This Is The Moment (Part 1)

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"Okay great I'll see you tonight"

I watch as another guy wraps his arms around Camila, pulling her into a hug and then watching as she walks away

He's watching her too fuckin intently and he doesn't even try and disguise the fact he's checking out her ass

'I'll see you tonight...'

Why the fuck is he seeing her at all and why the fuck is he seeing her at night?!

Suddenly the scene Brian painted so disgustingly clear for me replays in my mind only this time it isn't some faceless guy in a nightclub that has his hands all over her, it's this guy, the guy that just had his arms around her and his eyes all over her

I'm just about to decide this was a terrible idea when I hear my name

I turn around and Camila is looking up at me, her eyes bright, a smile on her lips that I know is just for me but suddenly I feel irritable, I feel too hot, my clothes feel too tight, that guy's arms around her provoking me into biting down when really I want to smile at her, to put up my defences when all I want is to admit to her that she's broken them down

The smile dissolves from her face and I want to do something to bring it back but instead asshole Shawn takes the wheel and begins to drive me in the direction of certain disaster

"Hey, are you looking for me?" She bounces on her toes, her face full of hope, she doesn't deserve asshole Shawn, she never deserves him but for some reason I don't seem to be able to stop him

"I'm looking for my sister" I hate how cold my words sound and I hate the way she stops bouncing even more


"Who was the guy?"

You jealous fuckin fuck!

She doesn't deserve this...

"Oh!" I watch as her cheeks go pink, obviously embarrassed that I saw the little show, it was innocent, I'm sure of it, but then I remember I was sure of something else, something long ago, something I buried deep but something that still lives so close to the surface

She isn't Camila!

I try to tell myself that but my protective barriers have gone up and the detached way I have lived my life since her is seeping back in

"That's Logan, he's in one of my classes but he's struggling"

"Not your problem"

"I'm getting extra credit for helping him"

"Is there anything you won't do for extra credit or a gold fuckin star?!"

Her eyes flood with hurt as she bites down on her lip and I want to take her face in my hands and kiss her silly as an apology but instead I clench my teeth and force my hands into my pockets

"Did I do something wrong?"

I want to tell her no!

It's not her it's all me but I can't, all I can do is stare at her and watch as she begins to move backwards, her chin trembling

"I thought... after yesterday..."

"You thought you would make dates with other guys?!"

"I didn't..."

"No you're just teaching him right?"

"That's right"

"Just like us"

Her jaw drops in shock as a trembling hand moves to cover it

"No not just like us"

"He hugged you!"

"As a thank you!"

"So whats he going to do to thank you first time you help him get an A, fuck you?!"


"He was watching your ass the entire time you were walking away!"

Her hand drops to her behind as her face floods with colour

"That's not my fault"

"No... of course not"

"Why are you doing this? Why are you saying these things to me?!"

"Because I came here..."

"Looking for Aaliyah right?"

"No not looking for Aaliyah"

"But you said..." I can see her mind trying to grab hold of what's going on but none of it makes sense and it that's because it doesn't make any sense, I'm not making sense

This time yesterday we were having sex in the ocean and then eating sushi on the beach

Less than an hour ago I was confessing my feelings to my friend and then cancelling my classes so I could confess them to her and now here I am so terrified of what I'm about to step into that I'm sabotaging everything and hurting the one person I never, ever wanted to hurt

"I have to go" I turn as quickly as I can and start moving through the car park, desperately trying to remember where I parked my car


I keep moving, not wanting her to follow me but desperate for her to come to me and see me and fix me


Keep away Camila...

When I'm acting like this just keep away!


I'm moving away from her but she's moving towards me, closing the distance when all I want is to widen it before I can do anymore damage


That got my attention!

I freeze on the spot hearing that name cross Camilas lips

Aaliyah... it has to be!

I'll fuckin kill her!

I forget to move long enough for Camila to close the distance and as I finally regain control of myself she's beside me, her fingers wrapped around my arm, her chocolate brown eyes boring into me

"Don't do this, don't push me away, I'm not your ex and I never will be"

I open my mouth to speak but before I can her hands are on my cheeks, holding me in place as her eyes search my face

"Fix this" she demands but I'm not sure I can "Talk to me" I open my mouth but nothing comes out "This is it Shawn, this is the moment you tell me everything or you never tell me anything ever again. What's it going to be?"

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