Date Number 1

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"I hope you realise that between you and my sister I'm pretty much here as a kidnap victim"

"I guess that means when you have my ass in your hands later you can blame it on Stockholm syndrome"

I can't help but grin, loving the way the banter flies so easily between us, if you were listening in to most of our conversations you would be sure we hate each other when I'm beginning to realise that actually the opposite is true

"So come on then, you're the teacher tonight, I can't remember the last time I went on a date like this so teach me what I should do"

I lift an eyebrow and then lick my lips before sipping at my water and loving the way the blood rushes to her cheeks with my words

"Well, first when the food arrives, you share your food with me but don't dare ask to share mine because my boy and my food are the two things I definitely don't share"

"Ooh... you've got a bit of selfish in you Teddy"

"It's not selfish Shawn, it's the law"

"The law?!" I laugh at how serious she looks whilst talking absolute bullshit and how cute she looks too with her round sparkly eyes and pursed lips

"Yes..." she holds up one finger "A boy must share his food with his date, a girl must not"

"Well that's just sexist and silly" I fiddle with my white cotton napkin and just enjoy the playful look on her face

"Thems the rules Shawn, abide by them or pay the price"

I fix her with a gaze I know makes her blush and then lower my head to hers "A punishment? Mmmm I like the sound of that, tell me more"

"You're sex obsessed do you know that?"

"I do know that now tell me what my punishment is for eating your food so I can decide whether the extra calories are worth it or not"

"Oh I don't know... maybe it will be that i decide not to eat you tonight" she says it with confidence and without a blush and i decide there and then I like this new, more confident Camila

"Do I still get to fuck you?" I ask, expecting her to turn red but instead she stares me down

"Touch my food and you aren't touching anything but yourself" she winks and then giggles as I shake my head in surprise at her boldness


This girl!!!!

I trained her so fuckin well...

Maybe too fuckin well...

"Okay fine, your food's your own and I'm pretty sure I'm going to hate what you order anyways"

"We will see" she smirks as though she knows something I don't and suddenly I'm excited for tonight, I'm excited for this date

Camila has turned up on her A game, she's pushing me, testing me in all the ways I love but the look on her face when she thinks I'm not looking tells me tonight is going to end up in bed and I'm ready for it, it's been way too long since I had a taste of her

"But anyways this is our first date..."

"Only date" I say knowing the way things are going I'm going to want more of this

"We'll see. Sex talk shouldn't be how we start, we should get to know each other"

"We already know each other... intimately"

"Behave!" She scolds me whilst gently slapping my arm and then picking up her phone

"It's not going that badly that you need to call for help is it?"

"I have questions..."

I frown as she scans through her phone and I pick at the bread and olive selection that lies between us

"Question 1. What would you do if it was your last day on earth?"

"Come on Teddy, you know the answer to this. I'd have as much sex as I possibly could with as many girls as I possibly could" I wink at her as her features tense

"You're disgusting, do you know that?"

"Yes, we established that already"

She sighs and then puts down her phone, your turn, ask me anything you want"

She pops an olive into her mouth and then looks at me like an A+ student that's waiting for a test, desperate for that shiny gold star

"Okay, what is it about me you like so much that you have both yourself and my sister stalking me for dates?"

"Well I particularly like the fact you have no ego, that no matter how many girls or guys want you it doesn't go to your head"

She pauses, the most serious look on her face and then we both snort out a laugh

"I actually just like the fact that no matter how much you try to push the world away and pretend you're this tough guy you're really just sweet and funny and..."


"Of course"

"And masculine"

"Oh you're all man baby"

Again we laugh as the waiter arrives with a look of concern on his face, I don't get to ask what's wrong because he drops his head to Camila for a conversation I can't hear but she looks between him and I suspiciously before nodding her head and waiting for the waiter to leave before speaking to me again

"Unfortunately every thing we ordered is sold out"

"Everything?!" I knit my brows together, realising immediately that there's more to this than meets the eye

"Everything except dessert" her face is too innocent to actually be innocent as the waiter arrives with a tray in one hand and sets it down in front of Camila "look at this, chocolate sauce, cream... all very spreadable Shawn"

That glint in her eye tells me this is going exactly where I want it to go... the bedroom

"Should we eat it here or get it to go?" Her eyes are wide, her face like that of an angels but before it can dawn on me what the hell she has arranged, and how quickly this date got taken out of my control, she's packing the goodies into a brown paper bag the waiter had also delivered and reaching for her purse


"Another rule of a good date, the guy pays. I'll meet you at your car" she presses a kiss to my temple and then disappears from the dining room leaving my head spinning and my libido very, very hopeful

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