Chimera Ant - Chapter 23

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I dragged myself back to the border, still depressed from the fight last night. I didn't bother saying anything as me and my friends felt the same for not helping Kite deal with that Chimera Ant. I thought about its ill-filled aura and how it got me frightened to death upon feeling it.

When we got to the tree, Killua placed the unconscious Gon on the ground and leaned him against it. I cast a sorrowful gaze at the spiky-haired boy, thinking about how he felt when he saw Kite's arm flying. I didn't think I'd seen him so furious my entire life.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I looked back to see my sister with a discouraged face.

"Who knows if Kite had already defeated the ant and survived? Maybe we're just overthinking about last night." She spoke, her voice matching the way she was feeling.

"I don't think he survived! I knew how powerful that ant was, and that he had no chance against it!" I snapped, my eyes watery.

"Look, we can't be certain about its power, and I know that if Kite can defeat every ant we face, he can defeat that ant, too. We're not sure about the outcome." She replied.


"He's alive. That's what I think."

I looked down and tried to get myself to think about the same thing. I wiped my eyes and looked back at Gon, who was still unconscious. Killua took off his shirt and covered him with it. I sat down next to the spiky-haired boy and laid my melancholic eyes on him.

We heard a vehicle approaching, and we saw it traveling to where we were. It drove up, and three people got out. A tall guy with white hair holding a huge pipe, a guy with black hair wearing a black suit, and an old guy with white hair tied into a ponytail.

Wait. Isn't that...Chairman Netero?

"What the hell is this? They're just a bunch of kids who thought this was a game. You got burned real bad. Now, hurry up and go home." The tall guy mocked us.

"Stop it, Morel. That's not nice." The dark-haired guy calmly scolded him, and he growled. "Like you said, they're only children."

The old guy chuckled. "You guys seem depressed. So, was your opponent that powerful?"

Killua softly grunted, and Lynn and I turned to him for an answer. His eyes softened before he answered.

"One of them could use Nen. This was the worst aura I've ever encountered. It's worse than my brother's or Hisoka's. After learning Nen myself, I can tell you guys are incredibly strong. But still, I don't think you're able to defeat him." He solemnly explained.

The guy with black hair fixed his glasses and looked at him with keen eyes.

"People overrate things they can't understand, and that's a perfect answer. Unfortunately, you guys are in a state of panic right now. Get some rest while we take care of it." He stated.

The tall guy who I'd known as Morel laughed. "How is that different from what I said? Come on, Knov."

The dark-haired guy called Knov scoffed at his taunting remark.

"Look, the moment you start thinking about who will win in Nen combat, you will be missing the point. You don't know about the opponent's abilities yet. Any moment of carelessness can turn the whole battle around. Suddenly, having more or less aura than your opponent isn't much of an excuse. The battle can turn quickly in any time. That's the essence of Nen combat." He explained, sounding scornful.

I was still feeling down, but I understood his point.

"No matter what, always fight like you know you're gonna win. That is the spirit of a Nen user. You guys were disqualified the moment you fled from the battle. You're worse than losers."

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