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Karlie's POV.

I arrived at Cara's house just before seven, a thumping bass greeting me before I even knocked on the door. She knows I want to party, I think, knocking and stepping backwards as I always do so I don't seem too overbearing. It turns out Cara is going to be the slightly overbearing one, her arms whipping around me as soon as she opens the door, pulling me into the cosy warmth of her house which is heavenly after the gale that's been blowing around outside. "So I have a few people over, nothing big, just so we can relax," she explains.

"Great." Flashing her a winning smile, I leave my bags and pull off my Gillet coat, following her into the front room. "Guys, guys, guys," Cara then proceeds to yell over the music. It's too loud: her hand reaching to turn the volume down so she can be heard. "Karlie's here!" There's a few shrieks of excitement eliciting a smile from my face, who knew I was well liked, before another pair of arms wrap themselves around me.

"Karlieeeeeee," Kendall shrieks into my ear, "I haven't seen you in forever!" Wow, taken aback, I stumble backwards into the wall, the brunette girl landing on top of me with a thump. Everyone else had resumed normal activities: making out, eating and drinking until they didn't feel shy anymore, so it's just us, me pressed under her, breathing heavily in the heat of the moment thing. "Sorry," Kendall then mumbles, her cheeks burning Scarlett as she straightens herself out.

"No worries." I grin easily, "what are you drinking?"


"I'll join you," flirtatiously, I smirk, grabbing her hand, slim fingers cold from the icy bottles she's been holding, and drag her to the kitchen.

I'm pissed, majorly. Kendall and Cara have been feeding me vodka shots, Cara slinking off for five rounds to make out with her new flame Annie. They're cute together, mumbling through kisses and feeding each other snacks. Relationship goals if I'm honest. The Kardashian is behind me again, handing me another shot. "C'mon," she eggs, "take this and then we'll dance."

Third Person POV.

Karlie takes the shot from Kendall, not noticing the camera that Cara is holding, the camera that's been taking pictures of everyone all evening. They both down the disgusting liquid on three, Karlie winning that round seeing as she hasn't lost all her strength to alcohol just yet. "Let's dance," the brunette then shouts over the now blaring music, dragging me into the make shift dance floor that's sprung up amongst the furniture in Cara's front room. She's going all out, making an only slightly tipsy Karlie wonder if she should let go a bit more. So she does, bringing a dancing Kendall into her body more and beginning to grind.

Taylor doesn't care, the girl thinks, she made that obvious. But in the back of Karlie's mind, she wonders if Taylor was telling the truth when she text her afterwards.

It still manages to come as a shock when Kendall brings her lips to Karlie's. It still takes too long to pull away from her fellow model who's now trying to make out with her. There still manages to be a flash which the tall blonde is now running from, crashing into Cara's spare room in tears.

I've messed it up- again, Karlie cries to herself. With the help of the alcohol that's in her system, she soon finds herself in a deep sleep, one she hopes she never wakes up from with the way her relationship with Taylor is going.

Beneath the slumbering model, Cara grins over the picture she just took. She always knew the brunette, now dancing with someone who she barely knew, likes girls as well as boys. Clicking through her contacts, Cara finds Lily, sending the picture to her friend without thinking it could be picked up by the wrong person.

On the other side of the pond, in Taylor's apartment, the fore mentioned blonde sits alone, whilst Lily uses the bathroom. They're making dinner, trying to make Taylor's mind wander from the girl she remembered she loves. Drumming her fingers on the marble island, Taylor wonders what the girl she's not supposed to be thinking about is doing. As if answering her Lily's phone lights up, vibrating against the worktop.

One picture message from Cara 💕

Taylor knows Karlie's gone to Cara's apartment, picking up the phone with trembling hands. All her friends know each other's pass codes, the singer gaining access to Lily's messages easily to see the picture.

What Taylor sees makes more tears spirt from her eyes, the crystal clear picture showing her ex girlfriend making out with Kendall. "You're a bitch," she murmurs, jabbing the screen that holds the picture before slamming down Lily's phone and running to find her own.

I'm so done with you. Harry sexually assaulted me. I couldn't help it and now you're sucking face with one of our friends. That's fab Karlie, shows how much I meant to you. Don't bother calling or texting or anything. I thought maybe I meant something to you. I was wrong. I did love you, I still do. But you just proved that the feeling isn't mutual so I'll get over! Bye 😭

Without another thought, Taylor presses send, much like the sender of the picture did, not realising the sad girl could see it, and has seen it. Karlie won't wake up for awhile, Taylor knows, so she goes to watch TV, cuddling with Meredith and Olivia like she used to. Screw relationship. They always make you feel bad. It was now that the blonde realises why she'd given up on them.

Authors note.

Hey guys. The reason I haven't updated in a while is because I wanna be able to update my fanfics at different times during the week and I updated my other one, Meant for each other, WHICH YOU SHOULD GO CHECK OUT, when I usually update this. I hope you don't mind. I'm sorry.
And also I'm going to be writing this in third person because I find it easier to portray what's happening etc. Please message me if you have any ideas or leave comments. I love knowing what you want in the story.
Thanks again,
Love Emi.

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