Lesson Number Five Is Officially Under Way

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"I hate you"

I look at Camila sitting on the edge of my bed and can't help but smile at her harsh words because she looks so cute with her legs dangling unable to touch the ground

"My arms hurt, my legs hurt, my fingers hurt..."

"Its a good job it's just your mouth you need tonight then and by the amount of complaining you've done since we left the gym your mouth seems to be working just fine"

"My neck hurts, my back hurts, my hair hurts!"

"Well after the pain comes the pleasure" I keep my voice low as I pull off my white tank top and enjoy the way she can't help but drool over my physique

Plenty of girls have looked at me in the past but I don't think any have shown their approval quite as openly or as sexily as Camila does

"So... oral copulation" I say reaching for the bottom of her T-shirt and pulling it over her head "what do we not use?"

"Our teeth!" She says eagerly, and then grins up at me as though waiting for praise and she looks so cute I reward her with a kiss to the tip of her nose and then watch as her cheeks go pink the way I knew they would

"Exactly! Pants off" I instruct her and feel the blood begin to head south just at the thought of what's to come.

Slowly, she pulls off her black leggings until she's stood in the red, lacy underwear I bought for her and I feel a weird sense of possessiveness, like I bought them so only my eyes should see them which is odd considering I bought them for her to wear for another guy

Kicking my grey track pants off I take a couple of breaths already feeling my body beginning to heat up "okay, so I know just the sight of me turns you on but not every guy is going to have that effect on you..."

"What about me?" I frown, not understanding the question "Does the sight of me turn you on?"

I feel some bullshit answer wanting to jump from my tongue but I know how hard it must have been for her to ask that whilst probably expecting a negative response so I bite my tongue and then reach out, take her hand and then cup it over my covered dick to let her feel the effect she's having on me

"What if I'm at this point with someone and there's nothing going on 'down there' what do I do? Will just kissing get him..." she motions with her head to my groin and I feel slightly disappointed this lesson is beginning with theory instead of the practical my body's beginning to crave but I'm the teacher and the student just asked me a question I'm obliged to respond to

"Camila, if you are stood in lingerie looking like you do right now and he has nothing going on in his pants A. Check he actually has something in his pants and then B. Make sure he isn't dead"

She giggles softly and then looks back to me and I realise we aren't done talking just yet

"Do you mean it when you say sweet things like that to me?"

"Sweet? Me? Wash your mouth out girl" I step closer and take hold of her hips "Or how about I wash it out for you using my tongue"

She crinkles her nose, unimpressed by what I said and as I descend for a kiss hoping to move this from theory to practical she raises a finger to my lips and I huff out my annoyance

"You didn't answer the question. If that happens what do I do?"

"Okay. Yes you could instigate kissing, also your hand on him..." I take her hand and place it back on me and encourage her to squeeze "Should encourage his friend to wake up. Also talking dirty is a big yes for me"

Her eyes widen as her eyebrows rise and I once again wonder how it's possible someone this naive has had sex before

"Keep touching me and tell me what you want me to do to you or what you want to do to me"


"Come on Teddy. I'm hot, I make you hot, use your imagination, if you could do anything you wanted to my body what would it be? We don't have to do it today but let me hear you say it"

"This is really embarrassing though Shawn" she drops her head to my chest and I'm sure her cheeks are so hot they could actually burn my skin but the thought of dirty words coming out of that beautiful mouth have me desperate to hear it

"Not as embarrassing as trying to have sex with a soft dick now come on. You asked the question, I gave you the answer now you have to put it into practise, it's the best way to learn"

"Okay fine!" She finally looks up at me as she sucks on her bottom lip and I make a mental note to do that to her myself as soon as I get the chance

"Come on, if you take much longer we aren't going to have time for the practical part of the lesson and that's going to be what earns you a gold star"

"A gold star?!" She asks, her eyes sparkling with excitement and I feel that weird buzzing in my stomach once again

"You're standing with my dick in your hand Camila, he's getting his hopes up, now please, focus, consider the lesson content and tell me what the fuck you want me to do to you"

"Go down on me, I um... want you to go down in me, please"

The words are rough as they slip over her lips and I suddenly feel light headed as every drop of blood seemingly pools in my groin

"See how much he likes it?" I ask as my dick hardens in her hand and I decide to take control of the lesson, dropping my lips to hers as my hands grip her hips and lift her onto my bed

"I'm gonna to go down on you Camila, I'm going to put my mouth on your pussy and I won't stop until you're cumming in my mouth and then I'm going to put my dick between those beautiful lips of yours and you're going to learn how to really please a man"

She gulps as her body tenses below me. I'm pushing her, taunting and teasing her with my words because I know how easily she crumbles under insinuation

Taking her lips, I kiss her with everything I have, wanting her to feel as much as she possibly can before I move my mouth from her lips to her clit

The first time she moans into my mouth I move south. Stopping at her beautiful, firm breasts and spending some time licking and sucking at her nipples loving the way she squirms and moans beneath me, her hands pulling at my hair and then scratching hard at my back but then I release them, my target set as I push my fingers into the thin, lacy material of her panties and then drag the down over her thighs and down her legs, dropping them to the ground as my lips move to her stomach and then her hips, my fingers releasing her and then moving slowly through her heat as her hips rise and a groan drags over her lips and hits then cool air of my room

"Lesson number 5 has officially begun" I tell her and a whimper is her only reply as I finally lower my mouth to taste her

*does this Lesson need a second part???? Or do we move on?

*also please comment and vote if you are still enjoying it x

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