Chapter 69

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They had all gotten out of the car, surprised. Kotaro recognized some of his neighbors, talking to law enforcement. Old Fuchisano, who lived right next to them, looked completely panicked and terrified. Maybe a burglary.

Nakamara approached Commissioner Kimoto, who recognized him immediately.

"Uchiri," he wondered. "What are you doing here ?"

"I was just going home." The ex-villain muttered, sweeping his gaze around. "What's going on here?"

"It doesn't really concern you. Let the police do their job."

"Oi!" Kotaro cut off as he passed the adult. "I live in this neighborhood! What is happening ?!"

The policeman raised an eyebrow at the teenager's aggressiveness, but had no time to speak. The old lady recognized Kotaro and approached him.

"Shime-san," she called, shaking. "You ... you should spend the night at school."

"What ?! Why ?!" Kotaro exclaimed.

"Shime?" Kimoto Hoshi repeated. "Is that the son you mentioned? "

Thoki, Teiji, and Nakamara understood that something was wrong. The nurse tried to take Kotaro's shoulder to pull him back, but he rushed forward. He used his speed to get through the police barrier without being stopped, and bypassed the ambulance to find that the door to his house was wide open.

By the time he got there, the paramedics were exiting carrying a stretcher, but the person lying in it was fully covered with a white sheet, stained with red.

Kotaro did not let them go any further and despite their protests, lifted the sheet. A sight of horror presented to him when he discovered his mother. She would have just looked like she was sleeping without the gaping sore on her throat. He nearly threw up, feeling his whole body shake. However, he didn't have time to wonder what had happened with a second stretcher being brought outside. The sheet covered a slightly smaller body.

This time Kotaro hesitated. He felt his stomach tighten, his throat dry up. He wasn't sure if he wanted to confirm the identity of the second victim.

Still, he approached it, more slowly, wavering. He lifted the sheet, and this time let go of it when he discovered his little sister with a bullet in her head.

Kotaro couldn't hold back the tears anymore. He let himself fall back, screaming in despair, his head in his hands. The paramedics hurried to cover the bodies. Nanaya ran over to his friend and knelt down to hug him and calm him down.

"What happened ?" Nakamara repeated.

"... the parents were still going through a divorce." Finally replied the commissioner. "The father did not accept ..."

"I knew I should have hit him with the prosthesis."

"He took the last born in the family, a baby, according to the neighbors. We have already sent several cars to search for him. We have his name, Shime Yoichi, we will find him.

"Ultrasonic." Kotaro's broken voice cut off.

"Excuse-me ?"

"My father... it's Ultrasonic..."

"A hero ?! And not just a random one! It will be more difficult than expected ... "

Nanaya watched the commissioner give his new information to his men for a moment, then over the radio. He looked at Kotaro, who was completely desperate. He had never seen him like this. All his pride and aggression was gone. He retrieved his friend's phone without him even blocking it and tapped on it, researching with his own.

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