Chapter 39

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A strange structure seemed to be floating in the open sea. A subtle mix between a yacht and a modern house, a large part of which was visibly submerged. It moved according to the mood of its inhabitants and if a few curious people photographed it from afar, no one could board it without being invited to do so. Those who lived there called it the floating mansion.

It had taken all night and part of the day for calm to return. As Meltdown woke up, wearing a simple dressing gown over her nightie, someone knocked on her door.

"Kitani-chan." Called the voice behind. "The boss wants to see you."

"I suspected it." The woman slipped. "I arrive in a moment. "

She took the time to change and even put on makeup. She liked to keep "the boss" waiting. She knew he wouldn't do anything to her anyway. Her preparation finished, she finally left her room under the terrified and outraged gaze of the man who had been waiting all this time behind her door.

"He's going to kill you in the end if you keep acting like this." He bellowed.

"Yes that's it." Meltdown mocked and patted him on the head. "You can return to your post now."

He grimaced. Being one of the first to follow their leader, she always allowed herself to treat newer members with disdain. She moved away from this insignificant man and went down to the submerged floors. It was not bad living there. They could still see the seabed through the reinforced bay windows that made up most of the lower rooms, including the hallways.

Meltdown made her way to the largest room in the entire house. What most called their meeting room, but some called it the "throne room". The right wall was just a huge bay window. The room was relatively empty, except for a katana stand, next to a rather impressive seat. The boss was installed there, in an elegant black suit. They called him "Lord". And few were those who knew his real name. His resemblance to Uchiri Nakamara was disturbing. He just looked less tired, a little taller and more muscular. His hair was longer, pulled into a ponytail, his eyes were yellow, and when he opened his mouth to speak, they could see sharp teeth. His presence largely matched that of the manager of Uchiri Corporation.

Meltdown stepped forward, glancing at Lord's bodyguard standing beside him. Static. That was what everyone called him. Even Lord did not know his name. The man was two meters tall, an impressive build and a little darker skin than the boss's. His brown hair fell in a tangled cascade over his shoulders, indicating that he rarely combed his hair. His incredibly light blue eyes contrasted, despite their black background, with his gruff appearance. This mysterious man did not speak. His mouth was sewn up. But he didn't seem to want to communicate anyway. He just obeyed Lord's orders, like a dog. And whatever the request, he acceded to it without asking questions.

Meltdown finally came a few feet from the seat and dropped to one knee.

"Did you ask me, my lord?" She asked in a sweet voice.

"Kitani-chan," the man called. "I have a mission for you."

"Oh ? And I who had just come back ..."

"Your previous excursions were made without my advice, you can only blame  yourself. I don't know what the hell you have to do that is so important, and I don't care. You like to work solo and you don't like taking orders."

"I just don't like being locked up for too long."

"That's it. This mission will please you. I'm sending you to recruit."

"Are we not good enough for you, my lord?"

"You are. But you're aren't enough."

"Why ?"

"You know. I can tell by your smile and your eyes. You know exactly what I want. Experion... with his departure, the place of supreme evil is vacant. And I would get it."

"I don't doubt it for a minute."

"But he's still here. Nothing prevents him from trying to counter me. I have to get rid of him. After that ... it will be time to teach the world that we do not have to obey the powerless."

"We are far superior to them. They should only exist to serve us. Serve you, my lord."

"You know the procedure. Okuhei will take you to the shore. You will only have to call when you come back. "

He motioned for her to sit down and she stood up, bowed, then left the room, a smile on her lips. She couldn't wait to see this little war begin. And she would take great pleasure in participating.


The day after the festival, the students returned for the start of the school year. Kotaro had stayed sleeping in the dorms and was waiting at the entrance, dressed in Saurity's uniform. Kenji comes first. Seeing Kotaro in this outfit was brand new and felt almost strange to him. His comrade's character hadn't changed however and they argued, one amused, the other annoyed, at least until the Uchiri limo pulled up in front of SDA. Thoki got out of the driver's side but didn't move. had no time to reach the back door that Nanaya opened himself, dressed in his Aitori uniform, Hyokko hovering happily behind him.

Unlike the previous year, several curious people approached the vehicle hoping to see his father. And to everyone's surprise, he also went out to greet Starlight who came to meet him. Phen-X in turn left the vehicle and simply waved to his lover before heading towards the building. Arriving in the same car was already enough, no need to kiss him in front of all the students and the teaching staff.

Nanaya joined his friends, along with the girls and twins who had also just arrived.

"Your father has become popular!" Mineko exclaimed.

"He's just talking business with Starlight." Nanaya simply assured.

"What business?" Tomeo wondered. "Is he going to work for school?"

"Yes and no... I don't have the right to tell you everything yet. But dad wants to expand his business to officially manufacture prostheses, and he has offered Starlight to make some for him. That way he won't have to depend on Phen-X anymore."

"Starlight is injured?"

"Deadly. He is alive only thanks to Phen-X. He has to take his blood every day."

"Your father is afraid that Starlight will steal his boyfriend?" Enko mocked, amused.



"He just wants to be forgiven. He was the one who caused this injury."

"It's not a bad idea." Kotaro growled. "As long as he doesn't add weapons to the prosthetics."

"... Kot-chan..."


"Saurity's uniform looks good on you."

"... s~ shut up! ""

Nanaya just chuckled. The girls started teasing their mate as they noticed how red his face was, and the twins were quick to confirm. The blue looked better on him than the red in Darkeas's uniform. He seemed less severe. They stood in the hall for a while, watching a bit of this year's news. Two of Kenji's little sisters entered the complex. The twins Toyoko and Chiyuri. However, they did not inherit the power from their mother, but from their father, which was to control the wind. They quickly joined their brother to never let go, until the teachers announced the doors were closed.

 They quickly joined their brother to never let go, until the teachers announced the doors were closed

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