Chimera Ant - Chapter 27

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Lizzy's POV:

I'd been listening to Gon cry for almost an hour, and only a few tears were trickling down my face. I only looked down in utter dejection. I absolutely regretted not using my second ability on Knuckle when I was fighting him last night. It could have been an easy win. Now I was stuck with this damn creature that wouldn't let me use my Nen for 30 days.

Without warning, Gon stood up and screamed loudly, interrupting my thoughts. I turned my head to him, my green eyes looking like sad puppy eyes.

"Okay. I'm over it now. I'm very sure Knuckle and the others will save Kite and bring him back. I have to get a lot stronger, because he's coming back, and I won't disappoint him!" He proclaimed.

I wiped my eyes and stared at him with eyes filled with hope.

"You sure are simple-minded." Spin spoke up, and we turned our attention to her. "You have met Kite way before we did, but we spent more time with him than you have. I would have beaten all of you up if you hadn't stopped moping. Kite wouldn't want to see you like this. I'm certain he's still alive, and I'm absolutely sure he wouldn't want you to have any regrets. The question is what to do now. My answer is that you should choose wisely and find the will to follow through. If you're too weak, then train more. There's enough space in the back of this truck to work out and get moving."

"Yeah. You're right." Gon smiled and began working out. I didn't feel like doing anything at all, so I just watched him do his handstand exercises.

"Hey, Spin. Why do you want to become a Hunter?" He suddenly asked.

"Because I need the money for an enormous debt I owe." She replied, chewing her gum.

"Debt?" I repeated, wondering how much she owed.

"Have any of you heard of the Small-billed Swan?" She asked, and I shook my head.

"No." Gon replied.

"It's a bird species that only live around certain mining areas. It's unknown why they do so, as their food, water, and weather preferences are unknown. No one is able to figure out why that is. I bought the location of the mine, what's left of it specifically. Kite gave me a loan, and he was the only adult who ever listened to me. Stick and I came from that location. We were born there. Every morning, we would witness the beautiful sight of thousands of Small-billed Swans flying into the sunrise. It was the oldest, most vivid memory we have."

I listened carefully to her story with great interest. I wished I was there to see the Small-billed Swans flying at dawn. It would have been amazing if my friends were there with me, as well as Grandma Millie and Miri.

"When we found out the location was planned to become an industrial waste site, we realized how important all of it was to us. Kite told us he didn't have a place to call home, because he didn't know where he was born. He envied Stick and I. Once this mission is over, I promise I'll take the four of you to my hometown. The land which I call my treasure."

I beamed at her offer, which lightened up my mood. I would totally love to go there.

The four of us had arrived back at the hotel. I could feel Palm's ominous aura coming from the inside. I quivered and held onto Gon's arm, whimpering in fear. Oh, God, please let me live another day...

We slowly walked inside the hotel, following the aura coming from the eerie woman. I kept praying in my mind that she wouldn't try to kill us after we lost to Knuckle and Shoot.

When Killua opened the door to the room, there she was, stabbing some doll that looked like Gon. There were a lot of Gon dolls all shredded and stabbed open everywhere. I gasped in horror at the thick atmosphere around us. She turned her head to us, her blood red eyes peering at us in such a creepy and threatening manner. I cowered, tightening my hold on Gon's arm.

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