Chimera Ant - Chapter 20

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We were now driving to the place where we could find the Chimera Ant Queen. I took a look around the dry and rocky land while Kite and the others spoke.

"It's been days. No, it's been months since it last rained here. The weather has been so unstable this year. It's possible that it's even affecting the wildlife in some way, though it's hard to say just yet." Kite explained.

"So the insect with the large leg could be a mutation influenced by these conditions." Spin claimed.

"But why would it have grown that big?" Banana asked.

"In order to survive more easily? It would have a better chance of securing its food if it were bigger." Mon stated.

"That's true, but it would need more. It may be larger, but that doesn't always assist in survival. One thing is environment, but I think this is related to the Chimera Ant's nature." Banana explained.

"I agree. They do reproduce in a unique way that isn't found in any other organism." Spin replied.

"How?" Gon asked.

"They reproduce through a special process called phagogenesis." Kite stated.

"Phago-what?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"What does it mean?" Killua asked.

"A Chimera Ant Queen eats other creatures, and then it can impart characteristics of those ingested creatures on to the next generation. In other words, consuming various species allows her to pass on a mix of all kinds of different genes to her offspring. She can lay up to five eggs with each meal. The first generation of births are completely infertile, so they become worker or soldier ants. They live in service to the Queen, as well as her eventual successors. Those successors become the next king and queen of the next generation. The Queen is always looking to consume genes of strong organisms. This allows her to pass down their traits to her offspring, and she may feed until her preferred fodder species is driven to extinction."

"Extinction? Really?" Gon commented.

"Yes. She has a voracious appetite, and it can drive her to consume her own body weight many times in a single day. That's why Chimera Ants are under a designated quarantine, level one." Spin added.

"So, if she sees you, you're finished. Judging from the size of that claw, she must be at least 2 meters long. That's enough for her to eat a human easily." Killua asserted, and they all groaned with anxiety.

"Yes, you're right about that." Kite replied.

"And if she eats a human, her offspring will be more intelligent than offspring born from the wild animals she eats. By choosing to eat more humans, she can produce ants that have the same knowledge capacity as them, and she will continue devouring them until she has wiped out humanity." Lynn concluded, making me gulp nervously.

This would be one heck of a thrilling adventure.

We had arrived at the coastal city, and we were now standing on a boardwalk with two other people.

"Meet Gon, Killua, Lynn, and Lizzy. I mentioned them on the phone." Kite introduced us to them.

"Hello there. My name is Lin Koshi. Nice to meet you." The short man wearing glasses introduced himself.

"And my name is Podungo Lapoy. I'm happy to have you all on board." The short woman with dark skin and silver hair smiled.

"Glad to be here, Mr. Lin, and you, too, Ms. Podungo." Gon replied.

"It's nice to meet you both." I bowed down and smiled.

"Same here." Lynn added.

"Likewise." Killua said.

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