The End

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"Are you okay?" I thread my fingers into Shawns and I'm not surprised to find them slick with sweat

"I think I'm actually about to have a heart attack" he tells me whilst raising our hands to his chest and my eyes fill with tears as I realise just how terrified he really is "Is that heart rate normal???"

"It's going to be fine" I promise him, praying to God that it will be, praying that we walk into the police station and meet a kind, open minded officer, someone that looks at Shawn and sees the truth in his eyes the way I did and the way his family did and doesn't just judge him on his gender or his size

"You're going to be fine son" Says his dad from the front of the car, his Portuguese/Canadian accent heavy with emotion.

This is hard for me, Shawns girlfriend of only a short while but I can't imagine just how hard it must be for his father, someone that raised him and lived with him, loved him his whole life but didn't see the change in him, or maybe he did, maybe it was just disguised as something else, I mean who in their worst nightmares would think their 19 year old son had been raped by his bosses wife?

"After this..." I lower my voice to little more than a whisper and move my lips to his ear, tightening my grip on his fingers "I want to take you home and take care of you" he looks at me hopefully, his eyes wide and I slap his arm "I mean, make you a nice meal, run you a bath, light some candles, put on soft music..."

"There's sex on this list at some point too right?"

"Even tonight?!" I ask, exasperated that even now, with everything he's been through and everything that's coming his want for me is still so strong

"Of course tonight, this evening was a bit of a bust"

"But look how it turned out, look what came from it"

"Yeah everything except me" he chuckles lightly and I know that at least in part, he's joking, using humour to cover his nerves and I squeeze his fingers whilst pressing a kiss to his cheek

"If it wasn't for you none of this would be happening, do you realise that? I would still be wandering through life with my head buried in the sand pretending nothing had happened, that everything was fine"

"Shawn, this is all you. You're the one facing this and not accepting it and being so, so brave about it"

"Because I have you" he whispers against my hair "God I'm so fucking thankful that you came looking for me at the bonfire that night"

"And flashed my panties at you"

"Yeah" I see his eyes darken slightly at the memory "Who'd have thought the one girl I actually said no to and pushed away and convinced myself was so wrong for me would actually turn out to be so perfect"

I run my nose softly against his cheek and then kiss his jawbone "I love you, do you know that?" He nods "No matter what happens I believe you, your parents believe you. We all love you so much and we aren't going anywhere"

"What do I do if they don't believe me? If they believe her?"

"They won't" Mannys voice is hard and leaves no space for doubt

"You'll stay with me right?" He asks as his grip on me tightens

"For as long as they'll let me"

"I don't know that I can do this alone"

"You aren't alone" says Manny as he makes eye contact with his son in the rear view mirror

"You'll never be alone" I promise him as I move my hand to his face and pull him down into a kiss "You aren't getting rid of me"

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