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Karlie's POV

I brush my lips against Taylor's, watching her blue eyes darken in lust. Leaning backwards to tease her, I give her a small smile before placing a longer, deeper kiss on her waiting lips. After a couple of seconds, Taylor kisses me back, the familiar peppermint scent causing me to breathe in deeply. I think she knows what I want. Everything about Taylor makes me want her more, her laugh, the way her eyes shine when she's talking about certain things, the waves in her hair, how she wants everything to be okay but most of the time it isn't. However, what I don't know is whether she's ready to give it to me.

She's still kissing me, her perfectly shaped lips parted slightly. Taking advantage of this, I slide my tongue in and hear a satisfying moan. I've never asked Taylor about her sex life, obviously I have a fair idea of who she's been with and how far that the relationship went but so does everyone because her love life is continuously splashed on the front of magazines. And I don't want that for us, when Taylor is ready for announcing it, I will be because right now, her happiness is worth more then anything I own. At that, I slide my hands down her back slightly, cautiously. Taylor arches her back ever so slightly, her toned body pressing into mine. I kiss her even more deeply now, my hands moving of their own accord, finding the hem of her vest top and fiddling with it. She moans once more, her hands finding the strap of my sports bra. Taking that as permission, I lift her top cautiously, only lifting my lips for five seconds. Now Taylor's top half is almost bare to me, a lightweight bra covering a modest amount of her boobs. She's watching me, her blue eyes almost needy so I kiss her jaw lightly for a second, taking my hands down to her leggings. Taylor shivers, so I stop. "Sorry," I murmur, going back to kissing her jawline and neck, careful not to leave any blemishes.
"It's okay," she whispers, "it's just new for me."
"Tell me if I go to far," I tell her, retracing my steps back to her pant line. She nods, almost expectantly. So I kiss her on the lips, letting her tongue explore my mouth for the first time.

Taylor's clothes are on the hard floor, her underwear protecting her from exposure. My t-shirt lies next to the pile, my yoga pants about to join them as Taylor rolls them down my legs. She's different to everyone else, cautious and respectful, not taking anything for granted like the others have. They all went too far, making sexist comments during or after the sex. Even too far before the sex. But all of them stopped when I asked. Apart from one. And from that, I've haven't healed properly. Until now. With Tay, it feels right and natural, her hands warm against my skin, her eyes always checking me to see if I'm okay. I do the same. I'm ready to go as far as sex. I'm just not sure she is.

Then we're both wearing underwear, Taylor's slightly more modest than mine. I'm in a black thong and black bra, both with lace trim whilst Taylor is in normal pants, topped with a small amount of lace and a stripy bra. My hands are down by her hips, her hands on my back, tracing patterns. The kiss has got a lot rougher, tongues and lips colliding in a passionate fury. So I decide to go further. I pull on Taylor's panties, bringing them down a little. Taylor's body just stops moving. She's lifeless beneath me. Pulling back, I see the sadness in her eyes. "I'm sorry Karlie," she says.

Taylor's POV

"I'm sorry Karlie," I say, watching her closely. She cups my cheek, kissing me lightly before rolling to lie beside me, her long body making me look small. "It's okay," she replies, holding my hand, making me feel guilty.
"It's not though," I say in despair, "What's wrong with me Karls?"
"Nothing Tay-bear, you're perfect." Rolling onto my front so I can see her creamy green eyes, I sigh heavily. "Why can't I do it?"
"I don't know Tay, I really don't know." Karlie brings me into her side easily, the heat from her skin making me shiver. That's not the only thing about Karlie that makes me shiver. Just her being her makes me shiver. "But if it's any comfort, you're still perfect to me."
"I want to Karls," I end up saying, "I'm a virgin at 25, that must make me some kind of freak." A single tear rolls down my cheek and I feel Karlie's tender hands wipe it away before I can even try. She rolls into the same position as me, flat on our stomachs, chins propped up by hands. "Please don't cry Taylor." Karlie sounds upset as she wipes away another dribble of sadness.
"What's wrong with me?" I repeat.
"Nothing is Tay, you're perfect okay." Sitting up against the headboard, Karlie turns me so I'm in-between her legs, arms around my waist. I'm still breathing heavily, the all too common bout of tears stopped now. At the moment, I'm continuously crying. I cried when I left the gym. I cried when me and Karlie first kissed. I cried when Karlie didn't text me back once. "It's normal to not be able to have sex even if you want to."
"It's not." I'm adamant on that one. "All the boys thought I was weird."
"Well then. None of the boys know you very well. That's why I like you, because I know you well and I know that I can trust you."
"I'm sorry though Karls," I whisper, another round of tears ready to protrude from the corner of my eyes. It's because Karlie was too nice.
"Don't be Tay-bear, don't be."


Aww. Kaylor af.
Sorry for not updating in a week but I've been busy and was updating my other fic as well.

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