So We Were Watching A Movie...

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TW for word Rape

"Where've you been all week?" Asks Aaliyah as I crash down onto her sofa and throw an arm over my forehead

"With Shawn"

"So that's why you're so exhausted?"

"Hey we're dating now!"

"Meaning?" She crosses her arms and peers over the top of the black reading glasses she's wearing but doesn't need

"Meaning we do other things that just have sex now"

"Such as? And bare in mind my room is right next door to his" I giggle loudly as I use my arm to cover my eyes

"Okay so that's still a lot of it"

"Camila, from the sounds of it it's so much of it I don't know how you two have time to do anything else"

"Well we went to dinner with Brian the other day!" I argue, pushing myself into a sitting position to see her properly

"How was Brian? Was he nice to you?"

"Very" I say quietly, remembering the conversation Brian and I had with regards to Shawns 'situation'

"He's a good guy" I nod "What?"


"No, when I mentioned Brian you went weird. What is it?"

"It's nothing, honestly" she pushes the glasses into her hair and gazes at me with the same eyes as Shawn has, same colour, same shape...

"If he tried something with you..."

"No! God no! He's a good friend to Shawn, he wouldn't do that" I tap my finger tips on my blue denim jeans and only spare a quick glance for my friend but she seems to relax a little at my words as she nods her head in agreement

"How's Jordan?" I ask hoping to change the subject from my love life to her own

"He's being so annoying right now, like, ever since we started having sex he acts like he doesn't have to try anymore, we never go to dinner or the movies, we never just 'hang out' without it being code for him trying to get me naked"

"Guys!" I sigh in agreement even though I don't really agree with her at all, Shawn trying to get me naked at any and every possible opportunity is a part of our relationship I love the most.

Lying on the sofa in silence a thought takes sprout in my mind and then it begins to grow and no matter how much I know I should close my mouth and keep it to my self I feel unable to obey my own commands as I open my mouth and let way more out than I ever should

"So Shawn and I watched this movie and it was so controversial we almost had our first fight, want to hear all about it and then tell me how I'm right and Shawn was wrong?"

Aaliyah perks up on her seat, pulling down her glasses once more and peering at me like this is a situation she has to take really seriously "Of course, any opportunity I get to knock my brothers ego down a peg or two and keep you on 'Team Aaliyah' I'm going to take"

I pull in a breath and then nibble on the sleeve of my pale pink sweatshirt and swallow down the feeling that I'm betraying Shawn as I try to work out where in this 'movie' to begin

"So it was a love story..."

"Of course. Why watch it if it isn't? But kudos for getting my brother to watch it" she reaches out a hand to hi-five me

"Sure. Thanks. So this guy and this girl were together and in love and happy, blah, blah, blah but of course he had a past"

"Of course, don't they all?" Asked Aaliyah as she twirled a strand of her caramel coloured locks around her finger and rolled her eyes dramatically

"He'd made some mistakes, owed some guys some money and broke a few hearts along the way"

"Oh is this an 'A Woman Scorned' storyline?! I love those so much" she bounces cross legged on her seat and I can't help but giggle at her playfulness

"Kind of. Anyways, he owes these guys money, he's broke this woman's heart so she got these guys to demand the money be paid back in full in a timeframe he can't do because the money was too much"

"Vindictive! I likey" She wiggles her eyebrows and I frown at how her reaction to this isn't exactly what I was hoping for

"Anyway..." I push on, hoping she soon realises the the true magnitude of what's going on for the guy without me having to mention the 'R' word "This women tells the guy she'll pay off the debt IF he dumps his girlfriend and has sex with her instead"

"Taking the power back. Good on you girl!"

"Liyah!" I cry out slapping my hands against the sofa


"He has a girlfriend he loves, he doesn't want to cheat on her no matter what it saves him  and there's no guarantee that after the event she'll go through with it anyways!"

"Okay, fine, carry on"

"Okay, so if he says no these guys are going to hurt, maybe even kill him but if he says yes then he's going to lose the only girl he's ever loved BUT..."


"His girlfriend is so scared of him being hurt so begins to think about giving him a 'hall pass'. Like, you can sleep with this one person on this one occasion to get yourself out of this situation as long as you make sure she will see through her end of the bargain and then we will never talk or think about it ever again"

"So the guy gets sex with this woman he already liked enough to have sex with AND the girl he supposedly loves and he gets out of paying his debt?! He's winning in all sides here as far as I can see and he doesn't get his ass wupped?! Guys have it so easy"

"Aaliyah this isn't easy! This guy could get killed, yes he had sex with her but he didn't want to, he never wanted to, fuck the first time he can't even remember it because she more than likely drugged him!!!" I jump up from the sofa, my heart pounding, my face bulging with fury at the way my best friend just made the worst situation in my life seem so easy, putting into words almost every one of Shawns fears as though they were nothing

"He didn't remember sleeping with her cos she drugged him, cos she raped him?!" She exclaims, finally cottoning on to what I was trying to tell her "well why the fuck didn't you tell me that first?! No the girlfriend doesn't give him a fuckin 'hallpass!' The girlfriend hauls his ass to the police station and reports the bitch for rape!"

Aaliyah is looking up at me now as if I have lost my mind, as if this conversation just took such a left turn that she's struggling to grasp what we are pretty much in the middle of an argument about right now

"He doesn't want her to" I reply quietly, my voice shaking as Aaliyah pushes herself to her feet, her chest heaving against her thin grey tank top as she tries to control her breathing, our minds almost becoming one in that moment

"Why not?" She half gasps, half whispers

"Because he's scared no one will believe him" a tear I don't want, falls down my face as I see Aaliyah's eyes become shiny "Because he's a guy and she's a girl, because she's threatened him and because..."

"Because he's Shawn" Aaliyah finally forces out, her hand covering her mouth as my own hand covers my own and I begin nodding frantically, tears falling, of shame, of fear, of  betrayal and regret but also tears of relief.

"You can't tell him you know" I say quietly against her neck as she wraps her arms tightly around me and we both sob against each other's skin

I didn't mean to tell her...

Shawn didn't want her to know...

"Tell me how to help him" she begs as her body shakes with sobs "He's my brother, I love him so much Mila, tell me how to save him, I'll do anything"

*Shawn's gathering a squad and he doesn't even know it lol

*this book is coming to an end so please share your thoughts and your votes

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