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After their energetic afternoon, the duo sit in Taylor's kitchen, the singer cradling a mug of coffee whilst staring into the deep green eyes of her friend. "I remembered Karlie," she whispers, leaning onto the counter and bringing their faces closer. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I couldn't remember. I wish I'd remembered because we've wasted all this time."

"You don't have to apologise baby. It was my fault you forgot." Ever since the accident, the taller blonde had blamed herself, not letting the guilty feeling she was feeling deep out so the singer would be none the wiser to her deepest feelings.

"Karls, how can you say that?"

"I left you when you needed me and I can't believe I'd do that. If I'd have been here you wouldn't have fallen and been hurt," all of her true emotions pour out of her mouth, the model standing up and coming to stand behind the singer, resting her head on the shorter girls shoulder.

"I'd still have gone by myself babe, I'm stubborn like that. Please don't think that Karls. You're perfect and none of this was your fault."

A small silence follows Taylor's reply before the model breaks it, "you're the best thing that's ever been mine. I love you." She seals her sentence with a gentle, caressing kiss on the lips.

The singer had cooked dinner, the tallest of the pair getting in the way whilst insisting it was necessary for Taylor to give her hugs and kisses to make up for lost time. Now they're sitting in Taylor's front room, bowls of steaming pasta in front of them whilst a content silence stands in between them. "This is delicious Miss Swift," the supermodel compliments.

"It would've been a lot easier if someone hadn't been getting in the way constantly," the short haired girl replies drily.

"You know you loved it."

It's later, the two blondes cuddled up in bed, that the question is asked. One of Taylor's grisly TV programmes plays in the background, neither of the pair paying attention to it as they talk about small things going on. The question is one that the model had been planning to ask the day Taylor recovered from her cold. When she fell, consequently forgetting, Karlie felt she couldn't anymore but now she has all she had before, she felt it was time. "What are we Taylor?" She questions, turning to face the shorter blonde. Beneath her the singer freezes.

"I don't know Karls." A small sigh escapes Taylor. The question just posed to her had been asked before. All the boys who'd asked her had only shoved it back in her face a couple of weeks later, helping the media brand her as a 'serial dater' and 'needy'. "I'm happy with you. I have feelings for you. God Karls, we've had sex! Not everyone gets to do that. But I don't think I'm ready for a formal relationship."

"Okay." If the model was honest, she was put off by the girl next to her statement.

"I'm sorry. But it's the media and the fact I said I was happy by myself without anyone. If I'm with you, I'll be a serial dater again. I'll write songs about you when we break up or go through rough patches. It's not fair on either of us when I've only just remembered," the singer tries to reason.

"Okay." Karlie turns the TV up, trying to focus on the show playing in front of her misty eyes. She thought Taylor wanted to be with her. The singer had claimed she no longer cared about the media or what people thought of her. Apparently it was a lie. A hand then creeps along her leg.

"Are you annoyed babe?" Theirs a hint of sadness in the shorter girls voice now. "I'm sorry Karls. Why do you think all of the others left?" The model shrugs,

"I don't know."

"I was scared to do things with them. I was no fun apparently- I was too much of a goody goody," Taylor goes on to say, "But then again, you've probably heard it all."

"Sorry. I shouldn't have asked." It's silent again as the taller of the pair kisses the top of the singers head, both of them gently falling into the soundest slumber they've had in a while. Just because of each other's company.


I'm perfectly aware this chapter is short and bad and I'm sorry for that but it's my school holidays. My siblings who I only see about three times a year are here and I also did a summer course last week so I wasn't around to update.
I also have another dilemma...
I have no idea where to take this story. Yes, Taylor and Karlie are happy but I feel like I'm not ready to wrap this up. I feel theirs a lot of potential but i don't know where to take it as I'm not particularly inspired with this story at the moment. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT THINGS YOUD LIKE TO SEE IN THIS BOOK IN THE FUTURE.

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