Chapter 115

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Viper sighed. The memory of Aya convulsing on the kitchen floor made his heart ache.

"After that I ran away," he explained, "I walked and hitchhiked to Tokyo and survived on the streets. I did a few experiments to find out more about my power and started seducing needy old jerks to kill them and take their stuff. But it's okay, I got used to it."

Phantom watched him smile. It was clearly a forced smile. He moved closer and hugged him.

"Wow, Phantom," Viper grimaced, "do I need to remind you that you're naked there?"

"I would like to remind you that nothing is your fault," whispers the invisible in response, "and you are entitled to cry and scream. If I could have been there for you..."

Viper felt Phantom's gloved hands tighten around him.

"I would like to leave all of this behind," Viper sighed, "I would like to be happy, but something inside me is screaming that I don't deserve it."

"You deserve it. You don't have to apologize for what happened or for what you've become. No one has ever apologized to you for pushing you in this direction. You're an adult now, but if you need someone, I promise I'll be there."

Viper hesitated, then slid his arms around the invisible body to hug him back. It had been years since he'd had that kind of attention. He never thought he could miss it.


The second test was over and the students could rest. They had to wait another week before the first duels, those without the use of powers. For the moment, the students could rest, although they should not neglect lessons and training.

Nanaya and his group of friends had decided to go out on the town this weekend. They had settled in the park, the air being mild for this month of December, despite the snow that had covered the place.

The twins were rowdy, playing "Dragon Panic", a multiplayer game on a handheld console created by Uchiri Corporation, the ChimeraCast 3. It had been out for two months, but having access to it well in advance, Nanaya had offered one to each of his friends long before.

"Oi, stupid twins!" Growled Kōtarō, "put it on hold!!"

"Just join the game," Jun scoffed without looking up from his screen, "Haru, I need help around here!"

"I have problems too," Haru adds, "I have three dragons on my ass!"

Kōtarō sighed in annoyance, but Nanaya's hand resting on his arm was enough to calm him down.

Rakko drew his own console and decided to join the twins' party to lend a hand.

Nanaya was tinkering with Mineko's phone, again, but the device was getting really old. He should change absolutely all the components.

"Might as well buy a new one," Tomeo remarked.

"Thanks, but I can't afford it," the girl growled, "plus, Nana-chan worked so hard on it..."

This was indeed at least the sixth time he had repaired the device. But this time, no matter how good he was, there was nothing he could do.


Nanaya found himself hugged from behind. He didn't have time to regulate or even realize who it was, a hand lifted his chin to steal a kiss.

Ichirō immediately took a punch from Kōtarō, was pushed by Mineko and Enko, while Tomeo and Monaka got between him and the magical boy.

"The psychopath is back," Kōtarō gritted between his teeth, "you got nobody else to fuck with?!"

"I just wanted to take the kiss I didn't get yesterday," Ichirō scoffed.

"You really crazy!" 

Ichirō couldn't answer. A thin layer of ice formed on his lips. When everyone turned to Nanaya, he just smiled innocently.

"It'll melt on its own in an hour or two," he said, "but it'll teach you a lesson." 

Kōtarō, Tomeo, the twins and the girls burst out laughing. Kenji affectionately ruffled Nanaya's hair assuring it was good play. Monaka allowed himself a mocking smile but managed to keep his composure, unlike Rakko who laughed heartily as well.

Their laughter stopped when Nanaya sneezed. A faint sound, more like a kitten's sneeze than a human's. This made him miss the precision work he was doing on his friend's phone.

"Did you catch a cold, babe?" Asked Tomeo, "do you want my scarf?"

"No, I'm not cold," Nanaya muttered, looking around.

"Are you sure ?" Hyokko said, worried, "I don't want you to get sick."

Nanaya shook his head, then sneezed again. And once again. Kōtarō stood up and looked under the bench, to the surprise of the others. He growled and stood up, holding a cat by the scruff of its neck.

"Ah! It's true you're allergic to cats," Haru exclaimed.

"He is ?" Monaka wondered, "but Hyokko..."

"I am not a cat," replied the creature, "plus, I am a spirit."

Kōtarō released the animal, but made sure it went in the opposite direction. Nanaya rubbed his nose, the unpleasant feeling slowly subsiding. He looked at the damage on his work and pouted.

"Oh no," he breathed, "it's going to take me longer now..."

"What did you do ?" Enko asked.

"There, my pliers got stuck in a good part and damaged it..."

"It's not your fault," Mineko reassured him, smiling, "anyway, this thing is old. You know it belonged to my grandmother before? I will have to buy a new one someday. I should find myself a part-time job..."

"We're in the middle of Christmas time," Monaka remarked. "A lot of stores are hiring students to do gift wrapping."

Nanaya leaned over the machine to try anyway to make up for his mistake. He already had an idea in mind since his second repair and he didn't really like the idea that his friend had to work in addition to her studies. But even if it means having a job, why not make sure she does it in good conditions?

"What if," he offered, "you came to help Thoki...?"

"You mean cleaning up the manor?" Mineko wondered.

"If you don't like cleaning, there's the garden and the animals."

"Gardening in the middle of winter," Tomeo joked, "there can't be much to do."

"Don't be mistaken, we have a greenhouse."

"Since when do you have a greenhouse?!" Kōtarō exclaimed. »

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