We're Going To Do It More Than Once... Right?

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Candis high pitched voice cuts through all the noise of the airport and I turn to see her tottering towards me in sky high heels, a tiny hot pink mini skirt and a hot pink crop top

The skirt's so short I can almost see her panties and her top's so revealing I know for a fact she isn't wearing a bra and as she flicks her shiny red hair over her shoulder I feel my dick shrink in terror instead of grow in an desire the way she intended it to

Before I can think her arms are around my neck as her chest pushes against mine and I feel myself freeze as her perfume causes a memory to spark to life in my mind and its a memory I have been running from for the longest time


'My eyes lazily lift open and then immediately snap shut, the sunlight is way too bright and the thumping in my head way too loud.

I manage to roll myself into my side hoping I had enough sense to bring water to bed but on the bedside table lies only a phone and it's one I don't recognise.

Just as I begin to search my memory for the events of the previous evening a thin arm snakes over my hip and presses their hand flat in the skin below my navel and I shut my eyes in disgust

This was supposed to be a training event for work. It had been a disaster from start to finish when Candi had shown up at the airport but now this... a random hook up I was going to have to disentangle myself from and then make my excuses to all whilst fighting the mother of all hangovers

I feel a cheek press against the top of my back and then bare breasts push against me as my bedmate groans at the contact and starts to move the hand on my stomach lower

Quickly I take hold of their wrist to stop them and that's when I see them

The rings...

One gold band and one gold band with a huge diamond on top, two rings worth more money than I will ever make in my life time and they sit on the thin finger of my bosses wife

The one I'm in bed with..."

The one that's naked...

I didn't want this!

I told her no close to a hundred times yesterday and I thought she had taken the hint when she suggested dinner and then going our separate ways until the flight home

I try to remember dinner but my memory is black

I try to remember anything after I returned to my hotel to shower and change but again my memory remains black, nothing sparks,!not even a fragment of a memory shining in the darkness

Just nothing...

"Shawn..." she had groaned my name and I had scrambled from the bed, searching on my hands and knees for my clothes as she sat up and looked down at me in amusement "Come back to bed baby" was all it took her to say before I began emptying the contents of my stomach on the hotel room floor'


"You look great" she drags the middle of the word out for way longer than needed as she still holds on to me and I just stand there, I don't speak, don't move, I just pray to God she releases me soon, before my stomach that is now churning empties it's self all over her barely there outfit.

Thankfully she finally lets me go and then hands me her suitcase to pull

"I can't believe we get to do this again" She says innocently as though she hadn't set this whole thing up "Do you remember how much fun we had last time we came on one of these little trips? You were just a boy then Shawn, I can't believe how much of a man you are now" she giggles and I want to clamp my hand over her mouth to stop any sound escaping but she reaches and drags a finger from my shoulder to my wrist and then purrs in satisfaction


That voice!

I look to Candy and watch as her features crumple in confusion and then my eyes scan the crowds, looking for her tiny body in the sea of people

"Who the..." Candi is just asking as I finally spot Camila hurrying behind us, dragging a suitcase of her own and as our eyes meet all my fear and anxiety suddenly evaporates and I can't help the grin she spreads quickly over my face

"Baby!" She gasps as she throws herself into my arms and I lift her to my hips, my mouth claiming hers as her arms wrap around my neck and we indulge in a PDA that's on the verge of having us arrested

"What the fuck is she doing here?!" I hear Candi asking as my tongue smoothes over Camilas and continues to explore the warmth of her mouth, delighting in the very faint taste of banana

Finally we separate as we gasp desperately for air, our foreheads pressing together and our eyes both closed

"Didn't Shawn tell you?" Camila asks as she finally slides down my body and then wraps her arms tightly around my waist... claiming me as hers and even if it is just a show we are putting on for Candi I can't help but love how it feels

"Sorry Candi, I though Burt had told you. When I found out we were coming to New York I asked him if I could bring Camila and he said yes"

"I'm so excited, I've never been swept off to another city by a guy before" she goes up onto her tiptoes to kiss my cheek but I move my face just in time for her lips to land hot on mine

"I have some stuff I'm desperate, to teach her and I thought why not hold the lesson in New York?"

"Lesson-S" She says, placing the emphasis on the S as in multiple and I find my body beginning to heat up and show interest "Right? We're going to do it more than one time right Shawn?"

My mouth is on hers before I can answer, my whole body giving in to it's excitement to get Camila to New York and get lessons started

"Shawn... Shawn!"

Candis voice makes me pull away and then look over my shoulder at her

"This was supposed to be just you and me" she seethes, her cheeks going pink as she bares her teeth in displeasure "This is for work after all"

" I know, but now it's just you, me and my girlfriend" I take Camilas hand and squeeze it tight "You and I will train during the day and that leaves me free to train Camila all night long"

I look down at her and know my eyes are dark as my skin that's touching hers begins to burn

With every fibre of my being I want her and although I can't be with her, I'm going to be in her the second that hotel door shuts and I'm not going to stop until I have had her on every single surface of the place and in every single position the depravities of my mind can come up with

*i promise the next part is NY

*Happy Birthday part 2 CarolineVieira605

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