It's Bad Camila, Very Fuckin Bad (L1)

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"Okay..." Shawn stands in front of me notebook in hand and with a pencil in his mouth.

He's wearing blue jeans and a white t-shirt with his messy curls falling over his forehead, he looks hot... and intimidating and I'm already beginning to wonder if this was a bad idea

"Tell me what he said the problems were"

"Do I have to?!" I ask in horror, Tyler's words already beginning to make my heart ache without repeating them out loud especially to somebody like Shawn

"Who's the teacher here?"

"It's so embarrassing though!" I argue but he looks less than impressed, his black pencil tapping impatiently on his blue, hardback notepad "Fine. He said that I was bad at sex, there, happy?!"

"I need details Camila, I need something I can work with such as... what were you bad at? How were you bad at it? Sex is a pretty simple concept" he makes a circle with his thumb and his pointer finger and then moves the pencil in and out of it

"I don't know, he said I..." This is literally the most embarrassing moment of my life, sitting on a cream leather sofa in the Mendes living room explaining to Shawn 'The God Of Sex' Mendes all the reasons that my ex-boyfriend said I was bad at something that should come as naturally as breathing

"Camila, I don't know if you realise this but I'm giving up some of my very busy social time to help you out here, the least you could do is speed it up"

He taps his white sneaker against the fluffy cream carpet impatiently and I drop my chin to my chest before sucking in a breath and realising this is what I came for. To give Shawn the problems and let him teach me the solutions

"He said it was like having sex with a stuffed animal that had a weird look on its face" so much blood floods my cheeks I worry that my face might explode and leave an embarrassed looking stain all over the room.

Shawn takes his pencil and begins writing and I see him mouth the words 'stuffed animal' and 'weird look' as his brows knit together in concentration and again I realise how cute he is

"That it?"

"That's not enough?!"

"Stand up" I look at him, confused by the command "do as I tell you, stand up"

I jump to my feet and look down at my outfit self consciously, black and white yoga pants and a black sports bra because I wasn't sure how much 'physical activity' we would be doing during Lesson One but then realise I look more like I'm ready to go jogging than to have sex

Shawn begins to circle me, taking notes and again I feel my cheeks flood with blood

Suddenly he pats my head "Short, that's great for positions standing up" he announces and my jaw drops "Not much up top, your chest, not your brain although the fact we're doing this makes me question that too" my arms fly up to cover my chest "it's okay, don't be shy, it's not a problem, not when you have an ass like that" he groans as he reaches out and slaps my ass gently "Also great lips, very useful for kissing and whatnot"

"Whatnot?" I ask, still covering my chest and not sure I want to hear what 'whatnot' is but he doesn't offer an answer he just taps the crotch of his blue jeans with the pencil and I gulp at the connotations

"Okay, lets get to experience. How many guys have you had sex with?"


"And you're how old?"

"19 and three quarters" I say and then regret how proud I sounded of the three quarters

"Cute" he says whilst making more notes but I get the feeling it's a pity 'cute'"


My face is so hot I'm sure I'm about to spontaneously combust at my lameness

"Uh... missionary?"

"Standard. And?"

"That's it"

He looks at me suspiciously, narrowing his eyes into tiny slits and tapping the pencil against his chin "his choice or yours?"


"No wonder you just lay there then, you were probably bored to death"

My heart pounds to think what other 'positions' he has in mind

"Fine. Seduction technique?"

"I don't have one" he tips his head to the side as though he doesn't believe me "I don't really 'seduce' I just kind of 'wait' to be seduced I guess you could say"

"What about when you're horny and he's not making the moves?"

"I do without"

"You do without? You don't make any effort to get what you want?"

Again the blood flows to my cheeks

"Ever asked a guy out?" I shake my head "instigated a kiss?" Another slight shake "Fuck sake Camila! Guys don't like desperate but they do like forward sometimes, they like to know the girl wants them and is into them"

"Sorry" I'm no sure what for, I just know that I am. Sorry for being so lame, sorry for earning every single insult Tyler threw my way

"Previous sexual contact, ever gone down on a guy?"

"I tried to once but um... my teeth got in the way" he grimaces and then reaches down as though to reassure his dick that it will be okay

"Ever had a guy go down on you?"

"No! Do they even do that?!" He looks at me as though he thinks I'm wasting his time with humour but it was a serious question

"Hand job?"

"A couple of times but he got impatient and took over"

Rolling his eyes Shawn seemed to look over his notes before slamming the notebook down on the black glass coffee table

"You're not going to be ready to date in the real world for at least the next ten years"

"Shawn! It's not that bad"

"Oh it's bad Camila, it's very fuckin bad"

"It's a good job I have a fake boyfriend then right?" I fake a smile and then we both just drop our chins to our chests and shake our heads

"Fuck!" We both groan in unison


* I know nobody asked for this update but it just came to me so I wrote it and now I will update another book, if I can x

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