Pop Quiz

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'The rules have changed, from now on I get to kiss you whenever I want, call it preparation, for you to be ready when your next boy wants your mouth, no awkward hesitation or unexpected clanking of teeth just kissing, whenever and wherever I and the he wants it'

Shawns words ring loud in my ear as I sit at a table in a beautiful Indian restaurant waiting for my date to turn up. He's only five minutes late right now so I pull out my phone and immediately see a text from Shawn

Ego Maniac 🤢: if he's late forget him, if he eats with his mouth open forget him, if he kisses like a fish forget him

I don't know how he knows Shubman is late but I definitely won't be taking his advice. He'll be here, I know he will, he was nice and he was Interested and he wasn't like Sha...


"You came!" It's out of my mouth and I'm blushing before I even get the chance to think. I jump from my seat and for some unknown reason I reach to shake his hand and knock my glass of water over and as my face burns with embarrassment and I flashback to the first time we met

"Is this how we're going to greet each other forever now?" He asks, an amused look on his face "I say hi and you knock over a glass of water" he begins cleaning it up with a napkin as I drop into my seat and cover my face with my hands

"This is so embarrassing" the only thing that could make it more embarrassing is if...

"Camila! Imagine meeting you here"

No. Fucking. Way!

I don't even dare to turn around, terrified that this isn't some kind of nightmare

"Hello again bud" the hand that appears over my shoulder and shakes Shubmans is emblazoned with a swallow tattoo and can only belong to one person

My worst nightmare has just become my life

And then suddenly a feminine hand shoots over my shoulder and shakes Shubmans and my blood runs cold.

He's here with a date!!

I smile awkwardly up at my date and then peer over my shoulder to see a grinning Shawn stood with his arm around some tall, busty girl with pink hair and a lip ring and I just want to slide from my seat and hide under the table

"You guys are eating here too?" Asks Shubman as he finally takes his seat opposite to me

"No don't sit down" instructs Shawn and Shubman stands back up immediately "We're going to need a bigger table to fit all four of us"

"You guys can get your own table, just because we know each other doesn't mean we have to sit together"

"A double date Camila it'll be fun!" Shawn starts signalling to the waiter that we need a bigger table as I try my hardest to keep calm.

This was supposed to be my date!!!

I spent hours getting ready for this!

I spent all day with a stomach ache because of nerves for this and he comes along with his stupid smile and his stupid 'double date' idea and his stupid, stupid beautiful pink girl

I want to slam my face into the table just to knock myself out so I don't have to be a witness to any of this but instead I stand up obediently and fallow my date towards a table for four, Shawns hot breath whispering "pop quiz" into my ear before chuckling lightly and I want to turn around and punch him in his face but I don't, instead I take a seat and then smile awkwardly at his date who is looking at him as though she wants him naked on the table right now and I make a note to work on being able tell my guy I want him just by using my face

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