Chimera Ant - Chapter 32

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Lizzy's POV:

Meleoron took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth before taking out a lighter. He lit up the end and sucked on the stick, and then exhaled a puff of smoke in the air. I made a face when I smelled the smoke. I sighed, my eyes showing displeasure.

"You shouldn't be smoking. I hate it when people smoke around me. It's bad for you and for others around. You'll be having trouble breathing later in life, or something even worse than that." I told him with concern in my tone.

"Yeah. And the smell will stick to you, and people will smell you coming, giving away your position even if you're invisible." Gon added.

Meleoron laughed softly. "I appreciate the warnings, but to be honest, I don't really care much. While my invisibility is sort of a trademark, my real ability is on an entirely different level."

"What?" I said in confusion.

"Here. I'll show you guys."

Gon and I watched Meleoron puff at his cigarette again, and all of a sudden, he completely vanished!

"Huh? Where is he?" I asked, turning my head around to find him.

"I can't sense him at all." Gon replied. "All I can smell is the cigarettes."

I scrunched up my face in disgust. I tried touching the rock where he sat before, but I didn't feel him there. I was so confused. I went to the other rock where I sat with Gon, but he was not there either.

I turned back around and there he was, sitting on the rock he sat before. I yelped at his sudden reappearance.

"Where'd you come from?!" I exclaimed.

"Hmm? I was right here the entire time." The chameleon simply replied, and I choked in shock. "My second ability is called Perfect Plan. By holding my breath, I can 'erase' my presence without people sensing me one bit. You guys were touching me...but your minds didn't realize you were doing it."

"Eh? We really touched you?" Gon asked in disbelief, and I felt like I had done something incredibly wrong and stupid.

He exhaled some more smoke, and I softly groaned. "You know how some guys never get noticed? When you go to a restaurant in a big group, there's always one person that the waitress forgets to bring water. I'm like that, but more extreme. I'm right here, but no one ever notices me."


"I use my ability to turn invisible so I can keep this one a secret and prevent people from knowing about it. Out of everyone in this world, you guys are the only ones who know about this besides me. So let's just keep it this way for now, okay?"

Gon and I gulped, feeling pressured by the fact that only both of us knew about Meleoron's special ability. So I decided to keep my mouth shut about it, for now.

Meleoron started leading us through the forest, and we followed him.

"Why tell us something so important?" Gon asked.

"Well, it's to build trust. Since I'm the one taking a risk...if I can't get you guys to trust me, then we can't start anything at all." He replied.

"You mean how you said we'd be valuable partners, right?"

"Yeah, but let's save that for later."


"Like I said, we have to trust each other first. Once both of you agreed to become my partners, then I'll be happy to tell you everything you want to know."

"Okay, we'll be your partners. Right, Lizzy?" Gon turned to me, taking me aback.

"What?" I exclaimed.

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