Lesson 5; This Has To Be Good

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"Participation is key, you can pull my hair to direct me, hold me to you if it feels good, whatever's going on in your head, vocalise it, I need to know and believe me, it's fuckin hot when you moan, just for future reference"

Shawn is taking a second to talk but I can't respond to him in any way because my eyes are just fixed on his mouth which is now slick with my arousal and I'm sure my brain just melted with the heat of what he was just doing to me

The sight of Shawn Mendes with his head between my thighs, his fingers digging into my hips has to be the hottest thing I have ever seen in my life and I need more, so much more of it

"Camila... are you still with me?" He asks as he clicks his fingers two times and I don't miss the way he smirks, knowing exactly what he's doing to me so I nod, not wanting to embarrass myself by attempting to form a sentence "okay, okay, less talking more eating" he chuckles against my clit and the vibration makes my hips rise, desperately seeking out more

"Tell me" he growls, his breath hot against my thigh as his mouth leaves me "Tell me what you want"

"Don't stop" I pant and I can feel his smile as he lowers his mouth to me once more, his tongue alternating from up and down to left and right over my clit and as a loud moan involuntarily leaves my mouth I feel him moan against me just as I feel him stroking a finger over my entrance, his mouth never stopping and I can feel a heat beginning to wind tight inside of me

"Oh my God!" I gasp as his first finger pushes into me, closely followed by a second and I grab at his hair as his tongue begins to circle my clit and then suck, his fingers beginning to move in and out, each movement causing pleasure so intense I didn't know my body was capable of feeling it

I'm close...



I begin to panic once more that it's too much, too soon!

"Shawn I..." I attempt to push his head away but he stays on me, his teeth brushing over me as he begins to curl his fingers and then move them at a faster pace and I know there's no way back as the coil winds tighter and tighter and then gives way releasing wave after wave of something so intense, so beautiful and all consuming that I can't help but arch my back and moan loudly, my eyes shut tight but in the darkness I can see sparks of hundreds of different colours

This is why the world is so obsessed with sex...

This feeling it's...

"Fuck!" I groan as my body finally stills and Shawn lifts his head


"I... I... Holy hell, Shawn!"

"I know, I know, I'm pretty great at that right?"

He crawls up my body, once again pausing by my chest as he pays my breasts some attention, kissing and palming them and I'm amazed by how quickly I feel ready for more

His lips move to mine as he hovers over me, one hand propping him up as the other continues to play with a nipple and as his tongue moves into my mouth I realise that it's my own taste that's filling my senses and that thought turns me on further

Pulling away he pulls me into a sitting position, his eyes dark and his breathing heavy "No to teeth, yes to handling my nuts and remember, nipples are good for a guy too"

I nod my head as I realise the time has come for my practical examination and my heart begins to bang hard at the thought

"Don't panic. You will be great, how could you not be with those lips and that tongue?" He kisses me hard once more and then moves into the spot on his bed I just vacated and lifts his hips as I reach for the waistband of his boxers and prepare to unleash what looks like a beast straining against the fabric.

This has to be good...

I have to make this great...

I need that gold star...

So I release his boxers and move to straddle his hips, leaning forward and kissing him hard as I push my hands into his hair and moan as his hands move to my chest

Pulling away I move my kisses to his neck, kissing and sucking and praying I don't leave a mark and damage his chances of a hook up

Slowly I move down, kissing his chest and as desire floods me I seek out his hardness with my centre and begin to move over his boxers and feel exhilaration as he moans at the contact

Remembering his earlier words I drop my lips to his nipples alternating between them kissing, sucking and licking until I feel his hips twitching, his need for more obvious and I decide now is the the time so I back up until I am between his legs. Grabbing hold of his boxers I heave them off and then gasp as his hardness springs free

I have had my hands on it a few times by now so knew he packed more than Tyler but my God!

"Impressive, right?" He asks whilst cocking an eyebrow but I don't pause, if I'm going to do this I have to do it now so I wrap both hands around his base and then move my mouth to cover him

"Mmm..." I moan with him in my mouth and he bucks his hips slightly

Theres's no way i'm going to be able to take it all without choking and turning him off so I wrap a hand around his base as i cup his nuts with my other hand and then begin to move my mouth up and down his length whilst I squeeze and then release him

"Fuck!" he grunts as i try to remember every single article i have ever read about how to give good head.

Releasing him from my mouth, I run my tongue from his base to his tip and then suck it hard before swishing my tongue back and forth.

I'm so terrified that i'm doing a bad job that i don't dare look at his face, instead i focus on sucking his tip whilst my hand massages the number 8 into his base. He's quieter than I had hoped he would be and that knocks my confidence slightly but in my mind i'm focused on that gold star he said i could win so i continue massaging his balls as my hand moves over his length and my mouth works his tip

Suddenly his hands land hard on my head and I fear this is the same as Tyler, he's grown bored and is pushing me away so he can finish on his own but instead he pushes me further down over him as his hips buck upwards and then he moans loudly, my mouth filling with a salty liquid as he continues to hold me to him and moan loudly

Spitting the contents of my mouth into the toilet I flush and then rinse out my mouth with water and head back into Shawns room where he hands me his T-shirt and then sits down on the edge of his bed

I pull the T-shirt over my head and then gaze at him, the look on his face unreadable but a sense of unease begins to build in my stomach

Was I not good?

He came at least and he didn't have to finish by himself...

"Did I do bad?" I ask whilst tapping my foot anxiously on the floor and playing with the hem of Shawns T-shirt

"Camila I Uh... I think we need to talk" he says seriously and I feel tears burning my eyes, my mind going back to the last time I heard those words


Just before he dumped me and sent me running to Shawn

It's happening again

I'm failing at sex... again

*whats wrong Shawn?????

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