It Will Never Be Camila

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I stare down at the phone that's lying black in my hand and frown.

That's 3 suggestive messages I have sent Camila and 3 times I've been left on 'read'

No one leaves me on 'read'

No one doesn't reply within seconds of me texting them but she has and after I saw her walking towards the football field carrying roses from another guy the feeling in my stomach is not a good one

I turn my phone on and scan through my contacts looking for an easy hook up A turns to B turns to P turns to Z and before I know it I'm slamming my phone down in frustration.

There must be 100 girls I could call tonight but the fact Camila is ignoring me is annoying me so much I can't even bring myself to choose

"What's going on Shawn?"

My sisters voice hitting wet against my neck causes me to shudder and then slam my phone face down onto the black, glass, coffee table in front of me


"You. My Camila. New York, New York"

"She's helping me with my boss"

Are you sure that's all?" She sits on the coffee table and looks at me accusingly and that tangled with the still black phone screen is provoking a reaction bigger than it deserves

"Besides it's none of your business what goes on between me and Camila or me and any girl for that matter"

"She's my friend Shawn, my best friend!"

"Woopy doo"

"You know Shubman asked her to be his girlfriend today" she narrows her eyes at me as though she's gauging my reaction and the way may stomach lurches at that new piece of information should have alarm bells ringing in my head but all I can do is put 2 and 2 together and come up with 22

"Good for her, I have to go I have a date" I swipe my phone from the table and then push up from the sofa, making my mind up on a girl and a number before I even make it to the living room door

"She said no" that stops me in my tracks but I don't turn back to my sister "Is it because of you?"

Is it because of me?

Why does the thought it might be make my stomach buzz?

"Why would it be because of me?"

"Because not everyone can have sex and not develop feelings like you can"

I turn to face her and I don't know what the hell kind of look I must have on my face but her mouth drops open

"You like her!"

What. The. Fuck?!

"Don't say that shit to me Liyah, you know me better then that" I turn to leave but she's up and standing in front of me and I have to say I'm impressed by her speed

"You had a look on your face just then"

"It was a good one too right? All my looks are good it's why I'm so popular with the girls my good looks and my eager dick" I hope my bullshit will distract my sister long enough for me to make my escape but she leans against the door telling me I'm not going anywhere any time soon

"Tell me you don't like her"

"I do actually like her, she's fun to annoy" I try to push past my sister but she's stronger than she looks

"But do you like like her?"

Do I???

I better fuckin not otherwise I'm going to punch myself in the face for being stupid enough to like another one of my sisters friends

"No" it's to her and myself because I just made the decision right here, right now.

"I do not like like Camila, I don't like like anyone"

"One day you will though"

"Well maybe I will but it won't be Camila, it will never be Camila" and with that I finally manage to move her from in front of me and I leave the room and then the house, dialling a number and arranging a hook up to fuck all these fucked up thoughts away

*a mini update just for me to figure out what's going on in Shawns head

*comments, thoughts, hopes for future chapters are all appreciated

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