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Taylor's POV.

Harry, Harry, Harry. It's all I can think. Karlie can creep in the sides sometimes, releasing a fresh wave of emotion through me, making the tears flow once more but it's mainly Harry. I thought he'd changed, settled own and matured. Now it seems I'm once more in an odd relationship, one that I really don't want to be in and I have no clue what the next move is. A restraining order would me the best yet I can't expose Harry as an abusive ex boyfriend or I'll send the world into a cacophony, have the directioners hating on me and make the media more intrusive than they are. Sitting here, a cup of cold coffee in my hands, I realise I'll just have to wait for him to make the next move.

Karlie's POV.

Racing through the airport to my flight, I encounter a few fans but mainly determined faces of business men and women, most of them clutching briefcases, and like me, Starbucks. I hand over my passport and boarding card trying not to meet anyone's eyes. "Have a nice flight Miss Kloss." Then I'm on, with half an hour to spare.

I know why I rushed through the airport: I was running. Running from Taylor and her cheating ways. Running from the hurt that surged through me when I saw them making out. And after all the shit Harry did to Taylor I find them kissing. It looked rough and passionate, like she'd missed him. Maybe I was just a distraction, a bit of fun, maybe Taylor only said she loved me so she wouldn't hurt me. Hopefully she realises she's hurt me more than she ever could have if she'd just told me the truth. Just then, my phone buzzes and I instinctively glance down.

From Tay Bæ- I was telling the truth. I love YOU.

Not replying, my blonde ex friend doesn't deserve a reply, I turn my plane onto flight mode. Time to have some fun in London.

Taylor's POV.

The silent sobs have resumed once more, my hands shaking as I pick up the phone to call Lily. My rock, the girl who introduced me to Karlie. "Lily?" I choke out through the phone when she picks up.

"Tay, Hun, what's wrong?" She asks.

"It''s Karlie." It's all I need to say seemingly, my brunette friend telling me she's coming around immediately,

Only half an hour later, theirs a knock at my apartment door. The half an hour I waited for Lily, I cried and cuddled Olivia to death. Being a hopeless romantic, I always forget about reality when I go through phases like this and my apartment is a mess. Crumbs litter the kitchen worktop and my clothes are everywhere. Opening it for Lily, I'm in her arms instantly, craving human contact and warmth. "What happened Taylor?" Lily finally questions, prizing herself away from me and leading me to the kitchen.

"Harry came back." Her brown eyes melt sympathetically at me, knowing that the Brit was nothing but trouble. "It was fine," I start, causing clouds of confusion to cover her eyes briefly, "until I told him I needed to be alone."

"Ahhh," Lils nods again.

"Karlie had gone already and I was sad and I needed to be alone. But he changed, just like that." And I emphasise with a click, my eyes getting misty with salty blobs. "He kissed me, sexual assault Lils, his hands were all over me." Swallowing at the grim memory, I continue. "Karlie came back and he was kissing me."

"Karlie ran." Lily finishes for me, the end of my story far more predictable than I liked to be. Obviously there were goods types of predictability: my Starbucks order, the same every time: my fans screaming everywhere I went: my fans getting followed after a witty post about my love of cats or something. Recently I've been trying to be less predictable but it seems to not be working. I nod. Then the tears spurt once more.

"She's not replying to any of my calls," I sob, my breath becoming erratic. "I feel dirty and horrible. Why can't I just have a normal life?" With raised eyebrows, a dry reply comes from my VS angel friend,

"You're Taylor Swift, the man eater who only sings about ex boyfriends. You can't have a normal life."

"But why me? Why can't they pick on someone else. Why do all the crap things happen to me?" Lily can only sigh at this, sipping the last of the drink she made. The thought of drinking suddenly makes me nauseated and I stand up abruptly. "I'm going to the bathroom." Quickly, I spin on my heel and run the the bathroom. It only takes a minute for the vomit to splash out. Oh god.

Outside of the room, I can hear murmurs, like Lily is talking to someone and I hope that she hadn't let anyone in seeing as I'm not exactly in a fit state to see them. So procrastinating, I turn to wash my hands, the flash of silver attracting my attention. 'No' I remind myself, I'm done with that. Sure, I'd done it before, the comments from my 'you belong with me' performance sending me into despair. I'd stopped though, fairly quickly before the dangerous spiral could uncurl anymore. Once couldn't hurt though?

It can.

Against the devil inside me will, I step away, scared at the way I was pining for Karlie. I'll drink for a bit instead. That should take the edge and then tomorrow I can think about things logically.

Karlie's POV.

London. The home of tea, scones and the queen. Also the home of some of the most outrageous parties I've been to and a crazy model who I've known forever. "Hey C," I smile, stepping off the plane and onto cold British Tarmac. The wind whips round my face as I try to have a coherent conversation with her.

"Karlie," she shouts, "how are you?"

"I've been better," I admit, "look, can I stay at yours. I haven't booked a hotel. The shoot was last minute." Desperately hoping she can't hear the lying part of me, I wait for a reply, the chat becoming a lot easier now I've stepped into the dry warmth of Heathrow Terminal two.

"Sure. What time can I expect you?"

"About 7PM, and thanks Cara."

It's okay." I can feel her infectious smile down the line, saying another thanks and hanging up. Cara always knows how to have a good time and I'm hoping she'll help me out.

It wasn't until I sat on the train, a bearded man staring blatantly at me, that I remembered the situation. I was running away, something I said I'd never do. I was a Kloss for gods sake, I'm strong.

But not when it comes to Taylor.

As if on cue, my phone rings. A picture from VSFS 2014 flashes up, me and Lily smiling into the lens of a certain blondes camera. I pick up. "Karlie. How are you. I can talk right now but I'd appreciate it if you'd ring me back. I have a really pissed Taylor on my hands."

"Okay," I agree.

"She's taken you leaving badly Karlie." A cold fury rises from inside me, a snappish retort firing from my mouth,

"She should've thought of that before sucking face with Harry." Automatically, I hang up. No way is Lily getting any call later. I'll be too busy getting pissed with Cara.

Authors note.
Guys don't kill me. I know this is a filler but you should realise why direction I'm going in. I'd also really appreciate it if you could read my new Kaylor fic. Please comment and vote for it.
Thanks, Emi

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