Chimera Ant - Chapter 19

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The figure looked similar to the picture I saw back at Gon's house. Flower petals fell down everywhere, making the scenery look more lively. I wondered if we had found the man we were looking for after a long time traveling together.

"G-Ging?" Gon muttered, taking a step forward towards the figure. The crunching noise attracted their attention, and they turned around. They rushed forward and unexpectedly knocked down all of us.

A miniature clown popped up and started talking, much to my surprise.

"There is a roulette in my mouth containing the numbers one through nine. For each number on the wheel, you get a different weapon. I am the great mad clown, Crazy Slots! Hope you get something good!" It opened its mouth and rolled the wheel, landing on the number four. Then it turned into a gun.

"Damn. Bad roll." They grumbled. I could tell he was a guy from his voice.

"Shut up! That's what you get, and you idiot should be grateful!" The clown snapped.

The guy pointed his gun at the boys, and before he opened fire, Killua dived in to push Gon out of the way to avoid getting shot. Then he started firing at me, and I ran away in time and hid behind Lynn.

As soon as he stopped shooting, he stepped up to us. I quivered with fear at his intimidating figure.

"Are you kids okay?" The guy asked, his voice rough.

I peered at him moving toward us, wondering if he really was Ging. He took off his cloak and revealed himself as a man with long white hair wearing a blue peaked cap. We gasped and widened our eyes.

"That's not Ging." Gon spoke up, and the rest of us turned to him.

"Huh? He's not?" I questioned and focused my attention back to the man.

"What the hell was that for? Are you trying to kill us or something?" Lynn yelled at him.

"Yeah! Stop messing around!" Killua snapped.

"Messing around? It's the other way around. If I hadn't opened fire, the four of you would have been attacked." He stated.

"By what? That stupid ant you shot?"

"Huh?" I glanced at the ground to find dozens of dead ants. The head on one of them jumped onto Killua's leg and climbed up on it. I cringed and shuddered with disgust.

"What is this?" The silver-haired boy tried to pick it up.

"You fool!" The man yelled, knocking him down. He took off his cap and smacked it away from his knee. He grabbed his gun and got rid of it by shooting it.

"That was no ordinary ant. It's a Chimera Ant." He stated.

"A Chimera Ant?" Lynn repeated.

"An extremely dangerous insect that's both aggressive and carnivorous and that's been designated quarantine level one. They often attack humans. You kids didn't realize it, but you were standing in front of their nest. If I hadn't intervened, a whole army of Chimera Ants would have consumed all of you by now." He explained, and Gon and I gasped.

"I feel like this has happened before." Gon muttered, and the man sighed. He went over to Killua and bent down to his level.

"Calm down. It's not very serious. Use this antiseptic." He gave him a bottle, and I gasped again.

"Huh? You mean that's it? Come on, toughen up!" The clown commented.

"Just shut up and go away already." He said, and it disappeared. Then he stood up and faced us.

"You four should leave as well. Damn it. Now I have to start all over. Well, at least the nest was destroyed." He turned around and started walking away. "Damn it. Now I've got this pointless kill to my credit."

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