Holy Heavenly Fuck

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It's been one week since we got back from New York...

One week since Camila and I last spoke...

One week since I last had sex...

And one week since Candi upped her pursuit of me, a pursuit that now includes threats of rape charges

I know I could go out, pick up some random girl and fuck her for hours and give myself a few hours of numbness but then what?

The guilt?

The shame?

Another girl used and left damaged all because of me and my pursuit of hiding from my pain?

"Hey Shawn!" I look up from my magazine and see my sister heading across the garden with her phone in her hand "we need a third opinion"


"Lingerie" She thrusts her phone into my face and I'm met with a scantily clad chest and black curls I would recognise anywhere

"That's Camila!" I say snatching the phone from her hand and gazing at the image filling the screen.

Camilas chest...

Wrapped up in a lacy, peach coloured bra...

My mind spirals back to the last time I ripped her underwear from her body and my dick begins to stir into life

"Its um... it's nice" I manage to choke out

In truth it's more than nice, it's fuckin hot and has me wishing I could reach into the screen and move the fabric so I can see the real thing

"Right?! That's what I said to her" Aaliyah snatches her phone back and swipes a few times "but she prefers this" she thrusts it back into my hand and I'm so shocked by what I see that I drop the phone to the floor then scrabble around to pick it up so I can look it some more before my sister reclaims her property


Fastened by a buckle at the front...

Push up...

And it's pushing up Camilas chest and I am about ready to throw the phone to my sister and drive to Camila and take her wherever she is, over whatever's closest but then I remember how we left things, I remember the shit storm of emotions seeing her provokes in me so I hand the phone back to Aaliyah and try to adjust myself discreetly and plaster an unaffected look onto my face

"Which one?" She asks and I look at her and frown.

Is she doing this on purpose?

The innocent look she has on her devilish face tells me she is but I just pick my magazine up and pretend to be engrossed in it

"Depends... what's it for?"

"A date"

What the fuck?!

My head snaps towards my sister so fast I can almost hear it cracking like a whip

"Say that again"

"It's a date. Some hot new guy at school invited her to a club tonight"

By heart begins to beat out of control and I feel my palms begin to sweat as I grip the magazine tightly hoping it will keep me with losing my mind completely

"Which club?" I clear my throat and then look back to my magazine trying to pretend I don't care that Camila is going on a date with some fuck wit and possibly wearing leather underwear


"The sex place?!" My magazine's on the floor and I'm on my feet before I can even remember to pretend that I don't care "How many dates has she been on with this loser?!" I feel my face heating up as my body begins to tremble

"This is the first one"

"The first one and she's going to a sex club and wearing leather underwear?!"

"Sounds like she's out to impress right?"

"You're messing with me right?"

"No" there are those large, innocent, caramel coloured eyes and I'm searching them to try and distinguish the truth from the lies "Why would I? You are Camila ended your arrangement, you aren't interested in her, are you?"

I tap my foot in frustration whilst planting my hands on my hips and gazing up at the ceiling

"That's right"

"So you obviously don't care who she fucks"

"No, no, no, Do not use that word, it's a first date Liyah, Camila isn't the type of girl that goes to bed with someone..."

"She seems to really like him, would you pay 200 dollars for leather underwear if you didn't intend someone to see it?"

"It's just the bra right it's not the..."

"Thong? Oh my God yes, I have a picture, do you want to see"

I have her phone out of her hand in half a second, scrolling through the pictures until...

"Holy, heavenly fuck!"

A leather thong with little buckles on the sides

"Um Shawn..."

I don't look up at her I just stare at the picture of Camilas glorious ass, remembering how I had my hands and mouth all over it just a week ago



"Your dick is waving to me" She says as she snatches the phone from my grasp and almost skips away, seemingly pleased with my reaction and leaving me stood with empty hands, an overfilled mind and pants that are now two sizes too tight

I don't know what my sister was trying to do to me but FUCK!!!!!!!

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