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Karlie's POV

Her hands are moving.

Her hands are moving.

"Karlie! Karlie please go and get a nurse." Andrea sounds panicked, standing up for some strange reason. I rush out of the room, all of my senses magnified by ten to find a uniformed person. Everywhere is eerily empty so I raise my voice. "Taylor's moving," I yell through the deserted corridors, rushing from one room to another to find someone who can help me, the search in vain until I get into the general ward. All the nurses are crowded around two beds, fussing with the beeping machines, talking in hushed whispers. "Excuse me." No reply. Okay. "Hi, we need a nurse!" Slightly louder this time but still no reply. This time I tap a nurse on the shoulder, attracting her and her best friends attention. "I need a nurse."
"Miss Kloss, sorry. This patient crashed. We'll come right away." They follow me down to room thirteen, a difficult feat for most due to my gangly legs.

When we do finally get there, Taylor's heavy eyelids are fluttering, Andrea is keeping up a constant stream of chatter to arouse her daughters senses. "Come on Taylor. Stay strong baby girl. You can do this. Remember when you fell off the horse?.." We let Andrea talk, knowing that she has the best relationship with Taylor out of everyone here. I'm hoping that after all this, mine will become second. Then a deadly fear strikes me; what if Taylor wakes up with amnesia or something scary that means she forgets everything and everyone. The entire world would be devastated.

Five minutes later, when her pale face looks like it might have slipped back into the blankness it's briefly flee from, the lids of her eyes one could get lost in for hours flutter again. Everyone is watching, faces expectant. Will Taylor Swift pull off another mind blowing performance, recovering from a collapse and waking up normally? A moan rumbles from the back of her throat and I find my hands clasping the end of the bed in fear for my girlfriend. "Karlie?"

Taylor's POV.

"Karlie," I whisper, my voice hoarse for some reason. I can see blurs surrounding the bed but everything is unfocused, a waterfall of colours rushing past. "Taylor." The tallest blur is moving closer and a hand is in mine. I can feel something sticking into me suddenly, an even deeper confusion settling in. "What's happening?" I ask.

"You're in hospital Tay," Karlie replies, her soft accent familiar.

"Why am I in hospital?" Now I'm panicking. Nothing is focusing around me like I'm expecting. My vision isn't the best usually but it's not this bad, another reason to panic.

"You fell." My best friends voice sounds expectant from next to me, as if I'm supposed to remember something from one small sentence.

"I did?" I ask, laughing. Then the colours become darker until everything is black and I'm asleep.

Karlie's POV.

Taylor wasn't acting normally in the brief time she returned to us, but the relief that's coursing around my body is inexplainable. She's awake. Even if everything is confused for her, she awoke and the amnesia will only be short term- hopefully.

It's another day before we all see the blueness staring at us from the bed. Andrea and I are engrossed in deep conversation about Taylor's care when we hear a sigh from the bed. "Baby girl?" Andrea stops talking with me, her attention on the bed and her daughter. The event that unfolds next is heartbreaking to watch.

"Who are you?" At that point, I can hear the rip that plunges through Andrea's heart as she tries to stifle the sob that her mouth emits.

"I'm sorry," she mumbles, rushing from the room.

"What? What did I do?" The innocence on Taylor's face is rendering speech impossible, explaining a pointless task as she'll probably just forget again.

"Taylor?" I ask gently, touching her hand tentatively, "do you know who I am?" Those blue eyes turn to face me.

"You're my best friend."


I'm so awful at this- I know. I haven't updated in forever and when I do it's heartbreak and hospitals x

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