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Taylor's POV.

The doorbell buzzes, attracting my attention away from Karlie, sitting in her sweatpants and slightly see through tee, and towards the first of our few guests coming over tonight. We've invited some friends over- I'm cooking, Karlie's being Karlie, smiley, happy and funny. Lily Aldridge is at the door, stilettos in hand already, an impish grin on her face. "Heyyyy Taylor," she squeals, rushing to hug me before disappearing to find Karlie. I find them mid-hug and the feeling of possession rushes over me. What right does Lily have to hug Karls. 'Their just friends' I find myself reminding my jealous self over and over again as they go through the 'I haven't seen you in forever' ritual. The excited hug, the kisses on both cheeks, the friendly touching of hands and shoulders. "You're looking amazing Karlie," Lily says, "and I like this." She's playing with the see through material of Karlie's tee.
"Thanks," Karlie grins, the smile lighting up her beautiful face. Just as I'm about to interrupt their conversation, the doorbell rings again. Karlie runs off lightly, we hear the door click open and the voices of Cara and Kendall.

Karlie's POV.

I could see the way Taylor was watching when me and Lily were hugging. Her eyes were almost the same shade as mine, her face contorted with jealousy. Playing with her is fun, seeing as we aren't official yet. Not that I'm doing it on purpose, but she looks hot when she's angry.

Cara and Kendall are in each other's arms, talking, sharing whatever's been happening between them recently. "Hey Karlie!" Cara says, dropping Kendall just past me and coming to give me a hug. I'm popular today. I watch Taylor out of the corner of my eye, sure enough, she's staring, giving Cara the evils. Cara pulls away, leaning over to hug Taylor. Taylor hugs her back awkwardly, blue eyes still on me as I find the wine and pop it open. "You know me so well," Cara shouts, grabbing the bottle out of my steady hands and taking a long chug. Kendall takes it afterwards, having a dainty sip before handing back to me and rushing after Cara, who's disappeared into the front room and is now greeting Lily elaborately. "Babe," Taylor says, holding me from behind. Her hands are cold against my skin and as I spin, I take her hands and kiss them. "You're delicious," I say.
"I don't like the way they're looking at you," Taylor complains. Her eyes are sad, her soft lips in a small pout. "We're friends Taylor," I remind her, "And I'm hot." I flutter my eyelashes at her before skipping away to find everyone else.

Two hours later, music is pumping through the surround sound speakers and I'm curled up on the sofa with Cara. Her legs are tangled in mine, eyes serious as we have a deep conversation. Taylor is playing snooker against Lily and losing badly. Kendall and Behati are dancing next to the window, admiring the view whilst swaying with each other. Out of all of us, Cara has had the most to drink, finishing the wine and now starting her third can of beer, which she kindly supplied. "You're looking good at the moment Kloss," she tells me, her hand stroking my thigh. It feels almost good but strange that it isn't Taylor doing it. I glance at Taylor before replying, she's too engrossed in her snooker game to even be bothering to listen. "Well Cara, you're not looking bad yourself." She raises her famous eyebrows at me when I say that, her hand moving ever so slightly.
"If I didn't know you better, I'd say you were flirting with me," Cara teases, tongue in cheek, hand tickling me.
"Well maybe you don't know me that well then." At this point maybe I'd had too much to drink, I'd had at least two glasses of wine and continuous sips of Cara's beer. I'd had too much to stop my tongue from saying things it shouldn't, I can tell you that much. "You've had too much to drink," Cara says sensibly, "But I can roll with this."
"You want to roll with this," I tell her, watching the way her eyes looked at me.
"Come dance." I'm pulled up off the sofa by her strong arms and led to where Kendall and Behati are dancing. She pulls me closer, hand on my hip as she dances, other hand holding a can of beer in the air. Checking behind me to see if Taylor is watching, I find her blue eyes boring into me, lips forming into a dangerous frown. She looks cute. I bring my body closer to Cara, flicking my hair back to face her. "You're good at this," Cara shouts, only just above the music, placing her beer on the mantelpiece and cupping my other hip with her, now free, hand. We sway, me occasionally casting glances at Tay.

Cara now only has one hand on me, dancing more with Kendall than with me, still looking at me from where she's dancing. I watch her eyes sweeping appreciative looks up my body. Taylor is also watching, still sober, eyes on fire. Lily is trying to have a conversation with her, but failing, Taylor is too obsessed with the way Cara is acting towards me to pay attention. I pull Cara back towards me, holding her, surprised but also seemingly pleased, gaze. She is still looking at me, this time her green eyes concentrating on my lips. Just to tease her, I lick them, bringing my face minimally closer to Cara's. Cara comes even closer, her lips close enough for me to kiss. Our lips are so close and when I'm preparing myself for Cara to bring her lips to mine, the music stops abruptly. "This party is over," Taylor says quietly, eyes sending me daggers.

Taylor's POV

"This party is over," I say in a small but definite voice, sending Karlie looks that could kill. It's only just after midnight and Cara starts to moan but is led away by Kendall who thanks me quickly. Lily looks concerned but doesn't say anything, leaving without protest with Behati. Soon it's just me and Karlie. I don't talk to her, exiting the room and leaving her to sleep in the guest room.

I thought she liked me, but she's obviously saying that to every girl she comes across. Even one of my best friends. I can tell she isn't sober but for someone who admits her love for her best friend only a few days ago, this is a bit far.

"Tay-bear?" Karlie says through my bedroom door as I pull the covers up around myself. "Taylor?"
"Just go to bed Karlie," I sigh, turning around and flicking off the lights.


Sorry for waiting for such a long time to update. I've been off school today so I've a chance to write a lot.
Thanksssss for 1k. It's amazing 😊

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