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When did this happen?

I mean, when did this insanity actually become my life???

Me, plain old Camila Cabello accompanying Shawn Mendes to a fancy work event... THE Shawn Mendes and I'm holding his hand and wearing red lacy underwear that he bought for me!

How the eff is this real???

How is this not one of those weird dreams that you believe is real right up until the moment you wake up?

I bite down on my tongue to make sure this is actually happening and isn't just my messed up mind playing tricks in the night but the sting of teeth on tongue tells me this isn't a dream, this is really happening and it's happening to me.

Heaving in a deep breath to try and calm my mind as I let my gaze fall over the outfit Shawn chose for me tonight... a red mini dress with a black belt that's so tight I'm struggling to breathe and black strappy heels that I'm struggling even to stand up in, it's anything but comfortable but with the makeup Aaliyah applied and my long hair in bouncy curls I feel good, I feel like a woman and not the little girl I have a habit of reverting back to in an attempt to protect myself from life and the difficulties of growing up

"Tonight is the first practical examination so be prepared" Shawn tells me suddenly, keeping his gaze fixed squarely on the gym we are now approaching "I'm going to be watching and grading you on the following areas of being a good girlfriend... 1. General attentiveness, bare in mind how much I love attention. 2. Flirting in a public place bare in mind how good I am at flirting and 3. PDA"

"Well you aren't a PDA kind of guy... are you? Surely you want to seem available to all girls at all times, you must be dying inside just holding my hand right now"

"Oh I am absolutely a PDA kind of guy Teddy, but I don't date so usually it's a PDSA I indulge in... Public Displays of Sexual Activity"

I crinkle my nose in disgust but don't say anything, knowing he already gets how much he disgusts me

"You will be thankful to know that tonight you will be graded only on hand holding, touching and kissing... no PDSA, not after only 3 lessons, I don't want you to explode with embarrassment all over my place of work"

His words seem to send an electric shock to my stomach as I unconsciously grip his hand tighter

Holding hands...



Just four words and I'm close to blacking out

"There has to be physical affection Teddy, we told her we'd been dating for 6 months... fuck, I can't even imagine how dull a relationship would be if you've been together for that long but we have to sell it to her that we're still head over heels"

At that exact moment I just about trip in my heels and we both look down at the offending footwear and then up at each other and share a short, genuine laugh and I love the way our voices tangle together in the cool night air

Shawn has opted for a black dress shirt tucked into black pants with black boots.

He looks hot... insanely hot and he knows it

"Hot right?" He asks as he makes it obvious that he just caught me staring as well as seemingly reading my mind

"Not bad, I guess, for a loser like you" I shrug and then smile up at him just as a shrill voice cuts through our conversation

"Shawn! Camilla! If it isn't the cute little couple themselves"

Shawns grip tightens and I'm aware that the practical examination has just begun

"Hi again" I smile up at her but before I can say another word she reaches down and rips my hand out of Shawns, an action we both complain at but she ignores us and pulls out a black marker pen and draws a thick black cross on the back of my hand and then grins down at me through her glossy, blood red lips

"No alcohol for you schooly" she almost sings and I take hold of Shawns hand once again and attempt to regain my composure

"That's okay, I don't drink anyways, it ages you terribly but I'm sure you know that already"

I hear Shawn snort out a laugh and I suddenly fill with pride, realising that I like pleasing him and then wondering in what other ways I will enjoy pleasing him

"Baby can we go in now? I'm cold" I push up against him and love the feeling of his muscular arms wrapping around me

"Anything you want" he whispers whilst kissing the hair just above my ear and my entire  body tingles at the contact and for a split second I question why I didn't feel that with Tyler and  what that means to the mess we now find ourselves in

"Shawn, we need to talk at some point, I think you know what about"

He doesn't turn back, he just keeps walking but I don't miss the way he nods his head slowly, his hand pushing further into mine and the word 'fuck' slipping quietly over his lips

Tonight is my first practical exam and with the redheads eyes burning into my back as we walk away I know it's an exam I can't fail

* Coming up... Practical Examination 1

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