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Okay, this really isn't how the lady on reception sold this to me.

There's no grappling with Shawn, no rolling on the floor, limbs entangled, my sweat coating his body whilst his sweat covers mine

Instead I am face to face with a 6ft female who is built like a barn door and grunting at me like a pig, all the while looking at me as though she's going to grab me, spin me and let go of me so that I splat against the wall of the gym but I'm here for Shawn so I try to mimic her stance and her aggression and hear Shawn snort out a laugh from behind me

"What?!" I ask as I turn to face him aggressively

"Nothing" he replies whilst holding his hands up "Nothing at all"

We're in what he calls 'fighting stance' and it's apparently the first one to get their partner on the floor who wins

My partner is big... I am small

My partner is strong... I am weak

I glance over at Shawn hoping he sees just how ill matched this coupling is but he just smiles that sickly sweet smile of his and announces '3-2-1 fight!'



I scream a little as my partner tries to grab me but I scramble under her legs. Just as I try to run her arms go around my waist and heave me back to her causing me to scream again, before she tangles her leg with my knee and brings me crashing down to the ground

"One point to me" She growls whilst looking to Shawn for his approval and he flashes her one of his killer grins and tells her she did a 'good job'

"A good job?" I can't help but argue back "She's twice my height and three times my size!!!"

"I'm teaching you to fight and to protect yourself newb, you don't get to choose the height and the weight of the person that attacks you now stop bitching and go again"

I'm just about to argue back when my partner spins me around and then throws herself at my legs, pulling them from under me and again I'm lying on my back panting for air and not in the way I usually am with Shawn

"2 nil to me!"

"That's not fair, I wasn't ready!"

"An attacker isn't going to wait for you to ready yourself before they attack you newb, you have to be prepared at all times"

And just like that the women's arms are on my shoulders as she slams me back into the mat and I decide 'fuck this shit!' So I just close my eyes and lay there completely unresponsive to this madness

"Get up newb" I hear the woman grunt but I just remain still

"Cabello?" I hear Shawns voice as his feet pad across the matts towards me "Camila?!" His voice is coated in concern as I inwardly grin at how easily I am turning his game around on him

"Fuck I think I really hurt her!"

In your dreams barn door, I might be small but I don't break that easily

I feel Shawns hands come down on my throat as he feels for a pulse and breathes a sigh of relief as he finds one

"Maybe she's just knocked out" he says, his voice sounding panicked

"Or she passed out with fear"

"Hey!" I say, my eyes flicking open as I sit up quickly

"Hey..." Shawn moves his hand to my face at looks at me with genuine concern "Are you okay?!" He asks, his hand brushing hair from my face

"No" I pout and give him my biggest, saddest eyes "I hurt my butt, I think I need someone to check it out for me"

His look of concern slowly turns to a look of amusement as he realises that I was faking all along

"Check it out eh?" He asks as he pushes his arms under my legs and lifts me up, walking us both to the seating area "you're too light, it's too easy for me to carry you. I think I need to fatten you up"

"Yeah? And how do you propose to do that other than getting me pregnant?" I laugh as he almost chokes at my words

"Food, I meant food Camila, fuck you almost gave me a heart attack just then"

"A date?!" I say loudly, hope beginning to burn in my stomach and light a fire in my chest

"Say that word again and I will drop you on your ass myself" I giggle as I press against his chest


"Tonight, I would hate to leave that ass too long without checking on it, any damage you've done might become permanent"

"Dinner tonight" I say through a smile

"And then it's all about that ass" he laughs as he puts me down and returns to his class

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