0.2 Seconds

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Long story short, we got kicked out of the bar

"It was your fault!"

"You're the one that grabbed my dick in a public place!"

"That was a complete accident and you know it"

"You accidentally grabbed hold but you didn't let go that wasn't an accident and you know that "

"I was in shock, you got hard so fast, I didn't know guys could get that hard, that quickly"

"That's me Teddy, Zero to hero in 0.2 seconds"

"Well I hope you last longer than 0.2 seconds otherwise it's going to be the shortest lesson in history" I cross my arms and then realise nearly my entire cleavage is on display so begin fastening buttons as he grabs my arm and pulls me across the road "Where are we going?!"

"I'm hungry, I want pizza"

"Eating isn't on the lesson plan is it?"

"It will be Teddy don't worry about that but not today, today lesson two ends with eating pizza not eating each other, but we'll get there"

He pulls me up the street, stopping at the door of a pizza place to check his reflection in the glass before we move inside and take a booth

"I want meat and it's on you!" I say without thinking but Shawn jumps on it, leaning back against the red pleather seats and placing an arm around my shoulder

"Meat you say... maybe lesson two is going to be more interesting than I planned after all" he lifts his hips and drops them, lifts them and drops them

"Shawn..." that one word causes him to sit up straight and wrap an arm tightly around me as he pulls me in to his side and I notice his face goes hard and serious "I thought it was you, Camilla"

The tall redhead stares at me as though she has laser vision and just her gaze will explode me into flames

"Hi" I say, resting my head against Shawns shoulder and smiling up at her in a way I hope she finds cute and not scary

"Date night? How sweet"

Shawn tightens his grip "Every night is date night with this girl"

"Baby!" I giggle as my heart begins to hammer at our deception

"Twice in one day Camilla, I guess I should feel honoured"

I see Shawn turn in my direction, his face asking a question as his fingers grip my shoulder tightly

"Didn't she tell you?"

"We he things to do and talking wasn't one of them" Shawn informs her before placing a kiss on my cheek and I hate the way my body heats up under his touch, I can hear Aaliyah's voice reprimanding me loudly in my head

"The business evening, to invite new investment, I was just informing Camilla here that this isn't a shy schoolgirl event, she's going to have to try and act like a sophisticated women, that's what you like isn't it Shawn, sophisticated women not little girls?"

I watch as he squirms in his seat, his fingers digging into my skin and his gaze everywhere but on her.

Gone is the cocky, overly confident Shawn of just moments earlier and in his place is a more nervous, unsure version of himself. He laughs uncomfortably as the red head blows him a kiss and then turns and exits the building

"What is her problem? You told her you had a girlfriend... and that was me and she seems to just not give a shit, she wants to be thankful I'm just your fake girlfriend and not your real one because if I was your real girlfriend I would..." he looks at me in amusement like cocky Shawn has once again taken control of his body

"What would you do Teddy, if I was really yours?" He leans an elbow on the table and gazed at me with real interest

"Well obviously I would vomit at the very thought of it"

"To her Teddy, what would you do to her?"

"Well I would probably pop her fake tits with a pin first and then pull off the fake eyelashes and then scrape off the layers and layers of war paint and then clean off her fake eyebrows and wash out her fake hair colour and then we can see what she really looks like before we judge her"

"No matter what she looks like she's still insane" states Shawn as he reaches for his water and then signals to the waiter

"Hey what can I get you both?" Asks a beautiful, black haired, dark skinned man that looks to be about Shawns age

"The girl wants meat" Shawn says with a straight face and I watch as the waiters cheeks pinken and I kick Shawn hard under the table

"Excuse him, this is why he's only allowed out once a year, he has more bullshit in his mouth than brain cells in his brain" The waiter smiles at me, ignoring Shawns presence and I feel Shawns gaze burning into me

"Food Teddy, the poor man's waiting for you to order food"

"Oh sorry!" I say too fast and grab for the menu, knocking Shawns glass of water all over the place

"I'll be right back, I'll fetch a cloth" says the man as he scurries away and I release the breath that had just about suffocated me

"Okay, Lesson 2 is back in action, seduction technique noted and you get a big fat F for fail"

"I wasn't trying to seduce him!"

"Then what was all the batting of the eyelashes and gazing up at him as though I was standing before you"

"Again with the vomit"

"Come on Camila, you can do better than this, you like him"

"I like the look of him"

"It's a start and let me tell you, he likes the look of you too, don't ask me why" he rolls his eyes and chuckles as I slap his shoulder

"Be coy, but be available, I'm going to go to the bathroom so my good looks and charm don't intimidate him. Do me proud Teddy and then we can move on to lesson 3 which is going to be a messy, messy affair and I can't wait" he grins big before slipping from the table just as the water arrives and starts cleaning the mess

"I'm really sorry"

"It's fine, it's my job and I've cleaned up worse believe me" he smiles at me and my stomach doesn't flutter but he has a nice smile and kind eyes so I decide to go with it

"Sorry about my friend, he's a bit of a loudmouth"

"Friend? Not boyfriend?"

"Definitely not boyfriend, you'd have to be insane to date him, he's more like my... tutor, I guess you could say"

"Okay" he smiles gently at me and I can't help but mimic it and then bite down on my bottom lip

"So this might be a bit forward..."

"No I like forward, because I'm more... backwards lol"

"Na, you seem fine to me. Shubman, by the way" he holds out his hand and I panic that my hand is too sweaty or too shaky but he smiles that soft smile again and I can't reject him so I reach out

"Camila" I say with a sweaty shaky hand but a smile on my lips

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