The Sound Of His Heart

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Tw for the word Rape

For the last 4 nights I haven't been home, in fact I don't think I have even slept. Every second of my nights seem to have been filled by naked exploits with Shawn.

The positions and the intensity, the emotions and the pleasure... we are everything you read about in smut books but don't dare to believe could possible in real life but then there are the the moments after, the moments when we are naked and tired, when his arms hold me so tight to his taut, muscular body that I begin to panic he will never let me go

Something is wrong...

Something is very, very wrong, just as we are beginning to feel very, very right and I'm not sure what to do, who to talk to, what to press and what to leave well alone

"Baby?" Shawns sleepy voice shocks me from my thoughts as his arm moves over my side and heaves me on top of him

"I thought you were sleeping" I tell him with a giggle but his mouth is already on my neck as his hands move up my thighs to cup my ass under his T-shirt which is my only item of clothing

"I was but you have this weird effect on me. You wake me up hard as hell every single morning" he grinds his hardness against my centre as he groans a hot moan into my neck

"I'm glad to hear it" I smile as his hands smooth over my hips to cup my heat and I throw back my head and allow my pleasure to slip over my lips in a heavy moan and then I remember that this isn't our normal. This is something else, something my body likes but that's weighted with something that doesn't feel right

"Stop" I whisper when all of my body tells me to let him continue

"Hu?" His voice is so confused I know he didn't see it coming but I can't pretend that this is okay any more

"We need to talk" the worlds barely leave my lips before his forehead hits the nape if my neck


"Something's wrong"

"Not with us, it's not us I promise "

"It just feels weird Shawn, it feels wrong" he takes a second, runs his hands through his hair and then pushes away from me, sitting on the edge of the bed with only his beautiful back facing me "please talk to me..." I reach my hands to his neck and begin to softly massage the skin as I await an answer.

"I'm in trouble Mila" his voice is soft as I hear a tremble on it I never want to hear again

"What sort of trouble?" I kiss the back of his shoulder as my hand continues to massage his neck

"Remember I told you I owed some people some money?"


"They want it all paid back and I don't have that sort of cash right now" he drops his head to his hands

"What If you cant pay it back? What will they do to you?" He lifts a hand and covers mine that rests on his shoulder and I know then the answer isn't good

"But why?! You said you were paying it back. Baby look at me!" He looks over his shoulder and briefly makes eye contact before returning his gaze to his knees

"Candi" he practically whispers and my blood runs cold "I don't know what she said but it was her I know it was her"

I step down from the bed and crouch in front of my man, taking his face in my hands "But why?"

"The reason is disgusting, you aren't going to want to hear it and I don't want to tell you it"

"I do. I want to know everything when it comes to you" I kiss his cheek and then wait again for him to speak

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