I Need You Tonight

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"I changed my relationship status on Facebook" Aaliyah looks up at me from her phone and cocks an eyebrow "Do you think Shawn will do the same?"

"I don't think he uses Facebook anymore, come to think of it does anyone?"

"Is it too soon to make us Instagram official?" Excitement bubbles in my stomach at the thought of everyone knowing that Shawn and I are an actual, official couple

"Do you actually have photos of you two with clothes on?" She snorts out a laugh and then I realise she has a very good point so start scrolling through my phone

"Oh my God! You have to check?!"

"Well have you seen your brother? He's soooo hot! he has the most beautiful eyes and that little scar on his cheek is so cute and his lips..."

"Okay, okay, I don't need to hear about my brothers lips from my best friend" Suddenly Liyah sits up straight and fixes me with a serious look and I know I'm not going to like what's coming next "Okay so we are on the Titanic and it goes down and your floating around on something floaty and Shawn and I are both in the water, you only have space on your floaty thing for one Mendes sibling, who lives and who dies?"

She taps her finger on the counter that divides us and I feel a cold fear seep into my chest at the thought of my best friend and my boyfriend in a life threatening position with me having to choose who lives and who dies

"Why are you taking so long?!"

"What?" My head snaps up and I find Aaliyah staring at me with an unhappy look on her face

"Why's it taking you so long to decide when it's obviously me that you would save?"

In my mind I see Aaliyah and I floating off whilst Shawn shivers in the icy water and then disappears under the surface and my stomach and heart both clench tight at the thought

"You're leaving me in the water and floating off into the sunset with a guy you have been dating for just a few days?!"


"So you are choosing me!"



"I mean yes..."

"So Shawns drowning and we're floating?"

Again the thought of Shawn drowning causes me to feel ill and as I spot his car pulling into the driveway I can't help but smile and I know there's no way I could never let anything bad happen to that gorgeous boy

"We're all sinking"

"What do you mean 'we're all sinking?" My friend asks, her beautifully smooth forehead crinkling as much as it possibly can

"I could never choose" she's just about to argue when the kitchen door flies open and a gym bag quickly follows it.

I'm grinning like an idiot in anticipation of the man that's about to enter the kitchen but when he finally appears his face is tense, his eyes lacking their usual sparkle as they immediately seek me out

"Hey Shawn" I say shyly and watch as Aaliyah pretends to force her fingers down her throat but Shawn doesn't reply he just walks straight to me, grabs my hand and pulls me from my stool and he doesn't stop pulling me until we are safely in his bedroom and his door is shut

"IF YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO HAVE SEX DO IT QUIETLY!" Yells Aaliyah from down stairs and I'm just about to giggle when Shawn unlocks his door and pulls it open

"Go out Aaliyah because there isn't going to be anything quiet about this!" He yells back and then slams his door shut and locks it again before pulling his black tank top from his body and turning to face me "I had a pretty shitty day..."

"Okay" my heart begins to pound under the weight of his gaze

"I need you" there's an emotion in his voice that's so much more than I have ever heard from him before and I immediately reach for the first button of my lilac cardigan

"You can have me" I tell him and he walks across to me, his large hands covering mine and then removing them from my top as his fingers continue their work. Slowly moving from button to button as his eyes never leave mine

"I would never hurt you, you know that right?" He asks suddenly and the intensity in his eyes makes me gulp

"Are we talking about in bed or in here...?" I ask, lifting my hand and placing it over my heart"

"Either" he whispers as his lips take mine in the most gentle of kisses, his lips barely brushing over mine as he slips the cardigan from my shoulders and then pulls the tank top from the waistband of my jeans as he breaks the kiss to pull the fabric over my head

"I need you in a way I never have before" he says as his lips move to my neck, his hands holding my hips and I slide mine over his naked back, loving the feel of his muscles and the way his skin irrupts in goosebumps under my touch " I need to know you need me like that too Camila"

His mouth moves to my throat as his hands cup my ass and then his lips take mine once more only this time it's firmer and more needy, his fingertips pressing hard into the flesh of my ass as his tongue pushes into my mouth and my chest floods with so many different feelings and emotions I know that this is it, this is what it feels like to fall for someone

Pulling away once more he pulls down his shorts so he's wearing only his grey boxers and then reaches for the button of my high waisted white jeans as I wriggle out of them until we are both just in our underwear

"If it gets too much promise you'll tell me to stop"

I whisper that I promise and then smile before pressing a soft kiss to his lips and reaching behind to unclip my bra, slowly pulling it away from my body and dropping it to where my other clothes fell

"Do you have any idea how beautiful you are to me?" He asks as he heaves me to his hips and I giggle as he immediately moves his mouth to my chest and those are the last words he says before he lays me on the bed and then takes me over and over in ways I didn't know possible, in ways that completely blow my mind until the room is black and the air damp and heavy.

I have my arms wrapped tightly around his waist as I lie with my head on his chest and he places kiss after kiss into my hair as his fingers grip me tightly

"Mila..." he whispers so quietly I barely hear him but by the time I turn to ask him what he wants he's fast asleep and the way he's gripping me so tight, as though he desperately needs me, I know there's no way I'm leaving him tonight

*so I got some feedback that suggested less sex more story so I didn't go into detail this chapter x

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