Twenty Seven

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"Taylor, fuck," the younger girl moans, breathing heavily in delight as the singer works on her. It's late, both of them are tired but not tired enough to stop themselves from making love. In reply, the blonde nibbles on her girlfriends ear, smirking as another spine chilling moan comes from the model, choosing this time to add another finger. Karlie is gasping in pleasure now, wanting nothing more than to come. She's so close, her toned legs shaking with pleasure as she whispers to Taylor to go faster. Obliging, the blue eyed girl ups the pace, bringing her girlfriend so close but then so slowing down and easing out. With a quick swipe of her tongue, she's tasting the younger girl, eyes still locked. "," the tallest girl moans again, so desperate to come she's about to insert her own fingers.

"Nuh uh," Taylor giggles, snatching the twenty two year olds hand away. "Let me do the honours." Only able to nod weakly, Karlie waits, watching in desperation as the singer lowers her tongue to between her thighs, teasing the model with a quick dart in and out before finally giving enough for her to come. She does with intense pleasure, a gooey wetness covering her inner legs as she pulls the singer to be next to her while she experiences the pleasure. "I love you," the short haired girl then whispers into her ear, blowing on it lightly as she knows that Karlie is extremely ticklish there. As expected, she immediately starts to giggle, perhaps the cutest sound the singers tuned ear has ever heard, though not as cute and sexy as the lithe, tanned body that's lying beside her. A sexually predatory urge overtakes Taylor, climbing on top of the nude model and trailing her tongue down the green eyed girls abs. They're so firm under her tongue, another urge coming over her, her eyes turning dark blue at the thoughts of what she could do.

"Babe," Karlie laughs, shoving the singer off with one hand, "I need sleep." Giving the model a glare with those insanely dark blue eyes, the songstress groans in frustration,

"I'm so sexually frustrated Karls and you aren't helping!" Another small laugh comes from taller girls throat as she slips her arm around the older girl. "I don't want hugs, I want sex," the singer then pouts, trying to climb back into the model.

"No Swift, go to sleep." With another laugh, the model hits the light off, leaving a very frustrated singer to curl into her side and whisper sweet nothings into her ear.

The next morning, the sun just beginning to shine through the blinds, the taller girl begins to gain consciousness, a huge smile on her face as the events of last night replay in her mind. Turning over, she faces the older girl who's still sleeping peacefully, remembering how cute she'd been last night when she was so frustrated. Even Karlie loves a sexually aroused Taylor, especially when she's being dominant like she was, then wanting more afterwards. Beside her, the blonde starts to stir, a small smile lighting up her face. "Good morning princess," the model whispers silkily. A cute moan comes from the singer as she flutters her eyelids open. Soon those heavenly blue eyes are fully open however, taking in the taller girls bed head and lazy smile.

"Kiss me," Taylor smiles back, putting her hand on Karlie's neck and pulling her in for a deep kiss. The older girl is obviously still frustrated from last night which makes the model laugh, pulling away and taking in the songwriter easily.

"What do you want to do today," the long haired blonde then asks.

"Eat you," the shorter girl muses. A shocked look on her face, Karlie slaps the singer,

"Miss Swift, I can't imagine you doing anything like that!" Her tone matches her face as the atmosphere around them changes: the singer getting on all fours and straddling the St Louis native. In a husky voice between kisses, she replies,

"You...don' Miss Kloss." It's a huge turn on and the model can't help but shiver at the peachy skin of Taylor's lips against her neck. This time, she doesn't refuse the singer what she wants, letting her take off the light sleep shirt she'd been covered by and palm her breasts lovingly. Of course, with the blue eyed girl in the mood she's in, things only get hotter from here, those tender kisses soon turning to love bites on her breasts, gasping as the older girl nibbles her nipple: carrying on down south to where the soft panties protecting the most private part of anyone lie. "Jesus Tay," the model gasps, wanting nothing more than for the singer to hurry up. That devilish little smile back on her lips, the blonde looks up before peeling back the taller girls pants slowly, then whipping them off faster than she'd done anything before and massaging Karlie's thighs teasingly. It may not seem it to the outside world but the songwriter is a complete tease, knowing when and how to do it like a goddess, a fact which often annoys the younger girl even though deep down, she loves it. Wetness soon coats the green eyed girls thighs, consequently Taylor's hands as she's stops moving her hands and lowers her tongue in inside. "Holy shit," the taller girl cusses at the first movement of the singer's tongue, another round of wetness coming out as she trembles. Pressuring on the younger girls clit, the short haired girl stops for a breather, watching in satisfaction as Karlie trembles in pleasure. "Please," she begs the singer. Not able to watch her girlfriend suffer any longer, Taylor dives straight back in, this time with her fingers, two at a time. She's pumping so fast, bringing up a sweat, but then slowing as she knows the St. Louis native is about to come. In a delirious torture, she brings the pace back up, pulling out just as the model comes. She kisses the neck of the model sweetly as she has her moment, licking her own fingers and then waiting in relaxing silence. Then it's completely silent, no panting from the younger girl.

"I think I'd like to go to a concert later," Taylor speaks then.

I wonder what concert this is gonna be?

I'm sorry for taking a while again, I'm so tired from school and I've had a ton of homework so yeah... But I hope you enjoy this smutty chapter

Love Emily
(Fifty votes before next chapter)

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