I'm Coming For Ya

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Throwing the leather underwear into the corner of my room I throw myself onto the bed and then kick my feet and thump my hands down onto the comforter in frustration

I can't believe I spent 200 dollars on underwear just to have to take them off my self!!!

I growl in annoyance before flipping onto my stomach and grabbing my phone

No missed calls

No texts

No 'okay one date' just so he can get me naked


He likes me, Aaliyah said it and I felt it!

My phone beeps in my hand and my heart leaps in my chest hoping... praying...

Shawn Mendes added to his stories...

I blush at the thought of turning on notifications for a man that does nothing but make my brain and heart hurt but as I climb under the covers I open my phone and wait for his story to open

Oh my God!!!

The image passes and I immediately reload it and then press my thumb to it so it won't disappear before I get a good look, a very, very, good look

It's Shawn...

In his mirror...

Wearing nothing but a pair of black Calvin Kleins

Phone in one hand...

A leather glove on the other and a leather blindfold over his eyes

I stare at the picture, trying to take it all in

The blindfold, the damp lips, the hard muscles of his shoulders and chest, his tattoos, those abs!!!! The V-line and then the boxers, the size of what lies beneath them obvious to everyone and suddenly I want to throw on the leather lingerie and go and find him.

1 msg: BFF💞- My brother is fuckin insane, like seriously the man needs professional help

I snort out a laugh and then let my eyes linger on the lingerie that's lying abandoned on my bedroom floor

Should I?

I want to!

Fuck I want his hands and mouth all over me but I like him... I like him so much, too much!

I can't be just a body to him anymore so I do the one thing I know will help I put on the leather lingerie and then settle myself on my bed, close my eyes and let my mind be taken over by images and memories of Shawn, of how he's made me feel in the past and how I wanted him to make me feel tonight

Closing my eyes I allow my fingers to move over the skin of my stomach to the cool, metal buckle that holds the material closed and lies between my breasts, reaching for my phone I film as my fingers nimbly open the buckle and the material falls away exposing the valley of my breasts, just enough to tease but not too much.

Going to Shawns number I send the video and then turn off the volume and place it face down on my bedside table

Taking my breast in my hand, I keep my eyes closed as I imagine it was Shawn that was touching me, his hands squeezing and teasing as his mouth whispers obscenities in my ear and I'm not surprised by how quickly the fabric of my panties moisten

Dipping a finger and my thumb into my mouth I wet them and then move them to my nipple, pinching and rolling it and trying to recreate the wetness of Shawns mouth. It feels no where near as good but it's doing the job as I begin to feel my body reacting, the coil tightening between my legs

Dropping my hand to the buckles on my hips I consider sending Shawn another little clip but quickly decide he doesn't deserve one after the show he put on in the club and then let me leave alone

Undoing the buckles I manoeuvre myself out of the panties and then move my hand to the other breast whilst my spare hand moves through my heat, collecting my own arrousal and then beginning to work my clit and I roll my nipple and allow my mind to be completely consumed by images of Shawn

The way his huge body would hover over me, the way he would lick his lips before kissing me, the feel of his tongue against mine and then against my clit...

I move my fingers faster and faster as memories of Shawn push me closer to the edge

The way he would pull my hair, he way he would curse as he took me with no control, wild, consumed by passion and want for me, he wanted me! He wants me

As my back arches up of my bed and his name slips so effortlessly across my lips I make up my mind

I'm having him

One way or another and with Aaliyah's help Shawn Mendes is going to be the boyfriend he taught me how to please

Allowing my body to enjoy the orgasm that Shawn gave to me without even being in the same room I reach for my phone and laugh when I see two missed calls from Shawn and a message

I click on the message and smile

Ego maniac: Give me 5 minutes and that could be my hands instead on you instead of your own and you know how talented my hands are 😉.

Typing my reply I await his answer knowing what it will be but hoping against hope the sight of me in leather lingerie will convince him to cave

C- Dinner tomorrow night, a date, you date me then you can fuck me

I see the three little dots appear then disappear, appear and then disappear

Ego Maniac: (Read)

But for once, instead of being hurt or annoyed at being left on 'read' I can't help but laugh as I turn off my bedroom lamp and settle below the covers once more

Enjoy your last days of freedom Shawn, because you're about to be someone's boyfriend really, really soon...


*another cheesy ending, what is it about this book that brings out the cheese in me????

*what will she do to get him to cave and will he????? Vote and comment to find out

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