Its All Becoming Crystal Clear

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"Who the fuck is this guy?!"

Tyler's voice seems to snap us all from the spell we were seemingly under as he glares at Shubman and Shawn and I jump apart

"Shawn?!" I ask in a panic, hoping he can talk us out of this very awkward situation but his mouth stays closed as his head snaps in the direction of his sister

"Liyah?!" She looks at him in confusion and the to Shubman

"Oh... oh!" She exclaims whilst grabbing Shubmans arm and pulling him down the corridor babbling at him all the way and pulling his face to look at her every time he attempts to look back and Shawn and I take the opportunity to disappear into an unlocked classroom and slam the door shut

"Fuck!" I whisper yell as Shawns hands go to his hair "He's going to think I lied to him, that there is something between you and I, he's never going to want to see me or date me again! I'm going to die all alone Shawn, surrounded by cats and smelling of cat pee! What do I say? What do I do?! Help me!"

"Well first of all you calm the fuck down. You'll think of something and if not Aaliyah will, she's a great liar, I trained her well" he sits down on one of the desks and eyes me with interest "I like that skirt, wear it to the next lesson"

I can feel my face blush as I smooth my hands over the material, enjoying the feeling of Shawn liking what I wear

"Now to the important stuff, why I'm here"

"It's all you, you, you isn't it Shawn?!" I jut out a hip and cross my arms and watch as his gaze goes straight to the cleavage my low cut white T-shirt has just revealed as it falls from one shoulder

"Wear the top too" he instructs and I feel my temper beginning to wear thin

"So, whilst my love life once again crashes and burns, why don't you bring the conversation back to yourself and tell me what you want" I sigh and then sit on the desk top next to him and begin picking at my purple nail polish that's just decided to start flaking

"We're busy this weekend"

"We? As in you and me? Since when were we a 'we'?" I crinkle my brow in confusion but don't hate the sound of Shawn referring to us as 'we'

"Since we began exchanging favours, y'know, sex lessons for fake girlfriend shit, which this is by the way"

I cross my arms again and then smirk as his gaze goes back to my chest "The voice that is talking to you is up here Shawn" I remind him "Not down there"

"Yeah but down there makes my dick feel nice your voice just annoys the shit out of me most of the time" he laughs as I pout and then wave my hand to remind him to carry on

"I'm doing a martial arts demonstration at the gym Sunday, I need a volunteer to help me out. That would be you"

"Wait, I didn't volunteer to help you"

"No but Candi did and it's a physical demonstration so you can see the problem with that"

"You aren't going to karate me are you?"

"Yup and jiu jitsu you and Muy Thai you and king fu you too, I'm going to be all over you baby" he grins at my obvious discomfort and fear "Don't worry, when it's over I'll kiss it all better for you, that is if you are a good girl call it Lesson 5"

"But we've already covered kissing, you graded me on it, I got an unfair B minus"

"Kissing mouths we have covered... correct Teddy but kissing intimate body parts we have yet to cover but don't worry, we're about to and I'm great at it so you will learn quick. Saturday, 8am at the gym to practise, your reward... my head between your thighs Sunday evening. Aren't you a lucky girl?" he winks and then laughs loudly as my face turns scarlet and my jaw drops open as his words and indecent images bounce around my brain


"So you and Shawn..."

I take the roses from Shubmans hands as we leave the college grounds and dip my head, embarrassed by the situation I have found myself in

"He's a friend, not even a friend really actually just a huge pain in the ass to be honest" I tell him, never lifting my gaze from my feet

"You will excuse me for thinking that's maybe not true after what I just saw"

"It's embarrassing"

"Yeah? Well I turned up to sweep you off your feet to find you in the arms of another guy, imagine how embarrassed I feel right now"

He laughs lightly but I can tell he's anxious and confused and I want to help him out but I'm also super anxious and super confused about everything that's going on right now

We turn the corner and head towards the football pitch, his eyes keep dropping to my hand so I take the lead and tangle my fingers in his

"Tyler, the blond, he's my ex. He dumped me and wasn't very nice about it so Shawn has been... God this is so embarrassing" I throw my head back and look up to the sky as my face burns with the knowledge of what Shawn and I have been doing and intend to do

"Just tell me, please, I can take it"

"Shawn has been pretending to be my boyfriend... When Tyler's  around. I know it's silly and immature but..."

"He hurt you" I just nod "Then I get you wanting to get back at him but I would really like if maybe you would stop using Shawn as a fake boyfriend and perhaps consider using me as a real one"

My heart suddenly stutters to a standstill in my chest



But that's what I wanted right?

Wait, was it???

I run a hand over my forehead and can feel Shubmans unease

"You aren't ready"

"The break up with Tyler..." I tell him but my brain begins screaming... SHAWN!

"I get that"

"It's so fresh..." IT'S SHAWN!

"I understand" he squeezes my fingers as an uncomfortableness snakes it's way through my chest

"We can still date though right I haven't spoiled that by pushing too hard have I? I thought our second date went great, and I remained dry the entire time "

Yeah, me too... even during the kisses we shared and that's when I realise...

That's when it finally becomes crystal clear

It's Shawn

I only want to date Shawn


*finally got this to a standard I can stand sharing, sorry if this chapter sucks it didn't flow as easily as the others. I promise to do better next update x

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