The Pied Piper Of Sex

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Shawn Mendes...

Turns out every girl on campus has heard of him



Amazing in bed...

It's actually scary how many girls claim to know this from personal experience.

It blows my mind that he and Aaliyah are actually related. Aaliyah is a good girl, she has a long term boyfriend and only lost her virginity to him last summer at the age of 18. Shawn on the other hand was probably into triple figures by the time that he was 18 if everyone that claims to have slept with him is to be believed

Anyways, it's 7.30 pm on a Friday night, and I have exams coming up so I should be studying but instead I'm here, creeping around at the weekly bonfire on the beach, the one I'm never invited to, trying to find and then gain the attention of the before mentioned man whore

Apparently he likes to play the guitar or so I heard and I can't help but imagine him doing it to woo girls with his music like he's the pied piper of sex.

So here I am trying to walk on the very soft sand in very tall heels and trying my best not to fall over because with the tiny blue and white dress i'm wearing, one fall and every asset I have will be on show and all the while I'm attempting to listen for the sound of a guitar through the din being made by dozens of drunk twenty somethings

"Oops sorry!" I'm so busy trying to look or hear for Shawn Mendes that I walk right into another human being and end up flat on my ass, legs open and flashing my panties to the world

"Nice panties" says a masculine voice and I grab the bottom of my dress and try to pull it down to cover my modesty but here's nowhere near enough fabric to spare my blushes

"Pervert!" I huff miserably and he holds out his hand, helping me to my feet and then dusting the sand off of the ass of my dress with a large tattooed hand that I recognise immediately from the Instagram account I had spent the afternoon stalking

"Shawn Mendes!" I gasp and he chuckles in a way that annoys me

"In the flesh" He announces proudly and then chuckles "so do you flash all the boys or just me?"

"I fell! I wasn't trying to flash anyone!" I snap and cross my arms over my chest and I see his eyes go to my cleavage and I almost want to cover up his gaze is so intense but then I remember why i'm here and he is playing straight into my hand because he's interested and i need him interested because I need him to teach me how to satisfy my next partner, so i don't crash and burn in such a horrific way as I did with Tyler

"It must just be my lucky day then" He grins and winks and I want to stick my fingers down my throat and let him know his attitude is making me feel nauseous but instead I force a flirtatious smile

"It's about to get even luckier" I say with a wink of my own, my heart beginning to race at how forward i'm being and how i'm not sure i can handle any more rejection right now but he just smiles at me before putting an arm around my shoulder as we begin to walk

"You know heels aren't really the best option for the beach"

"Well this is my first time here, i wasn't sure what the dress code was"

"Well for future reference with me, the dress code is always as little as possible, but for the beach... no heels, not if you want to keep the goodies hidden beneath the dress and not in the eyeline of strange men"

Strange is right...

This guy is all ego and attitude, winks and ass runs yet speaks so softly and sounds genuinely concerned about my poor choice in footwear

Looking up at him I can see similarities to my best friend, they have the same striking jawline and the same coloured hair and eyes but where as Aaliyahs hair is completely straight, Shawns is a mess of chococlate coloured curls

"Here" he suddenly announces and drops down on to the sand, picking up a guitar and handing me a white sweater "So you can sit down without flashing the entire beach"

"Thank you" I say whilst sitting down on the still warm sand and placing the sweater over my lap as he begins to play a tune I don't recognise

"So you came here alone?" I nod "Why?"

I can hardly tell him that I came to find him and make him an indecent proposal so I decide to go with a half truth "I broke up with my boyfriend" The words still sting and my gaze drops to my hands

"He ditched you hu?"

My eyes flash back up to him but he's strumming his guitar again as though he's completely uninterested

"It was mutual" I lie, fiddling with the edge of my nail

"The sad eyes and tremble in your voice doesn't say mutual it says he dropped you and it hurt and now you're here looking for a rebound"

Our eyes meet and under the glow of the bonfire it really hits me for the first time how beautiful this man truest is

Everyone I spoke to said the same thing hot, sexy... whatever but no one ever mentioned how truly beautiful his face is

Our gaze lingers for a moment and then I nod my head and let him know that in part, he is correct

"Well it's a good job I'm great to rebound with" he says, his voice lower as he moves the guitar to the sand and then lifts his hand to my face before closing the distance between us.

My eyes drop shut and I'm just anticipating the intimate contact when suddenly I hear him heave in a breath and his hand falls away

"I know you!"

"No, you don't" I assure him but he shakes his head

"Yeah I do, you're my little sisters friend, I've seen you in her Instagram"

"Oh" I try to force a laugh but it sounds more like a gulp "you actually do kind of know me" I try to force a little smile as I shrug my shoulders but he grabs his guitar and then his sweater causing me to jump up to protect my modesty once more

"Sorry, I don't go near my sisters friends"

"What? Why not?!"

"Because it gets messy, trust me. Look it was nice meeting you and seeing your..."

I glare at him and he stops mid sentence

"I'll see you around" he says as he scurries away into the night and I just stand and watch him go knowing that yes he will be seeing me around because he and I have got a very interesting future ahead of us and as far as my pursuit of my very 'indecent proposal' I'm just getting started because now I'm even more sure than ever that this is the exact man I need to teach me how to satisfy my future partners

*chapter 2, please lest me know what you think about the way it's going and the characters x

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