What Goes Around Comes Around

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"Ready Aaliyah?" Asks Shawn and I look to my best friend, wondering what on earth she has to do with all this but before I can speak she has pulled open the cafeteria door and pushed me has hard as she can through it causing me to land hard on my ass and gasp out in shock causing al heads to snap around in our direction, gaining us the attention she is obviously hoping for

"Aaliyah! What the hell?!" I yell as my butt cheeks burn with the impact

"I can't believe you have been sleeping with my brother Camila I thought we were friends!"  She yells and I feel my eyebrows drop down heavily over my eyes

"Aaliyah, don't blame Camila it wasn't her fault, I chased her, I take full responsibility" my head snaps towards Shawn and the siblings are staring at each other, Aaliyah furious and Shawn apologetic and I'm lost in the middle wondering what the hell is going on

"Tyler! Hey Tyler!" I hear Aaliyah yell and I suddenly jump up and slap a hand over her mouth but Shawn grabs me by the shoulder and spins me round, wrapping an arm tightly around my waist and I see him scanning the cafeteria for my ex boyfriend "Tyler get over her and listen to this, you won't believe it, I can barely believe it and I've known him my whole life!"

I hear a chair scrape across the floor and see Tyler slowly standing up, his new girl clinging to his arm

"Him?" Shawn asks "You're heartbroken over a rat like him?"

"Stop it!" I whisper shout

"Stop? No way sweet cheeks, we're just getting started"

"Camila?" Tyler asks as he comes to join the show

"I found them in bed together Tyler! And it's been going on for months!"

"Sorry if I left her too tired for you dude, who knew a little thing like this could have all those hidden talents"

I watch as Tyler's face goes pale and he doesn't look anywhere but at me

"You're a little sex demon wrapped up to look like an angel" he kisses my cheek and I see Tyler gulp heavily

"You were cheating on me?"

"I uh..."

"Sorry dude, I just couldn't resist the ass" Shawn slaps my ass loudly and I'm suddenly aware of how silent the cafeteria has fallen as hundreds of pairs of eyes gaze at the circus that's playing out before them

"You were supposed to be my friend Camila!" Yell Aaliyah again

"I... I am!" I manage to stutter out, wrapping an arm around Shawns waist and clinging to him to stop me passing out with the pressure of the situation

"So you were fuckin my brother so much you couldn't even fuck your own boyfriend?!"

"Uh... Sorry?" I turn to Tyler and his very amused looking new girl "Sorry Tyler... I uh, I guess"

"I don't believe you!" His anger shocks me and as he takes a step forward I'm surprised when Shawn grabs me and steps in front of me in an act of protection "As if I would touch her" he spits

"Damn right you won't" Shawns entire demeanour has changed from one of a pantomime villain to one of a seriously dangerous man

"9 months I gave you Camila!" He seethes in my face "Fuck you!"

"You did that dude and she still preferred me" winks Shawn and I feel myself shrink into his side as Tyler once again steps towards me "Try it tough guy" Says Shawn as he stands to his full height and towers over Tyler

"You'll be bored of her by the end of the day"

"3 months and I'm not bored of her yet" he grins as he squeezes my ass and I jump a little in surprise


"Aaaaah" screams Aaliyah whilst hugging Shawn tightly "that was just like old times!!"

I'm still stood between the siblings, still wondering what the fuck just happened as they hi-5 'Team Mendes!' They yell and I just shake my head and sip my soda

"You two are insane"

"Oh come on Teddy, that was fun and it was funny, admit it"

"Teddy?" I ask, my face screwed up in disgust

"That's what he said wasn't it? It was like fuckin a Teddy bear?"

"Stuffed animal actually" I pout and flip my hair away from him

"Okay then I will call you animal instead and you can prove it to me later" he drops his eye in one of this infuriating winks before wrapping Aaliyah in a hug "As fun as it was to relive old times with you sis, I do actually have a girl I have to go and ruin for any other man"

My stomach does a little 'something' and I furrow my brows at it, not sure where it came from or what it means

"Teddy slash animal, we have homework, I'll be in touch" he holds out an arm and I know he means for me to go in for a hug but instead I raise my hand and shake his "Interesting" he chuckles and then heads out of the diner and I can't stop myself from staring as he goes

"Don't do that" warns Aaliyah as she takes a bite of her veggie burger

"Don't do what?"

"Look at him like that"

"I'm not looking at him like anything"

"Sex lessons yes, puppy dog eyes no. He's not the guy to give your puppy dog eyes to Mila"

"I know" I tap my straw against the bottom of my sofa glass then tilt my head to the side and take a long slurp

"You do know every girl on campus and a large proportion of the male population now hate you"

"What's new?" I ask whilst taking another slurp "At least now it's because I apparently got laid by the hottest guy in town and not just because I grade well"

"Did you see Tyler's face??? OMG! 9 months Camila! Like he was thinking about that when he was ditching you and humiliating you last week"

"I guess what goes around comes around"

"Only when it comes around via a Mendes it's two good hard boots up your ass" She laughs loudly as she takes another bite of her burger and out of the corner of my eye I see a tall, read head with her very large boobs on display and she's heading in my direction

*please comment and vote it means so much

*what should he call her???? Teddy or animal???

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