Chimera Ant - Chapter 22

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The five of us continued running through the forest, climbing on rocks as we go.

After defeating the centipede ant with Gon, I felt more confident than before, and that I could be able to kill more ants if I had to.

"We're surrounded." Kite spoke up. "Their numbers are big."

We kept quiet as we checked our surroundings for any nearby ants. Suddenly, something crashed on the ground in front of us, creating dust that swirled around us. Standing in the dust was a frog.

"Now then, shall we decide the order and how we kill you? We'll give you three choices. One, decide the order in which you'll fight. Two, try to escape. Three, surrender and let us capture you. If you choose option one, you will fight us in a one-on-one battle. You may even survive. I don't recommend choosing option two, because that will be annoying to us and you will suffer more as a result. If you choose option three, that is the worst choice you could ever make. That would make us even angrier than option two." The frog explained.

The dust cleared up, revealing other Chimera Ants that were with him. One of them laughed, and several others followed along.

"So, what will it be?" The frog asked.

"Kite." Gon whispered, and the said man turned to him.

"We couldn't have asked for a better deal. One-on-one fights with their officers. Whoever is ready to fight will go first." Kite stated.

"I'll go first." Killua said.

"No, I'll go." Gon spoke up, and both boys grunted, facing each other with displeased looks.

"Show me rock! Rock, paper, scissors!" They yelled, and Gon won with rock against scissors.

"Wow. Who knows when you'll ever beat him?" Lynn muttered, and Killua sulked over his defeat.

I watched as Gon stepped up to fight one of the officers, looking serious as usual.

"Alright. I'm going first." He declared.

We stared at the ants in alarm, wondering about how strong they were compared to us.

"Let's see which one of us goes first." A Chimera Ant that looked like a dog announced. A ladybug ant shook a can and a piece of paper came out.

"Number six! Where are you?" The dog ant shouted.

An armadillo-like ant stepped up, smirking as he peered at Gon. My eyes were wide as they lingered on the strange ant.

"Baro, is it?" The frog ant said.

"How do we know if it's over?" Gon asked.

"Isn't it obvious? Whoever loses first dies." The ant named Baro replied.

"So, we can't surrender?"


The other ants gasped in surprise at the boy's question.

"Are you crazy? If you lose, then we're gonna feed you to the Queen. The only way you're getting out of this alive is that if you defeat me." Baro explained.

"That's fine with me. But you don't have to die if you lose. If I win, I won't eat you." Gon asserted, and Baro growled.

"If you surrender, I'll let you live. But you have to promise me that you'll never eat humans again."

One of the Chimera Ants laughed. "He doesn't know who he's dealing with."

"He's got more spunk than any prey I've seen." The ant next to him snickered.

A Twist to Our Futures (Killua X OCs X Gon)Where stories live. Discover now