13th Hunter Chairman Election - Chapter 40

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We had finally reached the hospital, where there was an empty parking lot and a building constructed for the sole purpose of accommodating the injured Gon and Lizzy waiting for us. Some of our friends stood guard at the area - Knuckle, Palm, Meleoron, Ikalgo, Bisky, Goreinu, and a few butlers. A familiar bald ninja was there and so was a short and stocky woman wearing a hat.

"Anyone inside?" Amane asked one of the butlers.

"Only Tsubone and Canary." He replied.

She drove the car into the building and drove through the hallways and stopped at a corner.

"How's Master Alluka?" She asked as she got out of the car.

"She's still asleep. I'll wait 'till she wakes up." Killua replied, getting out of the car next. I was the last one to get out.

We saw the old woman and the dark-skinned girl standing before us and walked to the door next to them. When we entered through the door, we saw a ventilator that kept our friend alive and breathing. The room was dark and had nothing but the ventilator and a monitor. Killua and I sat down on a bench while the butlers stood next to each end of the bench. Alluka was sleeping on her brother's leg.

Hang on, you guys. Just a few moments before Killua and I save you two.

I looked at the sleeping girl and smiled when Killua's hand stroked her hair. I heard her snore quietly and softly. She had been exhausted from healing Tsubone's hand earlier. I wondered when she would wake up to heal our friends.

"So, we finally made it." Killua started.

"Yeah. After all that we've been through yesterday and this morning. I can't believe it. We'll have our friends back." I replied, looking down at my lap hopefully.

"Right. And we'll make them sorry for twisting our arms with their reckless decisions."

I hummed in agreement. The ventilator noises made my arms shake a bit. But by looking at Alluka's peaceful face, I calmed down. One thing concerned me though. Tsubone was watching us, which meant Illumi and the rest of his family had to be watching as well. They could see Alluka's every move and could possibly hear every word we said to her. I didn't like being watched, especially on live video. Killua's family was rich, so they could afford any technology they needed. They could watch me for as long as they liked. They could tell if I was a good or bad influence to Killua. They could gather information on my abilities, strengths and weaknesses, and my personal life, and use those to their advantage.

I stayed silent for a half hour, pondering about what I would say to Lizzy after she recovered from her coma. It was true that I was going a bit too far on explaining why she couldn't help us take out Pitou's puppets back when we were in East Gorteau, and I knew it was my fault she ended up in the condition she was in right now. I kept worrying and worrying about her when she went missing in the palace and never expected her to give it her all on defeating Pouf and the King. Pouf ended up dead, but the King survived, and from what I heard from Palm and Ikalgo, later died from some kind of poison. I wasn't proud of her achievement, and what it cost her was all of her Nen. She put herself in a burden, and I didn't know how much longer that burden could keep her alive. I needed Nanika to save her so I could express my regretful words to her and mend my relationship with her.

My eyes landed on the dark-haired girl as soon as she started shuffling around. She sat up and rubbed her eyes before turning to Killua.

"Ah, hi, big brother." She said wearily.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" He asked.

"Uh-huh." She replied and looked around the room. "Where are we?"

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