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Karlie's POV

When I reach Tay's front room I see her familiar blonde curls poking up from the huge L-shaped couch that takes centre stage amongst all the other furniture. "Heya Karlie," she says, her slight country lilt becoming more pronounced now it's later, "What d'you wanna watch?"
"I don't mind," I reply, folding my legs underneath me and sitting down next to her. If she puts on one of her favourites, Law and Order or CSI somewhere, I'm totally dragging her to the gym tomorrow in revenge. It's cute that she loves them so much she has all the box sets from all of them. "Is this alright?" Tay holds up Mean Girls, yes- Mean Girls, smiling evilly at my shocked face. "You thought I was going to put on Law and Order didn't you?" She laughs manically, running to the DVD player and sliding the disk in. "You thought I was gonna say Law and Order Kloss, admit it."
"Fine, fine," I push her away gently. "I thought you were going to put one of your crime things on but I was going to drag you to the gym tomorrow, so it's all cool."
"Not the gym," Taylor pouts. Her blue eyes go huge and round, my cue to pull her in for a hug. 'Just a hug' Karlie, I remind myself, pulling my best friend in for the hug she wanted. Tay shivers in my arms again, before turning herself to face the screen, still leaning her slender frame on me. I'm not complaining, the way her skin feels against mine is lovely. "Karlie, y'know we're more than the girls on here," Taylor interrupts my thoughts, "You're my best friend ever."
"You're my best friend Taylor, forever," I manage, wanting more than that. 'Yes Karlie,' I think, 'she's your friend.'

The first scene rolls onto the screen. Lindsay Lohan walking through her new high school corridor. Being the new kid. "Hang on Tay, we don't have food." Pushing her off me gently, I watch as she smiles at me. I disappear into the kitchen, my heart racing at the smile, the 'best friend' smile.

Taylor's POV.

Karlie struts through to the kitchen, her long legs strikingly bare. I loved the way she let me lean on her, the way she hugged me when she knew I wanted to be hugged. Snuggling back into the sofa to wait, I decide to go help, Vegan food can take forever to make or prepare- whatever my friend is doing.

Karlie's face lights up momentarily when I walk in but then goes back to sheer concentration, brows furrowed. "Need help Karls?" I ask, smiling at her face. She looks so adorable.
"I'm good," Karlie replies. Her tongue is coming out, a deep sign of effort and minute frustration.
"Yeah- that's why you're tongue is sticking out of your mouth," I tease. She pokes it back inside, standing up defeat. She forgets how well I know her, I know everything she's feeling from the way she stands. "Can you make lemonade Tay-bear?" Karlie interrupts my strangely comfortable but strange thoughts.
"Umm, yeah sure." Walking over to my vintage style fridge, I find myself humming 'stay beautiful' from my first album. Oh no. Old music= Deep feelings. The ice cubes are cold in my hands and I shiver, again. Karlie, you're confusing me. "Crap!" Karlie gasps.
"Karls, what's wrong?" I straighten up, hitting my head on the door, before saying, "Dammit."
Karlie starts laughing at me, her eyes sparkling in amusement. She's sucking her thumb, still laughing. "We're so stupid," I giggle, rubbing my head where I hit it.
"Did you dent the door of the refrigerator?" Karlie fires back.
"Funny Karlie, really hilarious." I roll my eyes and slap her lightly on the bum. Accidentally.
"Haha- I know, I'm hilarious!" Karlie cracks up, still sucking her thumb. She looks so devilishly cute, her body bent over. The creases that appear around her eyes are probably one of my favourite things when she laughs. Karlie pulls her thumb from her smooth lips. It's swollen, a large cut running down the centre. "Babe," I say. Wait 'babe'- oh god.
"It's nothing, how's your head Tay-bear?" She waves me off, giving me a hug and rubbing the spot where I stupidly banged my head. I smile weakly in her arms, "it's fine." Karlie's next move surprises me, containing a gasp is probably the most difficult thing I've ever had to do.

Karlie kisses my head. Lightly. Sweetly.

I tilt my head so I can see her eyes. Ever so slowly, I kiss her back. Only for a second. But that second is enough to see a new type of light in her eyes.


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