13th Hunter Chairman Election - Chapter 42

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Killua, Alluka, and I had met up with Gon and Lizzy and we were walking up a mountain to get to the World Tree, where Gon's father Ging would be waiting for him at the top. Lizzy raced up the mountain and reached the summit first, and Gon got there after her. When I got to them, I took in a gasp of awe when I saw the extraordinarily lofty tree standing at a distance.

"Wow! Look at that tree!" Lizzy exclaimed, her voice cheerful as her character.

"This is it. The tallest tree in the world!" Killua remarked, and all five of us took in the awesome view of the World Tree, big, cheerful smiles gracing our faces. I had never seen anything like it. The tree stood out in a way I saw visually striking. It was so tall that it could be seen from miles away.

When we got to the city surrounding it, a tour guide explained everything about the tree while we looked around the city. It measured 1,784 meters, making it taller than any man-made structure in the world. Climbing it was not forbidden, but one had to pay a fee and sign a written agreement. One could reach the 500-meter point by stairs or elevator, but after that, they would be risking their life. That was all the information we heard before ignoring him and exploring the city some more.

Killua bought some bite-sized doughnuts and shared them with Alluka. Lizzy asked if he would give some to her, and being the selfish one he was, he wouldn't, making her whine in protest. It had been a long time since I last heard her cry like a baby. She never changed after all the trauma we had been through.

We got a kid to take a photograph of all of us, with the tree visible in the background. We strolled around the city and viewed all of the buildings, completely ignoring the tour guide as he continued explaining about the tree.

When we approached the gate to the World Tree, Gon stopped in front of us, and we did as well.

"So, this is as far as we're going." Killua said, grinning at him.

"Right." He nodded.

"You try to be careful, alright? Don't keep your dad waiting for too long, or else he'll leave you again." I added in a whimsical tone, and he laughed softly.

"Killua, Lynn, Lizzy. Thanks a lot for everything!" He said, and I let out a giggle while Killua had a pink tint on his cheeks.

"Yeah. Well, the truth is, after you told us you were gonna defeat Pitou alone, and that it was none of our business, we got very depressed!" Killua replied, putting a lot more emphasis on the word 'depressed' and making Gon groan with guilt.

"I'm really sorry..." He said weakly.

"Big brother!" Alluka yelled at him, and he only chuckled and showed her a cat face.

I crossed my arms over my chest and closed my eyes. "I have to say, you were a pain in the ass after you lost control when Kite lost his arm in the battle with Pitou. You hurt my feelings and hurt Lizzy's feelings by your harsh words when you encountered Pitou again in the palace. I held back my urge to punch the shit out of you with everything I got and despised you for being selfish."

Gon looked like he was about to pass out from hearing my pissed off tone, and I opened my eyes to show him my cold ones. "You apologized to Lizzy, didn't you?"

"Uh-uh-huh." He gave a weak nod.

"Good. Now apologize to me or I'll kick your ass hard until you cry in pain." I threatened, and he yelped.

"I-I'm sorry, L-Lynn! I-I'm really sorry!" He stuttered his apology, bowing down rapidly many times.

"Lynn!" Alluka and Lizzy yelled in unison, and I turned my head to face my sister.

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