Twenty Four

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"What have you done? You may have just ruined your career!" Tree explodes. Looks of pure horror splash both of the girls face, knowing the escapade earlier had been caught. "I told you to be careful," the publicist continues in a more diplomatic tone, "you've been extremely stupid."

"I... Err." Not finding anything to explain the kiss, Taylor subsides into silence, putting her hand on the younger girls arm in what she hopes is a reassuring manner.

"You could've at least told me you were having a fling or whatever this is," the fiery woman says. At times like this, Tree isn't one to consider people's feelings and as the singer glances to the taller girl, she sees hurt flit into her gorgeous eyes, covering it up quickly with a wobbly smile. "This is going to call for..." Now the twenty five year old cuts her off,

"It's not a fling Tree. Karlie is my girlfriend, let's just clear that up first."

"Okay." She sounds taken aback but recovers quickly, ordering the pair to go onto Skype  and to look up the pictures that have been published. Everywhere. Apparently the whole fandom is freaking out and although the short haired girl wants to check tumblr she knows she can't because of the tracking website that knows when she's on. Maybe she'll check Instagram later. Her laptop pings, Tree wanting to be accepted on Skype and with click, the pair are face to face with the person who will hopefully get them out of this mess. "So. How do you want to tackle this?" Straight to the point as always.

"I'm not ready to come out yet," Karlie mumbles to the older girl. The songstress nods, rubbing her girlfriends hand with her thumb and turning back to her publicist.

"We're not ready yet Tree."

"We'll pass it off as a mistake. You tripped into each other and you were close but you weren't kissing." At this point, the blue eyed girl is glad they don't have pictures of where her hands traveled to when they were in they intimate position otherwise there'd be no going back. They both nod in confirmation. "Taylor, you'll need to beard. Karlie, go see one of your male friends more." Neither of the girls were expecting that remark.

"I do believe some manners are needed there," the singer snaps. Tree mumbles an apology, probably not meaning it and continues,

"I'll find out if we have any male stars needing a beard. You'll have a 'boyfriend' by the end of the month. And whilst you're here, no more fucking around in public." Then she hangs up, obviously frustrated at the duos lack of thought.

"I'm sorry Karls."

Authors note.
I know it's a short update but, ITS MY BIRTHDAY WHOOP.

Who do you think Taylor is going to heard with guys!?

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