Ninja In Training

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"What's this?" I ask the bright eyed brunette standing in front of me

"Lunch" she grins and holds out a brown paper  bag

We are stood in the middle of my gym, my next class is beginning to filter in and I can feel all eyes on me as I stand in the middle of the mats being presented with lunch like a school kid

"Teddy... I appreciate your concerns about my dietary intake but... I'm working here"

"Yes but..." she holds up one finger whilst her other hand still clutches the bag "Food is fuel and because you are so active you need lots and lots of fuel"

She opens the paper bag and I'm begging her not to start unloading my lunch, not here... not in front of everyone...

"One bowl of brown rice and veggies... brown rice is slow release energy, the veggies equals one of your five a day" She places it into my hands and feel my cheeks blaze as more students appear and then stop to watch the show their sensei is putting on in front of them, only it's not my show, it's Camilas show and I know exactly why she's doing it, unfortunately I can't put an end to it without looking like a giant ass in front of everyone

"Thank you" I force out "But please..."

"One banana! Potassium along with memories of me" She winks as her eyes drop to my groin and my cheeks begin to blaze

What the fuck is she doing to me?!

I never get embarrassed, I always meet innuendo with innuendo but here I am frozen and blushing and that's very annoying and retribution will be taken I promise her that

"And a green smoothie because all the cool kids drink them and I know how much you like to be classed as cool"

Classed as cool?!

I schooled everyone in this town on what is fuckin cool

'Classed as cool' she's really walking a line with me here

She pushes the food and drink into my arms before standing on her tip toes and kissing my cheek eliciting wolf whistles and clapping from my class but before she can skip away I manage to grab her arm and pull her to me, dropping my mouth to her ear

"You will pay for this Teddy" I promise her but she just turns her head quickly and places a small kiss to my lips before replying

"I'm looking forward to it" and this time she escapes and just as I thought she's pretty much skipping as she goes



That rough voice causes me to stop in my tracks and for the buzz of excitement that was coursing through me at Shawns reaction to die immediately.

Slowly I turn around and face a very annoyed looking Candi

"Hi" I give her a small wave and then inwardly bash myself for being such a little girl in front of her

"What are you doing here? I thought Shawn had realised he deserved better and cut you loose"

I try not to let her bitter words sting but I'm a sensitive girl and so they do but I just straighten my spin and attempt to meet her head on

"We just had a difference of opinion on something but we're working it out"

There's no way I'm going to say I want to date and he just wants to fuck so I give her the sugarcoated version of the truth and she narrows her eyes into tiny slits and looks at me as though fire is about to replace her breath

"You aren't allowed in the gym unless you are taking classes, so out you go and don't ever come back. Leave Shawn alone when he's made it more than clear he isn't interested"

"Classes? Oh of course, classes! I was just about to enrol for some actually"

No I wasn't!

I don't do martial arts!

I don't do exercise of any kind!

But instead of backtracking I head across to the black girls with glossy blond curls that's sitting at reception

"Hi, I would like to enrol in a martial arts class, Shawns martial arts class" I stutter, constantly looking over my shoulder to make sure Candi hasn't found a weapon of some kind to murder me with

"Is there a specific class that you're interested in?"

The girl asks whilst smiling a large bright smile and then popping a bubble with her pale pink gum

"Something where you have to be up close?"

She grins at me knowingly like she handles this request every day

"Jiu jitsu" she smiles "it's hand to hand combat, all tangled body and limbs, grappling one on one on the floor, all hot and sticky"

I gulp at her words and then realise there are classes of women that get to do that with Shawn every day and that causes my vision to turn green

"Sign me up... Camila Cabello"

Apparently now I'm Camila Cabello, ninja in training and the look on Candis face tells me that training might be going to be required

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