. I've been really interested in code for a while now and you've probably seen me do the online courses... So I applied for a course at uni." Eyes meeting, Taylor gives Karlie that look: begging her to go on. "I applied to NYU and..." A small pause for effect, "they've accepted me for this fall!" Huge smiles immediately become plastered on the duos face, the singer tackling her girlfriend over and proceeding in kiss her so much they're both left breathless.

"I'm so proud of you babe," she squeals. "Your my college girl now."

So how many Kaylor feels in this chapter???

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Love you all...

Emi xx

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