Greed Island - Chapter 14

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The eight of us stood in the court while the rest of Tsezguerra's team stood outside. Razor stood at the other side with his team. We were about to get down to the dodgeball game.

"Here are the rules. The game starts with seven players on the court and one out. The first team with no players in court loses. Any player who gets hit with the ball is out and must go outside. However, you may bring one player inside the court again by saying 'Back.' And if the ball lands outside the court where there aren't any players, the opposing team gets the ball." Razor explained.

I continued listening as he explained more of the rules.

"Now, the important stuff. We'll use the cushion rule, when ricochets are live until they land. For example, if I throw the ball and it hits opposing player A, ricochets, and hits opposing player B before hitting the floor, both A and B are out. But if player B in that scenario is able to catch the ball, player A is safe. Exactly. But if I throw the ball and it hits opposing player A, ricochets, and hits my own teammate, player C, before hitting the floor, only player C is out, not A. Then if player C catches the ball, does that mean player A is out? That's right."

I noticed Gon's ears emitting smoke from hearing that much information. That boy would never learn easily...

"Any questions?" Razor spoke.

"If an outside player hits someone with the ball, are they out?" Killua asked.

"Naturally, they're out. Now that you mention it, only one player can return to the court using Back." He passed the ball to a creature with the number 0.

"I am number 0, the ref. It's nice to meet you." It introduced itself. "We will now begin the match."

Goreinu stepped outside the court so that we could start with seven players inside. The referee held the ball in between Killua and a creature with the number 6.

"Ready...Go!" It threw the ball in the air, and Killua jumped up.

"You can have the first shot." Razor said.

The boy passed the ball to me, and I caught it. I looked at Razor, who just stood there smiling to himself.

"Give it all you got. I won't hold back." He hummed.

I threw the ball at one of his teammates, number 4, eliminating it. Goreinu got the ball and threw it back to me.

"This will be easy." I smirked before throwing the ball again, this time hitting number 5.

"That's two down!" One of the men outside the court shouted.

"Way to go, Lynn!" Killua stepped up to me and we both gave each other a high-five.

Goreinu passed the ball to me again. I heard Razor snickering, clearly amused about something.

"Well, well. This is about to get good." He remarked.

I focused all of my aura in the ball and threw it with everything I got at Razor. He extended one arm out and caught it, much to my disbelief.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"He caught it with only one hand!" Goreinu sure sounds shocked.

"It's time to launch the counterattack." Razor smirked and focused his aura in the ball before throwing it very hard.

Oh shit!

I covered my face with both of my arms and focused some of my aura in them and the rest in my legs. To be specific, 75 percent in my arms and the other 25 in my legs. As soon as the ball hit them, it ricocheted and then hit number 3. My arms began hurting badly, but the pain was not too severe.

A Twist to Our Futures (Killua X OCs X Gon)Where stories live. Discover now