Swimming With Sharks (L4)

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"Okay. Preparation for a second date" Shawn stands in front of me, in the living room of his house with a very serious look on his face and I smirk at how cute he is when he's playing teacher

"Are you sure you're qualified to teach me this? I mean have you ever even been on a second date?" I cock an eyebrow at him and he slams his hands onto his hips

"Yes I have been on a second date you cheeky little thing" He smiles down at me and then pecks my lips with a kiss and my entire body erupts with goosebumps

"If your body doesn't do that..." he says whilst smoothing a thumb over my shoulder "When he kisses you then there's no third date" He chuckles and I suddenly feel embarrassed by the very obvious effect he has on my body as well as the way he absolutely knows it

"Carry on" I instruct whilst pretending his lips on mine didn't effect me at all

"1. Do not spill water on him this time"


"2. He will go in for a kiss"

"Do you think?!" I cringe at how desperate that sounded and then shrink back into the sofa

"Luckily for you, you actually kiss pretty good"

"I do?!" I sit up straight again and grin up at him, pride flooding my chest and I suddenly feel like a puppy dog that's just been told 'good boy' by his owner

"Don't be so surprised, you have great lips" I raise a finger and touch my lips, thanking God for giving them to me "I give you a solid B+"

"Only a B??? That's not fair! What do I lose points for?!"

"You're a bit hesitant with your tongue, I like more tongue play"

"Well that's an A- surely!"

"And also you don't instigate kissing, it's always down to me"

"That's because you're the teacher!"

"When we started this insanity I highlighted lack of instigation as a weakness for you, you should be trying to improve and overcome those weaknesses other wise why are we even here?"

"So I can just kiss you wherever whenever?"

"Well unless there's a girl I'm trying to attract close by or my sister, she has a weak stomach when it comes to me and sexual activity of any kind"

Sexual activity...

Funny he should utter those words because they have been in my mind ever since we progressed to kissing, I guess now's as good a time as any...

"So when do we graduate from kissing to... my other weaknesses"

"Are we talking sexual touching or oral sex here? Just so I'm clear what weaknesses we're actually discussing, the list was quite extensive"

I almost choke on his words, his bluntness and lack of embarrassment at any of this stunning me into silence once again

"Well what's the natural progression?"

"Well for me I'd have had you naked and made you cum 100 times by this point in the lesson plan but for you we'll say sexual touching comes next, don't want to kill you off before we even find you a boy for real"

"Ok" I choke the word out and he shakes his head and chuckles

"You are sure you've actually had sex before"

"Yes I've had sex! Multiple times I'll have you know, I'm just apparently not very good at it" I admit whilst crossing my arms over my chest and pouting and that earns we another little peck but I don't want those, I want the kisses he gives me that makes my body burn so I bite the bullet, stand up and grab him by the plain black T-shirt he's wearing and pull his mouth to mine.

My heart begins to hammer as I wait for his rejection but to my surprise he immediately begins kissing back, his hands going to my ass without hesitation and pulling my hips hard against his

"Lesson 4" I manage to say against his lips "Teach me"

Shawn pulls away and seems to be thinking something as he gazes straight into my eyes before ripping his T-shirt over his head and then placing both hands on my shoulders, urging me to sit down but I'm frozen, stunned by the torso that is right in front of my eyes.

He's all hard muscle and toned lines, it's the male body exactly as God intended it I have no doubt of that and I have never seen one like it this close up before

"Okay fine, 30 seconds to drool and then sit down and pay attention"

His ego is the knock to the head I need so I sit down and gulp as he folds his T-shirt and places it on the armchair, confirming whatever he's about to do, he's about to do it topless.

Sitting next to me, he slides his hand into my hair and pulls my lips to cover his, as he begins to massage warm kiss after warm kiss into my skin I slowly begin to find my courage once more and push my tongue against his lips, he slants his head and opens his mouth as I'm suddenly overcome with his delicious taste and the fire low beneath my hips roars into life.

Our tongues push together and I assume this is the playing he was talking about but to me it feels more like dancing

"Touch me" he suddenly whispers as he moves his kisses from my mouth to my throat and I reach a shaky hand towards his groin but his hand drops down and wraps around my wrist "Patience Teddy" and he places my palm flat against his chest

Heaving in a breath I prepare to touch him and the way my heart pounds and my body shakes you would think I was preparing to swim with sharks

He places one hand on my hip and the other on the back of my neck as he gets back to kissing my throat and then my shoulder and I close my eyes, enjoying the sensation and the burning between my thighs before I start moving my hands, placing them both on his pecs and then sliding them down over his abs and his sides.

I hear his breath hitch a little and that spurs me on his I dip my fingers under the waistband of his jeans and then trail my fingers along the sensitive part of his stomach as my lips move to a nipple and my tongue swishes over it.

Suddenly his mouth returns to mine, hungry and desperate, his fingers curling in the fabric of my yellow tank top and then pulling it over my head using a hand to push me into a lying position and I close my eyes and just give my body over to him

His mouth descends and peppers kisses along my collar bone and over my shoulder as one hand holds my waist and his thumb strokes the skin

His mouth moves lower to my chest and I raise my hips hoping to make contact with something of his that will relieve the ache but he just pushes me back to the couch as one hand begins to palm my breast over the fabric of my navy blue bra


"Shawn will do for now" he laughs lightly before reaching around and undoing the clip, pulling the fabric from my skin and then gazing down at me, his eyes darkening as his pink tongue runs over his already damp lips

"For the record, these get an A+" I shake my head as he lowers his self down and then takes a nipple in his mouth as his other hand begins playing with the other one.

The feeling is so intense, so immense that I'm 100% sure that he could make me cum just by touching me like this and I have never felt anything like that before in my life

"You aren't learning anything just by lying there" he growls into my skin before moving his mouth to the other nipple and beginning to use his tongue to play with it

I try to control my breath, to keep my mind straight to focus on what's happening and what I'm expected to do but I can't, all I can think about is the throbbing sensation between my legs and how this is too much, too quick, he's too good at it and I'm about to make a fool of myself

"Stop!" I put a hand to his chest and push him from me as I slip to the floor and and grab my bra, the friction of my jeans rubbing against my centre as I move triggering an orgasm I will never, ever admit to.

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