Im So Obsessed With You

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"Are you sure this isn't too much?" I do a turn in front of the mirror to see just how much of my ass this dress is actually showing and then gulp as I realise it's showing way more than I even thought it would

"It's not too much, in fact it's barely showing anything" Shawn promises me and I know immediately that he's lying because his eyes are focused on only one part of my anatomy and they are dark and wet like molasses

"It's so short though, you can pretty much see my ass cheeks"

"Exactly" His hands came down hard on my ass as he squeezes it through the silky black material and groans a little "Easy access, just what I like"

"That's it I'm changing, I knew it wasn't appropriate for tonight!"

"Camila believe me, it's very appropriate, it's just giving me very inappropriate thoughts that's all" chuckles Shawn as his fingers begin pulling the material up over my thighs to my waist

"Stop!" I warn him as I slap his hands lightly and pull the fabric back down to cover me but he just laughs "This is the first time I'm meeting your best friend Shawn, I don't want him to think I'm..."

"Think you're what? It's only a dress Camila and Brian is a decent enough guy that he doesn't judge people based solely on the dress they choose to wear... or not wear" He says moving closer and his eyes darkening as his hands begin pushing up the material once again

"If this dress comes off it stays off" I tell him with a huff

"Oh I like the sound of that"

"A naked dinner? Your friend seeing me in all my naked glory?" I lift an eyebrow as he lowers both of his "Imagine the conversation you would have next games night"

"Maybe jeans and a woolly sweater would be a better choice" he tells me as he pulls the silky material back down to cover me "I get to take it off after though right?"

"That depends how many times you humiliate me in front of your friend"

"Camila!" He gasps, grabbing my wrists and pulling me to him "I would never!"

"You wouldn't comment on my ass? Or my dress? Or my cleavage or how long we last in bed?" I ask, lowering my brows so he knows that I'm daring him to lie

"I would definitely comment on all of that and you know I would but how's any of that embarrassing?! You have the best ass in the world, you look like the sexiest girl in the world in that dress your cleavage is my second favourite place to bury my face and we go for hours in bed because you are so fuckin sexy my dick jumps to attention on sight. Those are not things to be humiliated by Camila, they are things to be proud of"

"You're insane"

"Your body is making me that way" his hands land softly on my cheeks as his mouth begins a not so gentle assault on mine

"Do you know that it's you that makes me crazy?" He asks whilst resting his forehead against mine "I honestly don't know what happened, one day I was your quintessential fuck boy and then the next I'm fucked over for a girl that's my little sister best friend"

"Again..." I don't mean to say it but somehow it slips over my lips as easily as melted butter over bread


"It's okay, I didn't mean it, I was being a bitch, I didn't mean to bring her up"

"Lucia and you... it's not the same thing"

"I know, you loved her" I drop my eyes to the floor not wanting to seem like a child but the truth is the words are hurting me more than I ever wanted them to

"Mila I didn't love her" he grabs my hand and lifts it towards his lips "I thought I did but I was young, I didn't know what I felt. She was my first proper girlfriend, my first kiss, my fist time, Mila I... I would love to tell you that doesn't mean anything but it does mean something"

"I know" I hate the way my voice comes out as barely a whisper as though I'm giving into her and Shawns memories of her

"But not as much as this" his hand is on my face directing my gaze to him before I can even comprehend what he is saying "What we have... the way it started, the way it progressed, the way I feel... already... you probably think I'm insane but I swear Camila..." his hands slip easily into my loose curls as his eyes beg me to look at him and to see him "Look at my hands" he holds a large hand in front of my face "I'm shaking just thinking about saying this"

"Saying what?" I ask the question praying that I already know the answer as my heart rate trebles in anticipation and I know Shawn knows as his fingers tangle with my own and our hands tremble together

"This isn't easy for me"

"I know that"

He sucks in a deep breath and then kisses my lips softly before pressing his forehead to mine "I don't know how it happened but I'm um... I'm pretty obsessed with you right now"

I giggle a little, my cheeks burning with the heat of his words

"Camila..." he pulls his forehead from mine and takes my face in his hands as he gazes at me intently "Baby I um... I'm pretty sure that I'm falling in love with you"

"Shawn!" I gasp as his eyes move over my face, watching me tenderly

"Is... is that okay?" He asks as his brows knit together as he sucks his bottom lip into his mouth and looks down at me nervously

"Of course it's okay" I whisper as I slide my hands up over his chest and then wrap them around his neck "Because I've been obsessed with you ever since I flashed my panties to you on the beach"

"That was pretty much the best first meeting of all time"

"I'm falling for you too and I don't think I could stop even if I tried"

"Please don't ever stop" he whispers against the skin of my throat before placing a kiss to it and then taking my lips with his, his fingers gripping me by my hips and kissing me as though he's attempting to show me just how much he feels and I kiss him back hoping he realises I'm kissing him to show him I'm not falling in love with him I am in love with him, completely and utterly

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