Thirty Seven

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"Marry me?"

Karlie looks at the ring. Then she looks at Taylor. She looks back at the band in her palm. It's shiny: a sparkling diamond. The blonde remembers it all too well. They bought similar ones for each other months ago as a promise and Taylor must've found it once more. However she doesn't want to rush the older woman into anything: she's only just remembered that 'they' existed and she can't even remember some of her song lyrics yet she wants to do this. "Taylor, babe- we don't have to rush into this." The taller girl gets up and goes to where the singer is standing. "I love you but I want you to get better before you make any decisions. How do you know that you don't actually hate me? Something could've happened that you don't remember, maybe you were gonna break up with me?" Karlie questions, hugging the shorter girl from behind.

"Karlie- I love you. And I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

"Babe, please just hear me out. I love you more than you can ever imagine but you're still ill. Can you remember when you first felt things for me? The first time we kissed? The lyrics you wrote about me even though your fans think they're about some boy? I'm more than willing to wait. I'm not going to leave you because you're still remembering things, I want to watch you grow and remember everything about us and you're life. We don't have to do this yet- don't feel forced."

"So you're saying no?" The older girl asks defensively, her eyes start misting up, standing with her chin forward.

Karlie shakes her head rapidly- "as long as this is what you really want?"

"Karls, this is what I want. I've never been more certain on anything in my life. Will you marry me?"

"Of course I will marry you Taylor. I've never wanted anything else in my entire life." They embrace each other then, kissing deeply, slowly, but not lacking the passion that's all been in their relationship. It's a new chapter for both of them: scary maybe however refreshing and releasing, letting them forget everything for a while and just focus on the two of them.

I'm in two minds about this book-

One or two more chapters and then the end, (wedding chapter) I might add bonus chapters at a later point,

Or maybe 5-7 more chapters and then the end. No bonus chapters and just a longer version of basically the same events!

Comment what you want..

Love you all xx

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