The Third Wheel

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"Camila!" Brian throws his arms around me like we're old friends that haven't seen each other in forever and I wrap my arms around him tentatively and look a question to Shawn who just shakes his head and laughs "Finally we meet. The girl. The legend"

"The legend? Legend of what?" I ask as I manage to untangle myself from him and drop down in to the seat next to Shawn, his arm going protectively around my waist and pulling me into his side

"Yeah the legend of 'Camila, the tamer of Shawn the man whore'"he laughs as though he's the funniest guy on earth and finally takes a seat "Sorry I'm playing third wheel and we aren't double dating but most girls find me repulsive" I open my mouth to give him my sympathies but he starts laughing loudly again "As if! No one can resist a redhead. Just wait til Shawns heads to the bathroom and I turn on my charm" He winks and I see Shawns knee bounce as he kicks him hard under the table

"Ignore him, he's all talk"

"Learnt all my talk from you though bro"

"Thanks for inviting me tonight" I say as I play nervously with the paper napkin in front of me

"Thanks for coming, I have to admit it's weird seeing Shawn sitting next to a girl and not trying to get into her pants"

"That's because I was in her pants before we left the house and this dinner will be cut short at some point so I can take her home and get into her pants again"

"That's what that smell is then... 'Eau de Sex' by Shawny Mendes"

"If you could bottle the smell of my sex it would  make you a millionaire" Shawn winks at his friend before squeezing my arm "Teddy, you okay?"

"A bit scared by you both but other than that I'm fine" I admit and then rest my head on his shoulder and enjoy his warmth and scent even under the gaze of his best friend

"I'm sorry but this is like the twilight zone" Brian shakes his head and then signals for the waiter ordering two beers and then frowning when I ask for a water

"I feel like I need to stay sober to keep up with you two" I giggle and hate the way my cheeks burn

"You sure you don't want wine?" Shawn asks whilst brushing my bangs from my face and I see Brian lean his head into his hands in another over the top show of surprise

"No, I'm fine" he kisses my forehead and Brian drops his head to the table top

"I'm gonna need a tequila to watch this shit" he says against the solid surface

"I'm going to go to the bathroom" Shawn tells me and I begin to panic. I grab his hand and hope he sees in my eyes just how much I want him to stay "It's an emergency" he promises and then kisses my lips gently

"Oh good God" says Brian loudly as he bangs his head against the surface twice and Shawn grabs him by his hair and pulls his head up

"Be. Nice" he demands and Brian nods his head eagerly before Shawn pushes up from the chair and disappears across the dining room

"Okay" Brian sits up straight in his seat, his comedic character fading from his face as he replaces it with one of complete seriousness "You and Shawn"

And so begins the inquisition I was terrified would happen. Brian is Shawns best friend, he knows everything about everything. Things I don't know and things I'm probably better off not knowing

"He likes you"

"I hope so"

"You like him"

"I really do"

"A lot of girls 'really do'" I cringe at his words and I see him appear pleased about that

"You don't like hearing about the other girls?"

"Of course I don't, that's my boyfriend, I don't want to think about him with anyone other than me" and then his words about Candi replay in my mind and I can't stop my eyes from closing as I grip my glass of water tight and I see something pass over Brian's face

"Anyone make you want to vomit more than the others?" He asks tentatively

"Yes" I don't meet his gaze but I hope he knows from my voice who I mean

"He told you" he says more as a statement than a question as he tips his beer to his lips

"You know too?" I ask in shock as I lift my gaze to his, our eyes catching and something passing between us

"I can't believe he told you, he hasn't  told anyone but me since it happened"

"We has a um... we had a pretty intense conversation"

"Is he okay?"

"No" my word hangs in the air between us almost like the blade of a guillotine

"What's he going to do?"

"He doesn't know what to do, I think he's trying to pretend it isn't happening if I'm being honest"

"I hate that fuckin bitch, excuse my french" again he slurps his beer as he shakes his head as though playing a conversation in his head

"The guy he owes money to... will he hurt him?" I steel myself, praying for a good answer but Brian's face remains serious

"He'll more than hurt him Camila, this is a serious fuckin situation for Shawn"

"All this because she wants to have sex with him?! She would risk his life for that?!"

"It's all about control. She thought she and Shawn had something real but he was just high and out of control when she realised it was nothing more than that I guess her feelings got hurt and she turned this whole thing into a game"

"Shawns life isn't a game!"

"You love him"

"Yeah" I reply "So much"

"Me too. In a 'I don't want to have sex with him' kind of way. We have to fix this Camila"

"Us?! How????"

"I don't know yet but please don't mention this to Shawn, this is between you and me, okay? He'll get all uptight if he thinks I have been meddling"

"You promise you'll help him?"

"I'm going to try for sure"

"So..." two large hands land hard on my shoulders "Am I dumped?" Shawn laughs a little as he slips into the seat next to me

"Not at all" I lace my fingers with his "Brian's a good guy, you choose your friends well"

"I told you I would charm her when you went to the bathroom" Brian says with a wink and reaches for my spare hand but Shawn pulls me from his grasp

"Hey! This one's mine" he says, his voice light "You guys good?" He asks whilst looking only at me

"Very good" I promise as I lift his hand to my lips

"She passes by the way" Brian announces "She's good enough for you, she gets my stamp of approval"

"Too good for me" Shawn says as he lifts my hands to his lips "Way too good"

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