Greed Island - Chapter 8

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- Two weeks later -

Lynn and I had been sparring each other using Ryu at a faster speed. The boys were more faster using the technique, relentlessly delivering blows and blocking them as best as they could.

"Okay! Time for a break everyone!" Bisky announced, and we stopped training and bowed to each other.

"Thank you for sparring with me. Osu!" We said to our opponents, gratefully smiling at each other.

"It's been two weeks. You've made a lot of progress. It looks like you all are ready for the final phase of training." She placed her hands on her hips and smiled brightly.

"Final phase?" The boys questioned.

"Yes, you will begin training in individual categories."

"3!" We all pointed at her finger with her aura shaped like the number three.

"Bingo! That's a tie!" She declared excitingly. "You're free to train solely in your own category. In the case of an Enhancer, you'd want to focus on your Enhancer skills, while training in Transmuter and Emitter categories equally. As for a Manipulator, you'll focus on Manipulation skills while training in the nearby Emitter category. However, you won't be able to work on Specialization skills since that is exclusively for Specialists themselves. That'll help you master your own category faster." She explained.

"9!" We shouted what we saw above her finger when she held it up.

"Ding! Another tie!"

"Way to go, everyone!" Gon smiled at us.

"Great job, you guys." Lynn added.

"Yeah, same to you." Killua replied.

"Thanks!" I giggled softly.

"Now, let's get started!" Bisky proclaimed.


"We'll start training in the Enhancer category today. First exercise: breaking rocks." Bisky picked up a rock and used Shu on it, then smashed another rock with it. "And I want you to break them like this. Smash a thousand with a single stone in a day, and you'll clear the level. Now, begin!"

I picked up a rock and began smashing all the rocks I had. I quickly smashed one before moving on to another one. I continued breaking rocks until my stone crumbled.

"What? It crumbled?" I questioned, gaping at my empty hand where the stone used to be in.

"If the stone in your hand breaks, it's over." Bisky stated.

I whined, clearly knowing that I failed the level.

"Aww, man. Mine crumbled." Gon frowned at his hand.

"So did mine." Lynn replied after her stone crumbled.

"Damn it. I messed it up!" Killua grumbled, falling back to the ground.

"What are you talking about? You certainly did well." Bisky told him, and the silver-haired male stood up.

"Okay, let's do a Transmuter exercise next!" He exclaimed.

"No, I wanna do Manipulator exercises next!" I countered.

"Nah uh, Transmuter!" Killua grumbled in my face.

"Manipulator!" I yelled.



"That's enough, you two! Stop it!" Bisky chastised us for our bitterness. We immediately asserted ourselves from hearing her sharp tone.

"Let's not be too hasty. You're only allowed to train in one category per day." She held up a finger, and I knew what I saw at the second she did it.

A Twist to Our Futures (Killua X OCs X Gon)Where stories live. Discover now