Lesson... Whatever We're Up To

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"The beach?"

I can't help the way disgust coats my words.

My car is a Range Rover, I spent years slaving to afford and my girl is so hot I know I won't be able to keep my hands to myself which mean sand is going to be everywhere

"Well I wasn't that hungry and I heard you say how expensive today had been..."

"Teddy..." I wrap my arms around her tiny waist and push her gently against my car, knowing there's going to come a point where I can't be this gentle with her "I was joking with Liyah, forget money, just whatever you want"

"Well I wanted ocean, sand, sunset and you" she leans up to kiss my lips and the intensity with which my heart reacts causes my breath to stutter in my throat "is... is that okay?"

She must notice my reaction because she seems nervous and that's the last thing I want but how can I expect her to be confident in us when I'm so terrified to tell her what 'us' is.

"It's the 'I wasn't hungry' that has me concerned" I say with a smirk on my smile hoping to lighten the mood

"For food" She reassures me "I'm always hungry for you. She pushes up on her top toes to kiss my lips but I'm so desperate for her I don't let her leave me quickly, slanting my mouth over hers and then enjoying how she refuses my tongue entry to her mouth so easily before finally softening into my embrace, her tongue moving against mine whilst our lips push and pull against each other

"Okay, okay we need to stop before 'date 2' becomes 'arrest number 1' for sex in a public place"

"You've never been arrested before?"

"Why does that surprise you?!"

"Well how easily you hit Tyler..."

"He put his hands on you, I'm not usually that quick to lose my temper, it's a benefit to doing martial arts, it teaches you self control, or so I thought" I laugh nervously, realising how all my years of training meant nothing when faced with someone hurting the girl I'm so reluctant to call my girlfriend

"Self control hu?" She slips out from where I had her pinned to the car with my body and looks at me seductively and I feel my body begin to stir with interest

"What are you doing?" But she ignores me whilst never breaking eye contact as she kicks off her shoes "Camila?" Lifting a finger to her lips she silently tells me to 'sssh' and I feel the corner of my mouth twitch into a smile

"I'm really glad we had time to go home and prepare" she says, her voice low and her eyes only on me

"Why so?"

"So I could put on this..." she slides the black shorts she'd been wearing down over her thighs to reveal black, crocheted bikini bottoms  that leave nothing to the imagination and I feel every drop of blood head south "And this..." she continues as she pulls her new sweater over her head to reveal a matching bikini top

"Holy fuck!" I practically growl as I move towards her with my arms stretched so I can get hands on her more quickly but just as I'm about to touch her she dips and goes under my arms so she's now standing behind me grinning

"Where's that self control Shawn?"

"Gone, it's all gone. Come here" again I move towards her and this time she turns, revealing the thong of her bikini bottoms and then begins to run towards the ocean

"Date first, sex second" she calls as she beckons  me to follow her with one finger

"How about sex first, date second, sex third, fourth and fifth?!" But she just shakes her head as her feet make contact with the water and I realise that within seconds she's going to be wet in that tiny bikini and I begin undoing the few buttons of my denim shirt I had actually bothered to fasten

Dipping her hair into the water she then uses her arm to flip it backwards and looks at me with almost black eyes "I'm so wet already Shawn!"

I know what she's doing, the double meaning but screw self control and screw 'date first' I wrestle my way out of my black jeans and then decide 'fuck it!' This girl is getting fucked right here right now so slip my boxers over my hips and then head completely naked into the water and watch as her eyes widen in surprise at my boldness

"Shawn!" But I have hold of her and lift her to my waist, my fingers already working the ties on her hips that keep the bottoms in place

"Lesson whatever we're up to. How to have sex discreetly in a public place" finally the ties give and I manage to pull the material out from under her before ripping the foil package I have hidden in my hand and putting it in place "thank God there aren't many people around" I say against her neck as I hold her firmly by the hips and push into her loving the way she gasps at my eagerness

"Even more lucky there are no families around"

"It's almost like you planned this, bring him to an almost deserted beach, wearing the hottest bikini known to man..." I have to stop speaking as I groan in pleasure, our hips rocking together, hidden by clear ocean waters, I'm sure if you paid us close enough attention you could work out what we were doing but there's only a few people splashing in the water and one or two making the most of the last rays of the day so I'm pretty sure we will get away with this

"The fact we could get caught is so hot" Says Camila as she matches me push for push, forcing my head to her chest and moaning as I manage to use my teeth to free a breast "Shawn..."

"Fuck, the way you moan my name is hot" I manage to tell her before taking her nipple into my mouth and sucking,

"I need more" she gasps and I realise the position and the location aren't as ideal as I had hoped, so keeping her in place and never pulling out I carry her from the water, making our very naked and very compromised escape.

Heading to the trunk of my car I manage to pull it open and somehow let down the seats, it's amazing the way you can suddenly multitask when you have a gorgeous, wet female you're desperate to fuck hanging from your neck

Climbing inside I manage to partly close the door whilst pulling out and flipping Camila onto her stomach, both of us laughing at how my height and sex in the trunk of a Range Rover is probably an awkward fit but I hook a hand under her stomach and pull her to me, taking a second to run my hands all over her glorious ass and then pushing in once more and this time there's no stopping me, I'm like a man possessed as I pound in and then pull out harder and harder

Camilas gasps and moans fill the enclosed space and when I lean forward and begin playing with her nipples the change in intensity of her cries let me know she's close which is a good fuckin job because I was ready to cum the second I caught sight of her in the sweater I bought. The red material draped over her body in a way that screamed 'Property Of Shawn Fuckin Mendes'

"Shawn..." she moans and I change the position so instead of kneeling behind her I'm practically lying on her back, my mouth close to ear as I grab on to the seat in front of her and then push in harder and deeper, slower this time but hitting her right where she needs it

"Cum for me baby" I whisper into her ear as i push in deeper and harder but keeping the slow pace "Fuckin cum all over me, you're so fuckin hot when you cum, the way you say my name the way your body moves against me"

"Oh, Shawn..."

"That's right, it's me inside you, me making you feel this good"

"I'm gonna..."

Her ass pushing against me as my name fills my car let me know that she's cumming and I up my pace, prolonging the feeling for her and causing myself to achieve my own release at the same time

"Hungry yet?" I ask on broken breath


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